Underdog Log Vapes


Great Scott!
I'm not really sure at home. I've been using the Jester at home and the proto-twig in the car. In my car with whatever my car puts out, I can vape in 5-7 min I'd say. Bigger clouds and WAY darker abv.


Slightly Stoopid
Wow, that is great. My Purple Pint is a little thicker than my UberTwigs so that may be the difference in heat up time. I am really digging the new core!


shade-tree vapor engineer
thanks dave, i can breathe easier now knowing that i can use the silicone to help me turn the roast chicken in the oven! :tup:

Glad to be of assistance and hope your Underdog Roast Chicken turns out well.. :lmao:
Nice to see Joe's custom plug cup holder contraption haha. If he gets the heat up time I get with my new twig then I doubt he will be leaving it plugged in if his cars output is as high as mine lol. 1-3 hits and I can completely extract all the goods and have blackish ABV that still hasn't quite combusted. To lower the temp I simply slide the screen back more.
Honestly heat up time isn't a huge deal for me I'll be happy either way. I don't think the extra 1 1/2in of wood will make it THAT much cooler but no big deal if it does. Also I already lost my screen to the new stem you gave me! Blew it out the window along with my cashed bud the last time I used my birthday vape. Cant wait for that vape though! So happy to be done with my solo and no offense to anyone who still uses it but I am so done with that vape being my daily driver... Underdogs driving now!


Well-Known Member
This is one of those auto counting change jars that they sell all over the place. I have a collection of change in this one below. How much do you think is in it in american dollars? Good luck to everyone! Thanks!

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I think I might be too late to enter sadly, but my guess would be about $44. I counted up my change jar yesterday, which was almost half this size and it had $20 worth of coins. I had a lot of quarters though. :uhoh:


Well-Known Member
I didn't think it was possible... but I've come to love my UD even more. yesterday I remembered I still have a bubbler I once macgyvered for my PD, made from a beer bottle.
the day before yesterday I threw some VG-resin in my hashstem, this is the stuff that collects under the screen in my VG. composed of vaperesn and small stuff that fell through the screen, it looks like a darkbrown powdery substance, you can push it together and if you press enough and warm it enough woth your fingers it will stick together better, but it still comes apart easily, sticking more to your fingers then itself.
turns out this lasts forever, that stem I filled the day before yesterday is still giving big clouds
only thing is I don't notice that mucheffect from it except dry mouth.

well I fixed and slightly improved that beerbottlebubbler, yesterday I vapd that VG-res trough it, and just now I tried it with some (lowquality) weed and the other silicone stem wich screen is still in the position I received it at
and I'm getting nice big waterfiltered hits with this set-up:)
never been much of a bongsmoker so I don;t have a proper bong or so, but this beerbottlebubbler works well, and has a nice 'pling'-sound together with the typical bubbling


Well-Known Member
Wow, thats generous of you Dave, thats great for the winner!

Heres how im going to do this. Today is March 10th. Im going to run this contest for two weeks. This puts the final date to enter as March 24th. That will give the winner almost a full month to order their unit and hopefully get it before 420!

To enter...

1. you must plan to buy a unit. I dont want this discount to go unused. Dave was kind enough to run the contest in the fall to prospective buyers. I got busy with school and life and was unable to use the code. The goal is to get a sale for Dave.

2. Post your answer in this thread. One entry per person.

3. The closest guess to the correct answer will get the code!

This is one of those auto counting change jars that they sell all over the place. I have a collection of change in this one below. How much do you think is in it in american dollars? Good luck to everyone! Thanks!

Uploaded with ImageShack.us

Thanks for all the entries. I contracted an illness over the weekend and im just getting on here. Sorry about that, everyone.

AbysmalVapor won the contest! His first guess the day I posted it was surprisingly accurate.

There ended up being $55.87 in there!

Congrats, I will email dave to relay the message. Hope you pick a nice one AV. Post up when you get it
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here for the chicks
Haha, so even though Aby won he also finally has to pay for a UD for the first time? Ironic, lol

Congrats dude! I think this one was going to the misses?

