Underdog Log Vapes


shade-tree vapor engineer
psyshaman said:
Dave, it was the rhook that developed the crack will send you pictures soon.
I hope it has stabilized and won't go any further.
I will put it to the test shortly and leave it on for a few days. Will take some pics before hand to see if it's still growing
It's still hitting like a dream :) I'm quite attached to it!

Alright man cool.. let me know if it changes or anything. If and when you take any pics send them to me too ok?


Great Scott!
I got the tiniest of cracks that IMO is due to the rapid change of climate in Massachusetts. The crack has essentially closed itself back up and NEVER got any worse. It never changed any performance or anything like that. I was worried initially, but honestly I completely forgot about it. I would expect the same will happen to your crack. It has only improved to the point where I really have to look with a fine tooth comb to even locate it anymore.

Dave what would you even do with PD trade ins lol? Fixing them is cool, but now that we've been spoiled by underdogs, who is really going to want a PD (no offense to PD who have been great this whole time) I simply view the Underdog as an improvement in every way. I'd find it a hard argument to make that the PD has even a single advantage over the UD.


Vapor Viking
Darkrom, I'm glad your cracks resealed but im 100% sure these ones are here to stay.
I'm not overly worried as long as it doesn't make the heater core loose or fall apart.

Here is a quick snap of the cracks


Active Member
I have the PD and really enjoy it;

based off of your note and offer of repairs I'm positive my next vape (although not for a few years) will be a UD

Abysmal Vapor

Supersniffer 2000 - robot fart detection device
photokographer said:
I have the PD and really enjoy it;

based off of your note and offer of repairs I'm positive my next vape (although not for a few years) will be a UD
If you can stand the beauty for that long :).. otherwise you will be a UD owner much sooner :)..
Abysmal Vapor,


Great Scott!
psyshaman said:
Darkrom, I'm glad your cracks resealed but im 100% sure these ones are here to stay.
I'm not overly worried as long as it doesn't make the heater core loose or fall apart.

Here is a quick snap of the cracks

Eeek. Far worse than my crack. Mine was on the side and was 100% cosmetic. I wonder if the one you have now is from it being left on too long with the old core?


shade-tree vapor engineer
psyshaman said:
Darkrom, I'm glad your cracks resealed but im 100% sure these ones are here to stay.
I'm not overly worried as long as it doesn't make the heater core loose or fall apart.

Here is a quick snap of the cracks

Ahh... eeeek indeed (as someone said).

Thanks for the picture, that helps a ton and totally answers the question of what caused the crack. Me.

Long story short Black Walnut cracks (ie splits) easy along the grain and is generally less durable than Ash which is why I don't often use it in the core section of a piece. Anyways when the old cores were pressed in under a 3000lb press it can stress the wood something fierce and the retro fitting process is even more stressful which is why some of the pieces don't make it through retrofitting. Looking at that I'm guessing the crack formed (but didn't open) during retrofitting stresses.

All that being said I doubt it will continue to grow much and short of it breaking literally in half and falling into two pieces shouldn't effect it's usage. If you were a domestic customer I would offer to replace it but not sure if that's the route to go given international shipping expenses but will let you see if it gets worse and decide what's best for you. :peace:


Great Scott!
Hope I get my dog soon. What a shitty season for me. Dump truck that was uncovered shoots rocks all over the front of my car. Windshield will be free, but about 300-400 worth of damage done to the front of the car maybe even $500, but my deductible is $500 and then my damn rates are going to go up. Basically I need to spend $300-500 on my car either way, but if I rely on insurance then it ends up costing me more for years to come. Good thing I pay a few GRAND to them to be covered. 100% not my fault but I end up eating the whole cost. This BLOWS. I am going to be the grinch this year...what a bummer.


Slightly Stoopid
Sorry to hear about the misfortune darkrom, gotta love the system :rolleyes:

Hopefully your dog gets back soon and insurance goes easy on you.


