Just occured to me that this vape was the first time I went in the opposite direction of LEDS and complicated electronics etc. I am a tech nerd. I will ALWAYS be a tech nerd, it comes with my job even. But the simplistic design and its hand made elegance won me over... FOUR years ago. Same underdog is still kicking 24/7 heat, currently on aroma duty, and my twig is on 24/7 for vaping.
I was thinking about it and not ONE other product in my entire life has been used so heavily and consistently. I tried the volcano and the vapexhale during this time, but all the others vapes come and go quickly. Portable vapes I seem to change at least yearly (please tell me the mighty will be the one to stay!) but the Underdog just simply isn't leaving. Its really a testament to its perfection for my usage. If I had ANY storage at all in the 1 series, I'd be buying a dedicated car underdog next lol, but those Germans are so focused on just driving properly, that theres no need for storage haha.
Just wanted to say thanks for the years of service

Someday I'll end up with a collection like you dog hoarders in here, but its so hard to justify another just because I have 2 that are flawless and I feel like I'm neglecting the one I'm not using at the time lol. Perhaps someone needs to make an adapter so I can put BOTH dogs into my mobius matrix at once!