Well-Known Member
I can't wait to join the UD family!
This one is so rad!
Edited to add: Happy Underdog birthday month to you Dave and Amanda! None of us would be part of this great community of dog owners if not for you two. Thanks for all you do!
Whelp, after getting myself lost in a sea of beautiful dogs and wavering indecision, the trigger was pulled.. very excited to have a maple b'day pup headed my way!
Even going in limiting myself to the more budget oriented dogs, there was a nice selection of pups and it made for no easy decision.
There aren't many vapes out there I would consider owning more than one of but my dog has been a much loved dd from day one and a mainstay in my tool kit. Getting such a good deal on the b'day pup made it a no brainer. Besides, I need more stems.. or at least that's how I helped sell it to myself
Thank you for the opportunity, Underdog and Underdogette, you guys rock! Happy UD b'day!
You guys have really outdone yourselfs. New stems, ToNG's? I haven't seen this much selection of beatiful vapes in my life!
I love that you brought back some segmented logs. They look great!
EDIT: Is build-to-order gone?
That makes sense, I like that solution a lot. Still get to choose cores sometimes but all the vapes are in one place.
I had to snatch up that big leaf maple burl. It's too incredible looking to pass up. Getting some TonG's too. Always wanted something like that for my logs!
Congrats on 5 years, hoping for many many more to come![]()
There are some really beautiful looking ones available @underdog. Whoever purchases those will be very lucky indeed. Combine that with the plethora of $150-180 birthday specials & you have what we call a dead set winner. That price includes four Armageddon proof stems for fucks sake! Mine has been plugged in since last Thursday & the rosewood caddy/organizer I had made keeps everything organized on the table. So simple & so satisfying.
oh gosh the stainless lite stem is really looking good to me... Might have to pick one up and a pack of screens
Woah, even more options than I thought! I didn't realize until I was messing around with the cart function that you don't ship to Canada by default, I guess I'm sending a contact form haha
what do I need to include in the contact form anyways, do I just start by asking about Canada shipping, or do I need to put my full order in there?
Just send a contact message asking about shipping costs to Canada and Underdogette will take care of you. Alternatively you can send her a message here thru FC.![]()
So, the TonGs... I take it these would be good for use with concentrates?
So is there a particular reason the 14mm TonG's have an SS tip and the 18mm are TI? For the user I can't imagine it matters but I'm just curious about the "behind the scenes" reason for that.
I think those SS lite stems are going to be awesome. I've sung praises of my long SS stem since you first made them but now we have the lite ones for less than half the price? That's just fantastic.
Was set on a nano but after seeing this sale and doing some research on the dog I might have to join the party! I'm all about the wood vapes right now can't get enough.
Was set on a nano but after seeing this sale and doing some research on the dog I might have to join the party! I'm all about the wood vapes right now can't get enough.