Glad you're having fun with your UD Djonko, I'm doing my best to spread a few more pups around our little town. Perhaps they can play in the park together some time :rofl:

I picked up a really nice hash today and have tried it in the UD for the first this evening, but I wasn't to impressed and ended up torching my screen-wrapped-hash-thing in my steamroller. I've never really had a good hash-vaping expreience with any of my vapes yet so far though, so it's probably me.

I really recommend getting a proper bong if you like your beer bottle bong (I never was much of a bong smoker myself, but I had one of those a long time ago, haha) already btw. I never vape without water anymore myself.

Abysmal Vapor

Supersniffer 2000 - robot fart detection device
I should make a hazard gaming team with J.R.R . I am sure we going we will have 90% win..
I was a bit back since he won the stem contest.. but we came equal with this one ...
Funny thing is that everything i've won on this forum is related to the UD.. :) I guess my gf is right that sending love and other positive emotions can result in nothing but an echo of the same .. Thx for the contest caseball2051 i am surely going to use the code.. My gf creeps on my UD.. almost all of the time.. we are in need of more than one for sure...(She always liked vaporizers but never wanted to own one before she fell in love with the UDs.. )
+ These days all my vape related thoughts are concentrated on cool UD designs,new lathe styles + wood types we haven't seen yet.. Also i have high hopes in the alternative materials that can be used in the future UDs. +
Maybe revival of the 1/4 core or some new UD who doesn't suffers agoraphobia.. for portable use .
Cheers !!!
Have to note that i just got a brand new SV 2 few days ago (also result of a contest money LOL) ..
It is fun to play with and for sure will be great as portable.. but if i have a warm UD and a single Bud.. I won't think of using any other vape i tried till now. I will get more fog,better taste,better extraction = better high..
I am currently looking into spiral forms
Abysmal Vapor,


Well-Known Member
weird that hash doesn't work for you. I have a silicone stem in wich put the screen higher, so it touches the heatport when inserted(the edges). throw a little piece of hash in it, take a few piffs to warm it up so it gets soft, then poke at it with a metal rod/stick so it's pushed into little bits
after it's broken up more it really starts giving off vapor, before that it's not so much
inhaling slower also helps
still gives of thinner hits as the thickest hits of the stem with weed, but the hash keeps on giving the same steady hits much longer
but with the VG-resin I ddn't even have to push it apart to get thick vapor
what hash did you get btw?
I've also vaped plenty of hash trough my VG, it does clog up the screen pretty quickly but works very well, in my VG I employ a similar technique, screen close to the top of the bowl and pushing the hash out into smaller hits after the first few hits. took me also a while t get used to it/master it, at first I would sometimes vape it but other times still just burn it in a pipe(loading small one-hit pieces), but eventually there were often times where I wanted to vape since I like the vaping experience better, and eventually I only vaped it

would be funny if it would become the underdogcapital around here:D
amd how would you want to get electricity in the park? there are plugs in the prinsentuin, but I don't know if you can get power on those of you don't have a boat lying there. and it's dangerously close to the water(I'm carefull with water since one half of my grinder rolled into the canal/gracht)

already thinking for a while I should get a bong some time but still hasn't happened yet, they are pretty expensive and I probably wouldn't use it all the time, directdraw still has it's benefits too(for example, in the case of the UD, I can keep watching at the tv-screen while hitting, but with my beerbottlebubbler it takes up more attention)

Abysmal Vapor

Supersniffer 2000 - robot fart detection device
Hey OTA can i suggest herb+hash blended together in your grinder.. The only thing that can stop you from vaping hash is the lack of airflow trough it.
Abysmal Vapor,


Well-Known Member
personally I don't enjoy mixing the 2 unless it's in a joint.
vaping together will make the hash go for a long time, when the weed is already done and you'll get a nasty ABV-taste while there's still plenty of the hash left.
in a pipe the hash keeps on burning pretty hot and you get hot, harsh smoke with ashtaste from the already burned weed

