Thanks guys, again glad you all like the announcements and the stems!
@ djonk - the stems can use either the thick or thin silicone though all those pictured are with thick. I'm using thin on a walnut stem that I've been using couple months so it's just a matter of preference.
@ Azathoth - thanks man, these silicone tips slide on and off the glass really easy since they only have to go on about 1/2". If you ever have a problem moving the silicone adding a couple drops of water will lube things up and let it easily slide around until dry.
@ Abysmal - awesome man, glad to hear you're digging the new shuttle. One of these days I'll have to arrange to get your custom piece back so I can get it back in service for you. Congrats on the exams I hope you did well and either way at least they're over! Hope all is going well with your court matters as well.
@ stickstones - thanks dude glad you like the stems. I've never seen an HI other than a few pictures so I'm not certain but I think we both use 3/8" OD tubing for the center tube. If that's the case the stems should be interchangeable. I imagine the vegan will be similar to the design of the HI but again without having seen an HI up close can't say how much so. I do plan on using the same 3/8" tubing as the standard Dogs so it'll probably be compatible with the HI. I'm sure someone around here owns both and can chime in with more certainty.
@ darkrom - no prob dude just get in touch when you can. Want to send your computer in as well as the Jester and I can fix them both? lol
@ OTA - good memory dude and thanks for not giving away my R&D 'secret' haha. The glass is held in place by friction, sort of. The mouthpiece end is too fat to fit through the stem so it slides in and stops once fully inserted then the silicone (and friction) keeps it from coming back out. Once you remove the silicone you can easily slide the glass back out for cleaning, reclaiming or replacement if it's broken somehow. Not certain what diameter the XL will use yet, testing different designs still, no final decision on the heating element as yet either but yes it will be more powerful of an element.
@ jackmormon - thanks for the info dude, I'm sure a lot of people including myself appreciate it!
@ HES - Lol! Thanks man, glad you like the new designs.. fortunately for you and your VAS it'll be a while before these are ready for release so you won't have to sell off the house just yet.
Alright guys I have to get to the shop for a bit, be back later..