Well it happened, I got the dreaded 'rattle' in my B-day Dog. A buddy stopped in with some Christmas cheer last night, Fruit Loops!!!! He always has something special for Christmas. I noticed the rattle when I handed him the Dog. I didn't worry about it last night, but this morning I grabbed the heater with some forceps and it barely wiggled up and down. I just pushed down on the retaining clip a little and the rattle is no more. I hope this was ok to do... :o I've been running it for 2 or 3 days at a clip and it's pretty dark around the top of the core. There are two tiny hairline cracks, directly opposite one another around the core, but they aren't even close to open, I think they'll be fine.

I only posted this for informational purposes, thought others might like to know if pushing down the clip is the right thing to do or not. I've been enjoying the Dog immensely for the past few weeks, I've had to conserve like mad to get through Christmas.

Still awaiting news on the Uber Twigs, no big deal if they don't ship before Christmas but I'd love to get a sneak peek before the Holiday Weekend gets here!!! No matter what I wish all a Merry Christmas no matter what holiday if any you might celebrate, CHEERS!!!!!
<I think it's the Fruit Loops talking, but I refuse to edit... :p >

Abysmal Vapor

Supersniffer 2000 - robot fart detection device
cluffy said:
Well it happened, I got the dreaded 'rattle' in my B-day Dog. A buddy stopped in with some Christmas cheer last night, Fruit Loops!!!! He always has something special for Christmas. I noticed the rattle when I handed him the Dog. I didn't worry about it last night, but this morning I grabbed the heater with some forceps and it barely wiggled up and down. I just pushed down on the retaining clip a little and the rattle is no more. I hope this was ok to do... :o I've been running it for 2 or 3 days at a clip and it's pretty dark around the top of the core. There are two tiny hairline cracks, directly opposite one another around the core, but they aren't even close to open, I think they'll be fine.

I only posted this for informational purposes, thought others might like to know if pushing down the clip is the right thing to do or not. I've been enjoying the Dog immensely for the past few weeks, I've had to conserve like mad to get through Christmas.

Still awaiting news on the Uber Twigs, no big deal if they don't ship before Christmas but I'd love to get a sneak peek before the Holiday Weekend gets here!!! No matter what I wish all a Merry Christmas no matter what holiday if any you might celebrate, CHEERS!!!!!
<I think it's the Fruit Loops talking, but I refuse to edit... :p >
+ New pieces comming too, i bet there gonna be some true "knock-off your socks pieces"
Abysmal Vapor,


Noob Saibot
ettera owner here. I got the MFLB, but I might want something newer log-wise. Sorry if I know 0% about the UD but heres some Q's.

1. Are the dogs for sale on the site the older core versions? - OR- Will the new core versions be for sale soon?

2. Sup with the twigs? I don't really see them on the site. They look awesome - but will they perform as well as the latest version? And are there any for sale?

Big thanks!

Abysmal Vapor

Supersniffer 2000 - robot fart detection device
sessnet said:
ettera owner here. I got the MFLB, but I might want something newer log-wise. Sorry if I know 0% about the UD but heres some Q's.

1. Are the dogs for sale on the site the older core versions? - OR- Will the new core versions be for sale soon?

2. Sup with the twigs? I don't really see them on the site. They look awesome - but will they perform as well as the latest version? And are there any for sale?

Big thanks!
I think most of vapes that are selling on the site can be retrofitted with new core. I may be in a dellusion but i think Dave said somewhere all the vapes from now on gonna be 24/7, well have in mind that small 1/4 core cannot be retrofitted with 3/8 which is the size of the 24/7 core/.
Twig have the same core too.Made of a solid piece of wood promising fast heat up , and fog on..

All new UDs will be shown here before on site so we on FC have the chance to marry the hottest pieces..
Abysmal Vapor,


Noob Saibot

So if I want to buy one - I should just forget the ones on the site, and just ask here I suppose.


shade-tree vapor engineer
cluffy said:
Well it happened, I got the dreaded 'rattle' in my B-day Dog. A buddy stopped in with some Christmas cheer last night, Fruit Loops!!!! He always has something special for Christmas. I noticed the rattle when I handed him the Dog. I didn't worry about it last night, but this morning I grabbed the heater with some forceps and it barely wiggled up and down. I just pushed down on the retaining clip a little and the rattle is no more. I hope this was ok to do... :o I've been running it for 2 or 3 days at a clip and it's pretty dark around the top of the core. There are two tiny hairline cracks, directly opposite one another around the core, but they aren't even close to open, I think they'll be fine.

