Underdog Log Vapes


Ok, both the grav labs bubbler and the aqua vape cost 53 including shipping, so
I'm still torn between those two.


Great Scott!
It's your call. Let me tell you a story about why I love my aquavape. JoeFinny who posted here came to pick me up and we were going to vape on the way to the movies. He brought his UD and a stem, and I brought my aquavape. We each had our own stem and shared the UD. I was able to walk around my house for half an hour with my FILLED aqua vape in my pocket without so much as a drop of moisture. I managed to get from my house to the movies without losing a drop of liquid. Bubblers are cool, but spill proof is something I appreciate quite a bit.

If you are only using it at home then it would be 100% preference, but the aqua vape gets the job done, and it does it with ease.


Darkrom, has your aqua vape ever broken? I read the whole aqua vape thread, and I saw a couple of comments about the inside tube breaking, and about it being hard to clean.


shade-tree vapor engineer
barca14 said:
Darkrom, has your aqua vape ever broken? I read the whole aqua vape thread, and I saw a couple of comments about the inside tube breaking, and about it being hard to clean.

I'm not darkrom but I have two AVs and neither have broken.. but I'm pretty easy on them so that might not mean much. I do find them to be a pain to clean but not exactly difficult.


Hey there!

AV is easy to clean if you do it frequently. And buy gross salt!
"sniff" some salt from one side of your AV, then "sniff "some salt from the other...hot water...shake...hot water...rinse.Clean as a new born!
Never broke mine and it has travelled quite a bit!!! I've seen people braking theirs in 2 days. It's glass remember!

Back to the topic:
I OWE THE PACK A FULL REVIEW... I swear I will do it pretty soon! ;) My associates are really happy with their UD, needless to say me too!

We now have a pretty nice little EU pack here! Ready to send some puppies all around the continent! :cool:


here for the chicks
Don't ship anything to NL until I receive mine please, I want to be the first UD owner here :lol:


errl enthusiast
so far to my knowledge, the consensus is that UDs and CRZs run at similar temps, and have similar heat retentions, the main difference between the two is airflow. either choice is a good one :2c:


Dab Trotter
My Claro Walnut Burl twig arrived and I grabbed it from the mailbox 10 minutes ago! Turning her on right now I'll have some photos and impressions later tonight!


my buddy who i sent my UD to has a package waiting for him at the post office. he said he is not expecting anything. could it be?? My dog is here? I only paid for it a week ago. That is super fast if it is it!

I have a question for ya U.Dog and PD owners.

I heard that the AC power adapter for the PD will work with the UD, does that also mean the car adapter will work too right? I would assume it would, but I would be so sad if I killed my UD before I could even use it by something like that.

It should be fine right?


shade-tree vapor engineer
weedemon said:
my buddy who i sent my UD to has a package waiting for him at the post office. he said he is not expecting anything. could it be?? My dog is here? I only paid for it a week ago. That is super fast if it is it!

I have a question for ya U.Dog and PD owners.

I heard that the AC power adapter for the PD will work with the UD, does that also mean the car adapter will work too right? I would assume it would, but I would be so sad if I killed my UD before I could even use it by something like that.

It should be fine right?

Awesome, that is some fast shipping all the way up to you! The car adapter should work fine but just keep in mind if the engine is running it will probably be delivering considerably more voltage than 12v.. more like 13.5v on many cars. So you don't want to let it run at that temp for hours on end as it's just too hot and is unnecessary wear-n-tear on the piece... so use and unplug between uses in the car if it's going to be more than an hour between uses.


ty for the tip UD! :) I wont leave it plugged in for longer than I need to! it's a 2 hour drive down to the city :p


Got my purpleheart twig in the mail today, showed it off to my dad, and warmed it up while driving to my friends house with the car adapter I bought.

I was skeptical if this vapo would live up to the hype, but it does. The airflow? Much more free than I expected. Hits are the same size as the two box vapes I have tried, but I am using half as much bud. No technique required, my friends loved it. They're dumb and can't figure out any of my vapes, except the easy task of inhaling a volcano bag, so this means alot :rolleyes: All you do is suck up the bud with the stem, insert stem, take rips.

My pals and I only used the twig for a few stems so far, but my general idea of my UD is that it is a box vape super compressed into a 3.5" (or 9cm) tall hand-warmer / piece of art.

I will apply underbutter later, I hope it brings out the purple.


shade-tree vapor engineer
@ scottio - awesome dude glad you're enjoying it and thanks for the comparison and letting your friends play with the dog. The underbutter will help keep the wood nice looking but not do much to bring out the purple, if you want to maximize the purple then put the piece in sunlight for a couple days (like in a window sill) and it'll reach it's max purple after just a couple days.. be warned thought that after the initial 2-3 days of sun exposure that more will start to make the purple fade.


Dab Trotter
Claro Walnut Burl twig





and with my 'claimed up sheldon black beaker bottom. need to clean it :lol:



shade-tree vapor engineer
Glad you took that piece Marcellus, it's sooo scarred up and has so much character.. really one of a kind.


here for the chicks
It sure is a beauty! Is that a harder or softer wood Dave?

