Well-Known Member
@HellsWindStaff I know you asked for LOCAL essential oil sources, but the one I've used for 30 years now is No Common SCENTS (correcting spelling error) in Yellow Springs, OH. I USED to be local to them but haven't lived in the state for over 25 year now. They have a web presence and are a reliable source of quality oils.
My UnderPup has been working really well. However I have found that I have difficulty vaping enough at one time to deal with the pain. I seem to have this automatic cutoff switch that keeps me well this side of inebriation, which is great when we're talking about booze but perhaps a bit less than helpful when one is trying to medicate pain away, LOL!
This is the theory, anyway, after discussing this with friends. They believe I need to bypass my automatic hall monitor by taking a bigger hit, and the suggestion is that I need to start using the vape with a bong.
Since I just can't bring myself to light things on fire anymore, and this includes with a bong because it STILL tastes like the inside of an industrial smoke stack - and in fact if I've made a couple of draws through the water, if I switch to the vaporizer I STILL get that ashy taste until I dump the water and clean it out. They think that (decades ago when I smoked occasionally) I was just getting bigger hits than I do out of the vape stem.
To give you an idea, it took me a week of steady vaping to get through One Gram of Purple Haze.
So I went out and got a glass bong with 4 aerators and ice thingies. Have not tried it with ice. In fact I knocked it over yesterday and although it didn't spill anything, the draw stem broke off inside the bottom of the bong. Had some fun fishing that out, finally thought to thread it onto a chopstick and ease the broken off stem out that way. I forgot to make sure I got one with a wide base so it wouldn't do that. I guess I'll glue it to an ashtray so that won't happen again, LOL!
I did manage to use it for awhile before I broke the draw stem and I CAN get bigger hits that way. It does make a difference, though I'm sure my technique leaves much to be desired.
So now I guess I have to go learn all about bongs so I can maximize my UnderPuppy.
Child of the 60s that I am, one would think I would be a little more up on pot Accessories - but NOOOOOoooOOooooOOoooOOOOoooo!

So would anyone care to share their Underdog + Bong experience with us to help this not-QUITE-old-enough-to-actually-have-been-a-hippie get good and medicated?
EDIT: That's No Common SCENTS, not sense. Sorry, typo'd a pun, LOL!
My UnderPup has been working really well. However I have found that I have difficulty vaping enough at one time to deal with the pain. I seem to have this automatic cutoff switch that keeps me well this side of inebriation, which is great when we're talking about booze but perhaps a bit less than helpful when one is trying to medicate pain away, LOL!
This is the theory, anyway, after discussing this with friends. They believe I need to bypass my automatic hall monitor by taking a bigger hit, and the suggestion is that I need to start using the vape with a bong.
Since I just can't bring myself to light things on fire anymore, and this includes with a bong because it STILL tastes like the inside of an industrial smoke stack - and in fact if I've made a couple of draws through the water, if I switch to the vaporizer I STILL get that ashy taste until I dump the water and clean it out. They think that (decades ago when I smoked occasionally) I was just getting bigger hits than I do out of the vape stem.
To give you an idea, it took me a week of steady vaping to get through One Gram of Purple Haze.
So I went out and got a glass bong with 4 aerators and ice thingies. Have not tried it with ice. In fact I knocked it over yesterday and although it didn't spill anything, the draw stem broke off inside the bottom of the bong. Had some fun fishing that out, finally thought to thread it onto a chopstick and ease the broken off stem out that way. I forgot to make sure I got one with a wide base so it wouldn't do that. I guess I'll glue it to an ashtray so that won't happen again, LOL!
I did manage to use it for awhile before I broke the draw stem and I CAN get bigger hits that way. It does make a difference, though I'm sure my technique leaves much to be desired.
So now I guess I have to go learn all about bongs so I can maximize my UnderPuppy.
Child of the 60s that I am, one would think I would be a little more up on pot Accessories - but NOOOOOoooOOooooOOoooOOOOoooo!

So would anyone care to share their Underdog + Bong experience with us to help this not-QUITE-old-enough-to-actually-have-been-a-hippie get good and medicated?
EDIT: That's No Common SCENTS, not sense. Sorry, typo'd a pun, LOL!
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