Abysmal Vapor

Supersniffer 2000 - robot fart detection device
Well.. i never got scorched abv taste with my UD.. so i don't see a problem mixing them :)..
Anyway you can mix hash with more temp resistant herbs than the MJ . IME damiana,lotus,wild dagga,intoxicating mint.. will do the job. They never get as dark/brown as weed when tossed in the dog.
Another thing i do with oils and hashes is to put some herb 1/3 in the stem and then add a second screen over the herb and drob the concentrate onto the top screen . It will vaporize mostly and the left will be melted down into the herb.After load stops producing vapor you remove the top screen give it a stir and get few more big ass clouds :p, it is all about the screen position . Hash need more temp so it gets infront line , backed by the herb which is far enough not to get the "nasty abv taste"
Abysmal Vapor,


shade-tree vapor engineer
Hahaha congrats on winning the latest contest Abysmal.. you should play the lottery or something. :bowdown:


here for the chicks
Thanks for the hash tips guys. I did mix it with weed in my SSV back when I still had it and got a nice taste of it. But like Djonko said the weed is spend way before the hash and especially with my hot dog @ 13,8V not only the taste gets really bad if you keep puffing on black ABV, but there's also serious risk of combustion when you overdo it.

You guys are tempting me to try again though. I'll prep a stem like Djonko described this time and stick to 12V since that's what he must have used.

How long do you guys leave the stem in at a max? I think I've done 10 to 15 minutes when I was so spaced I forgot I hadn't finished a bowl at one time, but with a hash stem I would rather be able to leave it in for hours. Anyone knows what this would do to the silicon besides making it fit looser?

Oh, I'm not sure how it was spelled, but the hash I got is called Hija or something like that Djonko. It smells and looks a lot like Nepal (soapy and black is how I always describe it, lol) and it was the most expensive one they had @ Miami. Don't know much more about it I'm afraid.

I was only joking about the park btw, but who knows, haha. I have been looking a bit at battery packs so those could be an option perhaps. Otherwise we'll just have to bring a car battery and see how long we can make it last :brow:

ps: I think they have some simple cheap glass bongs at Hemphus on the Voorstreek, but if you want a nice one I recommend the one in my sign (click the word favs or Ehle for visual aids). You can have one with a diffused downstem delivered to your door for around 50 bucks. In my experience it's better to spend a little more on something nice right away. I tried the other route first and now have several small useless bongs gathering dust here with a total value of another nice Ehle :(

edit: I just noticed Abysmals tips about mixing it with other herbs, that's something I've never tried before (except chamomile when I had a slightly infected throat a while ago) but am interested in. Do you know where to get some of the things he mentions here locally Djonko? I'm especially interested in Damiana and Dagga.

And another edit..

Vaping hash now :D

I've put my screen right up to the heater port and crumbled up a layer of hash enough to cover the screen and then doubled it. I did get some taste (very citrusy) but not a lot during the first ten hits or so and no visible vapor in my tube at all. So I stirred the together melted layer of hash a couple of times and I do get some small clouds now. It is nice to have something to puff on for a bit, but it doesn't really do a lot for me to be honest. Perhaps it's my tolerance? I usually need big phat high temp clouds before I feel anything. I'll keep at it since I have nothing better to do today, but it probably won't be for too long until my back-pain forces me to thrown in a nice flowery sativa bowl in between hits as well.



combustion fucker
How long do you guys leave the stem in at a max? I think I've done 10 to 15 minutes when I was so spaced I forgot I hadn't finished a bowl at one time, but with a hash stem I would rather be able to leave it in for hours. Anyone knows what this would do to the silicon besides making it fit looser?
I have left the UD silicone stem on my PD @ 14V for hours. I've done this many times and it doesn't seem to affect the silicone.


