Not silly at all--those trees have mystique. I've seen a whole group of mountain bikers reel it in on the downhill just to stop and admire an individual madrone asserting itself in a mono-culture of Doug fir.
I was a little hesitant because this one is a "shorty", and I didn't know if that would mean anything in terms of performance, but the pictures of that beautiful birdseye pattern sold me. I was particularly intrigued by a little imperfection, some bit of mineral or bacteria in the grain, that looked like a little black flame. In person it's even cooler than I thought, almost like an intentional maker's mark.
Of course, I still don't know if it performs any differently than a standard height, but I don't care--this little thing rips. For over a decade, a Silver Surfer has been my daily driver. I haven't used it in two weeks, since the Underdog arrived--but I have filled a muslin bag with ABV in that time.
I'm psyched about every aspect of this purchase. I ordered it on a Sunday, it shipped that Monday, and it arrived the next day (I'm in Oregon). Even the unboxing--which I usually find an act of marketing manipulation--was a joy. Instead of over-engineered presentation, each component and accessory was carefully, lovingly hand-wrapped. It was like receiving a gift, not buying an iPhone.
And what a gift it is. Not only does it perform well enough to be my new daily driver (I'm sure I'll get back to the SSV eventually, but it will have to share the limelight), but it is miles-away the most aesthetically satisfying vape I own.
I'm also a big fan of La Croix fizzy water, but I though I'd include my own can comparison, just to show my little dog has found a happy home.
Thank you so much for your thoughts on the packaging. We sometimes struggle with the decision to stick with our recycled brown paper packaging, or to go with an engineered, designed, packaging. So far, we've always decided to go with our conscience, as we don't like to create waste whenever possible, and we like the product to speak for itself, not marketing dazzle.

Welcome to the Underdog Pack! I'm glad to hear you're loving your pup.