Cool, but that would mean it would be designed for one particular dog and not be usable with all the other ones you're going to win in the future, right?
Anyways, it's here
Like everyone always says when they receive a new vape; it's even smaller than I expected!

It's about a cm wider them my Solo and about 3/4 of it's height, for the ones to whom that means anything.
It is also even prettier than it looked in the pictures. I was a little worried it might perhaps look a little mangled from up-close since it is a lost dog, but the finish is so smooth it almost looks like lacquer and the wood grain is simply stunning. Even the leather looks exactly like I wanted it to even though Dave had already put it on before I described it to him. Thanks again man, I haven't tested the car adapter yet but it looks like everything got here in one piece. I'll have it strike a few poses for you guys (m/f) as soon as we get some proper daylight over here.
I had to haggle with the mailguy a little because there were some fees and I didn't have any small bills on me so I wanted him to wait so I could run across the street and get some change instead of wait another day to get it from the post-office. Luckily he was willing to wait in his car in exchange for a cigarette, and luckily I had picked up some tax-free cigarettes in Spain last week to give to friends so the deal was down swiftly.
I think I typed long enough now to let the pup warm up and give it it's first of many test-rides, be right back (or not

So glad this 8 day tolerance break is finally over
Ok, gave it a few tries. The first two hits after 30 minutes of warm up time were very disappointing, I could barely get any visible vapor. So I pushed out the screen and put it as close to the heater as possible. I also used about twice as much product before I gave it a second try.
That worked
Fist cloud was not as dense as with my Vapocane but denser than I can get from my Solo unless I really do my best at milking it slowly at a high setting. I tried breathing slower for the next 2 hits which resulted in thinner hits every time. I thought my 0,075ish gram was spend already and tried a 4th fast pull just for the heck of it before dumping the ABV. That was fun, I got another huge cloud to my surprise.
After that I could get two to three more thinner clouds and then the bowl seemed spend.
The ABV now looks a 50/50 medium brown and green bits, so I guess I need to mix it up and throw it back in to give it another try since this is by no means spend in my opinion. Like I said Dave, I want it as close to black as I can get it
I need to eat something first though, so I'll get back to you guys later on.
There is one thing I haven't mentioned though, which is the taste. To my disappointment I have to say that at this point I really, really don't care for it.
Even though my taste-buds aren't at their best right now due to this cold I picked up I can clearly taste wood. I taste more wood then weed, and at one point I thought I even tasted either glue or silicone.
Is there a burn-off period of some kind, and did anyone else experience this as well? I'll leave it on while I fix myself some diner and try again in an hour or so but I do hope it goes away either soon or eventually.