Well-Known Member
for me it also has been mostly something for in between herbstems so far, but think the day before yesterday when I threw in a small clump of maroc and finished that before loading another herbstem I definatly got effect from it.
but I do inhale very slowly, probably harder to inhale that slowly with a bong in between. I guess you would get bigger clouds at 13,8 volt
when I look into the stem between hashhits I do often see the vapor in the stem, looks pretty cool
I've heard of hija before, think they have(or had) it at multiple shops, I think they also used to have it at sacramento or africa(a friend worked in africa for a while before it got closed)

mixing wth other herbs sounds interesting but I also have no idea where to get those, easiest I can think of is grow them yourselves
I usually don't leave n the stems that long, I'm still a biy used to the PD wich doesn't have a screen in the heatport, I'm no slowly getting used to the fact I can hit it with the UD below the stem but I still don't put it away like that, whenever I take a longer break between hits and don't keep the UD in my hand I taje out the stem and lay it in my tibetan sining bwl(wich has become my stemholder, snd does a good job at it)


here for the chicks
Yay, that's impressive Hazy! I won't worry about it to much then.

Haha, I always hate seeing little mists of vapor like that Djonko. I want it all inside of me :lol:

Growing my own seems like a good idea, but I don't have a garden and my balcony is already filled with other flowers in the summer ;) I'll ask my mom to put some in her herbal garden though, I have some other ones I want to try as well.


Well-Known Member
you can always try to grow it guerilla, if it's possible with weed, it could also be done with other plants. I myself want to try some vegetables guerilla this year, I do have a garden but I think it's a nice experiment


Well-Known Member
thought id pop in & once again exclaim my admiration for my UD. OMG- this critter gives out the most awesome & foggiest vapor I have experienced yet! :freak:
Towards the end of the day/evening when it has been on several hours seems to have it rocking hardcore.
I can pack & milk a tube or 3 in a couple of minutes & be back before anyone knows I went anywhere. :whoa:

I find myself overmedicating cause I'm enjoying the fog soooooooooooo much.

The best word I can think of is
bitchin, just totally bitchin.

Dave, these vapes you are making are truly outstanding. :bowdown: :rockon:

I never want to be without my UD hot ever again, I hate waiting for it to heat up in the morning.


Greetings everyone,
I'd like to introduce you all to Underdog Aromatherapy and our associated products, specifically our vaporizers. We have been making vaporizers since late 2009 / early 2010 but haven't had a web presence until this week so please bear with us as we iron out any wrinkles.

>> Update: for anyone on FC who is interested in purchasing a piece please message/email me so I can give you a discount code for free shipping and some other FC upgrades! <<

Underdog vaporizers are probably best classified as "log" vapes but combine fine-art quality woodworking and a proprietary heating core to bring you a unique vapor experience.

We build each of our vaporizers as one-of-a-kind pieces of functional art by hand here in NorCal.

Features at a glance include:
- highest quality woods
- stainless steel heat core
- beautiful, unique and original pieces of art
- renowned "log" vape efficiency
- simple, reliable design
- organic, sustainable, eco-friendly materials (even our exotics!)
- first rate customer service
- nearly boundless customization options

I could happily go on but as they say "a picture is worth a thousand words".. so, how about a picture?

I invite you to check out our newly launched website at: www.underdogvapes.com
or visit us on facebook at: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Underdog-Aromatherapy/138617099562048

Dave (Underdog)

**edited for update at top**
Those are some of the sweetest looking wooden vaporizers that I've ever seen... seriously, how did you accomplish this feat? I'm impressed.


Slightly Stoopid
thought id pop in & once again exclaim my admiration for my UD. OMG- this critter gives out the most awesome & foggiest vapor I have experienced yet! :freak:
Towards the end of the day/evening when it has been on several hours seems to have it rocking hardcore.
I can pack & milk a tube or 3 in a couple of minutes & be back before anyone knows I went anywhere. :whoa:

I find myself overmedicating cause I'm enjoying the fog soooooooooooo much.

The best word I can think of is
bitchin, just totally bitchin.

Dave, these vapes you are making are truly outstanding. :bowdown: :rockon:

I never want to be without my UD hot ever again, I hate waiting for it to heat up in the morning.

Thats how it starts Dorkus. Then you have four and another on the way :cool:
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