I only posted this for informational purposes, thought others might like to know if pushing down the clip is the right thing to do or not. I've been enjoying the Dog immensely for the past few weeks, I've had to conserve like mad to get through Christmas.

Still awaiting news on the Uber Twigs, no big deal if they don't ship before Christmas but I'd love to get a sneak peek before the Holiday Weekend gets here!!! No matter what I wish all a Merry Christmas no matter what holiday if any you might celebrate, CHEERS!!!!!
<I think it's the Fruit Loops talking, but I refuse to edit... :p >

Hey Cluffy, you're spot on with your procedure for securing the core if it's got a little wiggle and should be good to keep you in action. The b-day vapes were the last batch to be made with the old style core and are going to be prone to core loosening problems more so than newer ones especially with moderate to heavy use. Anyways I'd say just use and abuse it, keep the retaining ring pushed down so the core doesn't move too much and enjoy the piece for all it's worth. If it craps out on you I'll get you straightened out again no worries. I'm in mid-production with the uber-Twigs so expect updates soon, I'm waiting until I have a group of them done before posting anything.

sessnet said:
ettera owner here. I got the MFLB, but I might want something newer log-wise. Sorry if I know 0% about the UD but heres some Q's.

1. Are the dogs for sale on the site the older core versions? - OR- Will the new core versions be for sale soon?

2. Sup with the twigs? I don't really see them on the site. They look awesome - but will they perform as well as the latest version? And are there any for sale?

Big thanks!

Abysmal pretty much summed things up in his post but I'll just confirm, the dogs on the site mostly still have the old core but I am retrofitting them to the new one as they are sold. All pieces leaving here now have that new core, except a very few very special cases. The new Twigs aren't on the site yet, I will be posting them here first, probably in the next several days. The Twigs perform as well as their full size counterparts but at the expense of some sturdiness. I see the Twigs as a specialty product which is best suited for people who plan on using them mostly with glass. If you're not planning on using a bong most of the time I suggest a full size piece.

All that being said you have many options: a piece from the site catalog retrofitted with the new core, a soon to be released Twig and also some new full size pieces coming out too. All depends on what appeals to you and what you like. :)


Slightly Stoopid
My problem seems to be that I like them all, lol :ko: You will love the UDs sessnet. I will soon be receiving my fourth member of the pack in the form of a Sycamore Uber Twig :o Can't wait to see the new pieces Dave.


Noob Saibot
I am getting a bong (ordered it a few hours ago). About what Mr. UD said about twigs - that is why I would probably get one.

I've never hooked up a vape to a bong - so I don't know what I am getting into. Have my fingers crossed I didn't waste my money, since I doubt I will be able to combust out the bong (don't like smoke in my house)

This is the bong I got and this is the extra peice I got, to hopefully catch the resin.

Now, I wait 2-3 weeks :/

Abysmal Vapor

Supersniffer 2000 - robot fart detection device
sessnet said:
I am getting a bong (ordered it a few hours ago). About what Mr. UD said about twigs - that is why I would probably get one.

I've never hooked up a vape to a bong - so I don't know what I am getting into. Have my fingers crossed I didn't waste my money, since I doubt I will be able to combust out the bong (don't like smoke in my house)

This is the bong I got and this is the extra peice I got, to hopefully catch the resin.

