Well dudes and dudettes it's just about that time (when the special ends) but we've decided to wait until morning to take it down off the site so any stragglers have a bit more time to get their orders in.
I've got about a half-dozen pieces boxed up and ready to leave here tomorrow with the rest heading out over the next couple days. Some Twigs are still in testing for another day or two so if you requested one of those yours will be one of the last to ship, don't worry though that just means they'll be extra foggy.
A couple of orders for some glass (no vapes just glass) are late going out but I will get them sent tomorrow or Tuesday even if I have to grind them with a nail file by hand, I swear. If you're one of these patient peeps I'll be sure to stuff a few goodies in the package for you for being so, er, well.. patient.
If I've been working on a custom piece for you I'll email you directly tomorrow and let you know how your Pup is doing and when it can be adopted which will be soon since they're pretty much all done at this point.
Lastly for tonight I'm making the finishing touches on the last of the pieces for the refresh I've been working on and will finish them up in the next day or so. Planning on a mid-week refresh, probably Wednesday night, expect to see some really nice pieces in this one.
Alright y'all talk to you tomorrow..
@ Pluot - Hey dude message Underdogette (or me) with your order info and we'll get you a status update on the shipping, etc.
@ PaytonPenn - no group picture this time, it'll be a surprise when people open their boxes.