@ OTA - haha that's a funny story dude, I've been there-done-that as well both with electronics and other things, me thinking I've lost my mind seems to be a fairly common occurrence. Must be old age I guess eh? Glad to hear you got it all straightened out.
@ ll11 - by my crude experimentation it would appear the microstems hold less material than a standard Zap stem and they also have a harder draw. With anything other than a tiny load size these little dudes are painfully restricted. I do think they work nice though for very small, controlled doses and/or for 'taste testing' which is what I use them for. As compared to the 1/4" UD these have a smaller load size and an increased draw resistance over those as well.
@ mvapes - awesome dude if your wife loves your UD then your golden! So what does this nail you speak of look like? Got a picture? Maybe I'll include one in each screen kit if it's something most people would use. Your t-shirt idea has me cracking up.. well and pricing t-shirts..
@ upperlevel - hahaha that's great man! I want to see a picture when you get one. ;-)
@ UpUpandAway - thanks for the purchase UUaA! If I haven't already shipped your package then I should go out on Monday. Not sure about the tubes from Ed's but if they're sized like Zap stem tips then they probably (just) don't fit as they're a tiny bit too big. If you already have a stem from Ed I'm not sure what to tell you, maybe you can use a little piece of silicone as an adapter. If you haven't gotten one yet I'd say ask Ed if he can flair the end of the tip(s) a tiny bit larger when he's making them. We're also selling wooden stems now as well but they haven't been added to the site yet, you can see some examples a "few" pages back on the thread somewhere.
@ mwaves (again lol) - that's a cool little method there dude, thanks for sharing! I should send you a WPB-GonG stem to try out with that glass and see how you like it. Actually I think I have a 'cull' sitting here somewhere if you want to email me I'll send it to you.
Speaking of the new WPB-GonG stems it's come to my attention that these very well might not fit properly on UDs with a classic 3/8" core because the bore hole is too tight, Ooops. If any of you have a classic core and end up wanting to use the WPB-Gs then let me know and I'll have you send the Dog in for a retrofit to the latest style insulated core and you should be good to go.
In other news after finishing up a few little 'odds and ends' projects around here I'll be announcing a few things including a special for next month. Also want to enlist all you Dogs (including future Dogs and wannabe Dogs, etc) in a bit of a brainstorm session to help shape some new pieces I'll be working on. Might also manage to wedge a contest in there somewhere too lol.