darkrom said:There is no silicone taste. Anyone being super fussy (me usually) would say there is a silicone taste if you count the fact that silicone is in your mouth, but silicone in general has essentially no flavor. There is definitely NO silicone vapor/smoke or anything like that and the silicone isn't off gassing. The faintest taste that only the pickiest would notice is the silicone resting on your lips and that is really a stretch.
As far as I am concerned no taste and definitely no gasses coming from it.
Sorry my stem is dirty, just dropped it trying to take the pic. My camera really hates me, but the screen is in there and its a nice stem honestly. Simple and incredibly effective.
He mentioned that he uses a very small unit while at work i thinkstroh said:i wish i could turn the hands of time to next week, but this short wait will only make receiving my underdog that much better
to Dave, this isn't really a question about your product persay, but i remember you mentioning you had a couple pieces that were 2+ years old that you still use regularly, and it got me curious as to what your personal underdog setup looks like, or if you have more than one go to vape.
i just thought it would be neat to see what creation the underdog himself uses!
Abysmal Vapor said:He mentioned that he uses a very small unit while at work i thinkstroh said:i wish i could turn the hands of time to next week, but this short wait will only make receiving my underdog that much better
to Dave, this isn't really a question about your product persay, but i remember you mentioning you had a couple pieces that were 2+ years old that you still use regularly, and it got me curious as to what your personal underdog setup looks like, or if you have more than one go to vape.
i just thought it would be neat to see what creation the underdog himself uses!.. Smth like the cebil twig may be..
Will be very nice to see a shot of an old and used dog..
Abysmal Vapor said:I will puff up a fresh magic hash bowl from sacred wild dinosaur age strain..growing near Thracian shaman temple.. I use this stuff to brake curses and as a bad luck remedy..
Uhh i love top secret prototypes ..
darkrom said:I think it'd be really cool if you take some pics along the way and show off the build from blocks to beauty.
I'm looking at my vape, then back to the wood, then back at the vape in disbelief. I'm hitting it as well. How would you describe the difference between the 1/4 and the 3/8 vapes? I think the 3/8 was a better fit for me if it is just harder hitting. This thing has me take one hit and take a rest to recover and enjoy. Other vapes i'm puffing along all night. I could not be happier with it still. I can't wait to hear other reviews. I'm actually excited for you.
darkrom said:The jester is fantastic.
I was wondering if the 1/4 gives less of a kick in the pants due to the smaller bowl size? Heating up quickly sounds cool, but this thing just floors me.
darkrom said:Absolutely. I use far less than the underdog that any other vape I've used. I thought the solo was the most efficient so far, but the underdog has it beat. I like to tell my friends 1 hit off the Jester = a 12 min session with the solo using double the herb. It's true every time so far give or take a little time/bud but not much. It's the only vape I can hit once every 20 minutes and be high for as long as I want. I have a pretty high tolerance and this has far exceeded any expectations I've ever had really.
sunsett70 said:hey underdog, from your comment "The difference between the two cores is simply that the 1/4" heats up slightly faster and the stems take a smaller load of herb, about 1/2 that of the 3/8" core."
so the size of the vape make a difference to the performance? and if i wanted to conserve, i would order a 1/4" instead of a 3/8"? log vape newbie, sorry if my questions are ignorant.
I love the purple hearth woodunderdog said:Abysmal Vapor said:I will puff up a fresh magic hash bowl from sacred wild dinosaur age strain..growing near Thracian shaman temple.. I use this stuff to brake curses and as a bad luck remedy..
Uhh i love top secret prototypes ..
Excellent! You'd better hit that bowl 2-3 times just to be sure the bad luck is broken.
Just came in out of the shop, here's your pup in all it's re-sawn glory. Not much to look at right now but it'll all come together!
For the curious that's 6 pieces of Purpleheart, 1 piece of White Ash and 3 pieces of Black Walnut.. any or all of which may or may not end up in Abysmal's Underdog.
Alright, back to the shop...
Abysmal Vapor said:And i have a wood question.. Is this real unpainted wood http://www.rodsbot.com/images_maps_cache/3805-map-assoc.jpg >?
This one seems more real.. .. http://image.shutterstock.com/displ...4/stock-photo-green-wood-texture-28533364.jpg
LOL there is even blue one.. Nature got all colors i can imagine i guess..
http://www.bluwood.com/images/blu_house.jpg fungus and mold resistant.. BluWood
" ...protected against the devastating consequences to wood of fungal and termite infestation."
darkrom said:I want a vape made from the wood of truffula trees.