Now, I wait 2-3 weeks :/
Well thats a lot of percolation :). Some people say the longer the way the vapor travels the less strong is the taste. Anyway the more the precolation the smoother and cooler the vapor would be. UD taste so rich that it cannot be lost even with the sickest percolation IMO. Your piece also has an ice pincher so you can get even cooler vapor :).
Guys it is snowing so much here that you can't see more than 1 meter ahead.. I just filled my 68 cm bong with snow to the top, i and experienced coolest eskimo dogride ever :)..
Abysmal Vapor,


Great Scott!
sessnet said:
I am getting a bong (ordered it a few hours ago). About what Mr. UD said about twigs - that is why I would probably get one.

I've never hooked up a vape to a bong - so I don't know what I am getting into. Have my fingers crossed I didn't waste my money, since I doubt I will be able to combust out the bong (don't like smoke in my house)

This is the bong I got and this is the extra peice I got, to hopefully catch the resin.

Now, I wait 2-3 weeks :/

That setup will work perfectly. The twigs will work nice with a bong, but so will any full size Underdog. Personally if I could only have ONE UD I'd go fullsize if you don't plan on leaving the house. Better suited for 24/7 use I'd guess. That being said I'm waiting on my full size dog to get home and I'll be ordering a twig too.

The eterra to this is like leaping generations forward in log vapes lol. You will REALLY like the underdog if you were happy with an eterra this whole time.

Abysmal Vapor

Supersniffer 2000 - robot fart detection device
darkrom said:
sessnet said:
I am getting a bong (ordered it a few hours ago). About what Mr. UD said about twigs - that is why I would probably get one.

I've never hooked up a vape to a bong - so I don't know what I am getting into. Have my fingers crossed I didn't waste my money, since I doubt I will be able to combust out the bong (don't like smoke in my house)

This is the bong I got and this is the extra peice I got, to hopefully catch the resin.

Now, I wait 2-3 weeks :/

That setup will work perfectly. The twigs will work nice with a bong, but so will any full size Underdog. Personally if I could only have ONE UD I'd go fullsize if you don't plan on leaving the house. Better suited for 24/7 use I'd guess. That being said I'm waiting on my full size dog to get home and I'll be ordering a twig too.

The eterra to this is like leaping generations forward in log vapes lol. You will REALLY like the underdog if you were happy with an eterra this whole time.
Well Ettera have some nice designs innovative designs, even offer a battery pack for the little moxie portable (comes in two version ultralite and classic) ,The moxie classic has a temp control and screenless glass stem unlike any other log vape.. , not the mention the Ettera Tulip which looks pretty advanced to me :). +
UD is very ahead of the first etteras although ,as for being better or worse the current i doubt there are many to tell from experience :).
Abysmal Vapor,


Noob Saibot
I am definitely moving into a new decade (or two) with the vapes. eterra is Soooo 90's.

Thank you guys for checking out the pieces I got. It was sort of a blind shot, and I was super nervous, since I have no clue what I would need to connect the pieces until it's actually in front of me - and I try to connect them.

You guys killed the nervousness I had by saying it will work! :)

Now while I wait 2-3 weeks for everything to come in, I have plenty of time to check out any UD+bong porn I can find, if there is any.

EDIT: Holy FC!! This is awesome - can't believe the cloud! That is nuts. However holding the vape upside-down seems a little uncomforatble, especially since it's weighing down on the glass. I would be scared the break the glass :/

Abysmal Vapor

Supersniffer 2000 - robot fart detection device
sessnet said:
I am definitely moving into a new decade (or two) with the vapes. eterra is Soooo 90's.

Thank you guys for checking out the pieces I got. It was sort of a blind shot, and I was super nervous, since I have no clue what I would need to connect the pieces until it's actually in front of me - and I try to connect them.

You guys killed the nervousness I had by saying it will work! :)

Now while I wait 2-3 weeks for everything to come in, I have plenty of time to check out any UD+bong porn I can find, if there is any.

EDIT: Holy FC!! This is awesome - can't believe the cloud! That is nuts. However holding the vape upside-down seems a little uncomforatble, especially since it's weighing down on the glass. I would be scared the break the glass :/
http://tinypic.com/player.php?v=33dghsz&s=5 ------ Here is my video with a big ass glass piece..
Abysmal Vapor,
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