Well it happened, I got the dreaded 'rattle' in my B-day Dog. A buddy stopped in with some Christmas cheer last night, Fruit Loops!!!! He always has something special for Christmas. I noticed the rattle when I handed him the Dog. I didn't worry about it last night, but this morning I grabbed the heater with some forceps and it barely wiggled up and down. I just pushed down on the retaining clip a little and the rattle is no more. I hope this was ok to do...

I've been running it for 2 or 3 days at a clip and it's pretty dark around the top of the core. There are two tiny hairline cracks, directly opposite one another around the core, but they aren't even close to open, I think they'll be fine.
I only posted this for informational purposes, thought others might like to know if pushing down the clip is the right thing to do or not. I've been enjoying the Dog immensely for the past few weeks, I've had to conserve like mad to get through Christmas.
Still awaiting news on the Uber Twigs, no big deal if they don't ship before Christmas but I'd love to get a sneak peek before the Holiday Weekend gets here!!! No matter what I wish all a Merry Christmas no matter what holiday if any you might celebrate, CHEERS!!!!!
<I think it's the Fruit Loops talking, but I refuse to edit...