Just a suggestion, but perhaps it's time for a dedicated oil-rig? :D

ps: every time I see your name it reminds me of Ving Rhames character in Pulp Fiction, I just can't seem to get it out of my head. Perhaps it means I should watch the movie again or something :lol:


shade-tree vapor engineer
OhTheAgony said:
It sure is a beauty! Is that a harder or softer wood Dave?

Walnut is normally a moderately hard wood but the Claro burl is pretty lightweight and relatively soft and prone to movement (random warping and shape changing) so it needs to be taken good care of but works great and sure is pretty huh?


Well-Known Member
Hi everyone. First I want to excuse myself for my lacks in english since it's not my native lenguage. I live and was born in Mexico city.
I've been lurking these forums for a while now and decided it's time to pull the trigger on a vape but in order to do that I need to ask you more experienced vaporists some questions.
I have vaped once in my life with a box style vaporizer and schwag so it wasn't a very good experience and I didn't like it, but I wish to give vaping a second chance since I have a nasty cough with flegm :(
I love glass but it's hard for me to get a hold of it cuz I live in Mexico, I own a Toro inline/13, a Roor .de 7mm, a Toro circ bubbler/ashcatcher and a Toro macro with TI nail and curve. I enjoy smoking decent bong hits and oil.
I'm attracted to log vapes and I think from what I've read that the UD has the better airflow and heat.

Ok, so now on to the questions:

First and most important: Can I order an UD if I live in Mexico?
Do you think an underdog is a good option for me to start vaping?
How good does it perform with glass? I love my glass and I want to keep using it
What do I need to be able to use this vape with my glass pieces?
I think I read that the 3/8 core will provide bigger hits, is this the best core for me? I want thick hits through glass waterpipes.
The vapes on the internet site can be left on 24/7? Or those aren't up yet?
With kind of wood do you recommend for me? Wich one will get hotter and provide the biggest, thickest hits?
I want to buy an AV aswell, Do I need anything extra for it to work with the UD?
And finally...
Are there any discounts I can use for the AV or the UD? I don't wanna sound cheap asking for discounts on my first post but I really want a nice vape cuz the cough is killing me and the economic crisis is pretty hard.

Thanks in advance for helping me in taking my first step to become a vapor user.
Have a nice day everyone :)


Skuma said:
Do you think an underdog is a good option for me to start vaping?
How good does it perform with glass? I love my glass and I want to keep using it
What do I need to be able to use this vape with my glass pieces?
I think I read that the 3/8 core will provide bigger hits, is this the best core for me? I want thick hits through glass waterpipes.
The vapes on the internet site can be left on 24/7? Or those aren't up yet?
With kind of wood do you recommend for me? Wich one will get hotter and provide the biggest, thickest hits?
I want to buy an AV aswell, Do I need anything extra for it to work with the UD?
And finally...
Are there any discounts I can use for the AV or the UD? I don't wanna sound cheap asking for discounts on my first post but I really want a nice vape cuz the cough is killing me and the economic crisis is pretty hard.

Even though i have never used my UD yet, i am sure it is a good one to start with. I have heard from the reviews that the learning curve on this bad dog is practically non existent!

I prefer using my PD though glass, and I only assume the UD will perform even better! I'm sure there are vids of people using their UD with glass on here. here ya go: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UaBzqMVMmV4

yep, you want the bigger heater core too, the wider airpath allows for more to come to ya all at once ;P

best send UD an email really bud! he will take care of you and be best able to provide the answers to most of your questions. :)


Dab Trotter
I'm really liking the twig so far. It looks and feels great to use. The only thing I'm trying to figure out is if there is any way I can get it to run a little hotter cause I've been used to my EQ where I can get the ABV pretty dark, on the UD I can pack a nice little stem (hard to tell how much, haven't measured it) and get 1 really cloudy rip and then another couple medium clouds but the ABV isnt really past a medium brown.

I'm not sure if this one just doesn't get as hot as some of the other twigs, but for these kinda "one hitter" stems (pack about as much or smaller than an eq elbow) the thing is really packing a punch!

I'm just wondering if mine runs a little cooler than maybe gonzo's who says his can get his abv a pretty dark brown.

Sometimes I like those really dark almost smokey rips to get more of a body feeling going, mostly at night going to bed, if the UD can get me those then I wouldn't need to keep this clunker :p

I've left it on since I've gotten it and its looking and hitting really nice! I just wanna see If It can get that last bit out of the abv, maybe a variable voltage supply will help me? or maybe its my outlets, I do live in a fairly old condo in swfl.

anyone got any tips?


MarcellusWiley, how far from the end of the stem is your screen? Screen placement is a big factor in temperature with the UD. Somebody here uses two stems, one with the screen far away and one closer to finish the load. I use my Twig for tiny loads with the bong and the screen is about 3/4" from the end, I'm sure I could combust if I didn't hit it hard enough. Remember you have to push the screen all the way through in order to reposition it, it won't come out the way it went in...
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