I found the FAQ vids and all my questions have been answered!
Great narration btw, really clear and easy to understand at a good pace.
Good news! My new pup made it to Vancouver in almost record time!
...except I'm in Ottawa, some 4000km (2500mi) away, and it looks like the package missed the plane that would have made it in time for delivery this morning. Still, it's impressive that it made it into Canada and through customs in under two business days. With any luck I should have it tomorrow.
Been messing around with my new travel vvps and SC2 PDDog. I've found that around 10v is a good spot for daytime SS lite stem hits. Yummy and elevating. Carry on. Cheers!
Yessir! Looking forward to trying out the 3-port model!Awesome.. sounds like the Travel VVPS and the SC2 are meeting your expectations so far then?![]()
You and me both.Yessir! Looking forward to trying out the 3-port model!![]()
Typical.. a Dog always wants to take the scenic route... probably driving across Canada right now with its head stuck out a window lol.
Blackest ABV ever (no ash tho yay). Weird surprise. Awful taste, but can't complain with how baked I am...
It's tricky not to get sucked in by that magic-trick *poof* milking of a bubbler chamber at those borderline temps.
Yessir! Looking forward to trying out the 3-port model!![]()
Helloooooo handsome. Looking forward to getting acquainted after work, thanks again @underdog and @underdogette!
I love the 'eyes' on that piece.![]()
Me too, quirks are always welcome.
Been running the new dog through its paces, it's...very good. Running at 11.2V at the moment (courtesy of the travel VVPS, which is a great little piece of gear), really clean, consistent hits.
We're cashing NonGs and taking names.
Edit: eyes
Nice! I love seeing pics of everyones Dogs in the wild! Happy to hear you're enjoying it so far and that you like the Travel VVPS too. The new power supplies are so new that they haven't made it into too many hands.. and those that they have seem to be too medicated to post or something lol.
and those that they have seem to be too medicated to post or something lol.
Enjoying it is an understatement, haha.
Now that I've had hands-on experience with three different core designs (air core, standard Mk 1 and SC2), I'm kind of floored by how beautifully they all work but also how distinct the experience is. I keep thinking about guitars. My walnut air core reminds me of a Telecaster, with an edgy bite at the beginning of the hit; my girlfriend's standard core is more of a Strat, rounded out but still bright and smoothly glassy with a definite family resemblance; and the SC2 makes me think of a Les Paul, warm without being muddy, and sustain that doesn't quit. All of them are fully capable of solid gold music once you get to know them, and I might find myself picking up one or another depending on the tone I'm looking for.
(I'm not trying to start a Fender vs Gibson war, put down the pitchforks, let's just all agree that harmonicas are the absolute worst)
That'd be me.
Been running mine thru their paces. Damn it is sweet. No voltage jumping and the knobs feel really nice. Tight action. It's definitely been a little adjustment trying to get used to the 15v plug coming from the 12v one but I've not combusted yet which is all that rly matters.
p.s. Fender!I have a nashville tele myself
Oh my god, @muunch lol this is so funny! Obviously I love it, and since I'll never be able to do this, thank you for sharing your masterpiece. It looks like the 3 way adapter is more solid than the original two way there. Or is that just a mirage?
Can we can this thing Cerberus? You know, like the three headed hound of hades! I would love to spend a day with you and whatever you call your three headed dog.
Still rocking my dog daily, myself. I've found so much use with my UD accessories, too. I've been using my oversized nong with my vapcap, actually. It's pretty chill that I can use my underdog accessories with all three of the Vapes I use these days.
I would love to have that power setup you have going on there, muunchy! I would really love to push my pup up to maybe 12.5 or so with some glass.
@Diggy Smalls
Cerberus sounds so appropriate. Thanks for that!
I have off tomorrow so all are welcome over!
I'll post a lil action vid once I'm off work and may fire up the rosewood to fill my claisen up to max capacity. I was just using x3dogs and x1 carb hole last night for ease. Kinda annoying to lift the claisen with dogs attached to clear it if it's full. I haven't switched back to GonGs yet but may give it a go later, the NonGs have just been really satisfying.
I'd totally recommend even a single version of the new VVPS over a dimmer. You can achieve the same thing, yea, but the VVPS gives a much nicer station and the room you save (I guess not AS MUCH room if you're only running 1 dog at a time) is worth it. I'm not sure if the dimmer jumping voltage was isolated to me, but it's also been solved with the VVPS (even the manual one mounted on the sapele doesn't budge at all) so I'm pretty dang happy. I can see a travel VVPS in my near future.
Thanks again @underdog @underdogette ya'll are the best~
edit: @Diggy Smalls I didn't see what ya said about the claisen at first. the triple is def a bit nicer, but I feel like vapor gets trapped in there more than with the double. Not the biggest deal. I'd probably use only the triple if I bought another plug so I could use it with just 1 dog
This core tube is 3/8" OD. Stems that fit inside the ID are what I was referring to that uses 5/16" tubing. Stems that fit over the OD are limited to our glass stems at this point as there isn't an appropriately sized stainless tubing available for that purpose.
Oh my God I would save up for a multi core dog. I'm serious. There are times I would use it a lot. Have my mom over and we can share a dog a lot easier.
Yeah I plan on doing what you just mentioned @underdog , but I just bought California plane tickets, so that's going to have to wait.Good things come to those who wait?
Try a 12mm x 1mm stainless tube...
10mm ID slides right over 3/8" OD...
https://www.metricexpress.com/?product=Round Tube&metal=Stainless Steel&grade=304/304L&size=12 x 1
@underdog check the video game thread for my opinions on Zelda lol. in short, I looove it. Been waiting so long and it blew away my expectations. I've been playing a lot (probably around 150hrs actual time, a bit of my time logged is probably idle time) and still am really really far from doing everything.
Trying to finish all the fun stuff before beating the story, but it's hands down the best game I've ever played. Zelda is one of, if not my favorite series, and I grew up on it... This one is like a culmination of all the awesomeness since playing Link's Awakening on an OG massive GameBoy I inherited from one of my uncles. Tons of nods/references/easter eggs to other games in the series. The actual meat of the story is a little bit weak (compared to other Zelda games. I think it's much better than most contemporary games that just try way too hard), but I hope it gets fleshed out more in DLC. But from a lore perspective, the little bits of stories you get from dialogue and side-quests (and even translating some of the Gerudo & Sheikah text that's all over the game) are really, really well done.
Good thing is, because of how easy they are to use, the dogs have never left my side while playing lol. With that mouthpiece I rigged into my bubbler it's pretty easy to just tilt my head a bit and hit it... And triple claisen makes double dog so nice with the carb hole for easy clears.
The mention of a multicore is really nice... Got my wheels turning. I was thinking of a way I could multi-dog dry, without having to go thru a dry a waterpipe, and I think multicore dog may be easier for that.
That sounds sweeeeet! I grew up on Zelda too and this one is on my short list of games to play. I sure hope they make a dedicated home console version of the Switch though since I have zero desire to take it with me anywhere and it's silly to pay for a bunch of easily breakable features I don't want lol.
Guilty as chargedThe new power supplies are so new that they haven't made it into too many hands.. and those that they have seem to be too medicated to post or something lol.