Underdog Log Vapes


shade-tree vapor engineer
Haha awesome SD.. I was wondering when someone was going to notice that about some of the stems. I have a couple that I use with my bubbler that makes a perfect seal.. cool eh?

Here's the last piece out of the shop today, I think, unless I go back in..

Lignum Vitae (a somewhat atypical non-green color oddly enough)

Looks like there won't be many more pieces done with LV which sucks because it finishes beautifully and really has to be handled to be appreciated.. but it looks as if it is going to permanently stay on the CITES II appendix of restricted imports. No more imports means already expensive prices are going to go higher and higher until all the stocks are depleted. Doh!


so it's been a few days since i got to know my new dog, and I love it. I am not really missing that the other one hit harder anymore. the lasting flavour is a better payoff to me anyways! one thing I am doing different now though is halfway though i find a stirring of the herb, makes for a better extraction for the 2nd half of the stems life.

@OTA, that's cool your stems fits perfectly like that! to make a great seal with mine i used the tiny silicone washer that comes in the screen kit with your unit, and i put that washer over the mouth piece. it fit snug, and then i just press that to the bowl of my bong, and it creates the perfect seal :)

Hi folks. Finally wanted to introduce myself. Been a lurker on FC for a couple of years now. Following these latest threads finally motivated me to register here to say hello, share some experiences, ask some questions.

Weird how I feel like I sort of know some of you already...

well, welcome officially from crossing over from lurker to member! :) I think you are gonna like your new addition to the vape family. imo, the PD and the UD don't belong in the same category of vapes even though both are logs. the difference is just that much. I am so glad to be able to use a dog again.

what dog have you picked?

Daves new glass stems are nice, get some if you are wise :) haha ;) also if you think 6 feet is not enough cable get the extension cord. I got the 15 (also comes in 10 and 30 foot) and it makes life a lot easier! :)

Hagbard Celine

Well-Known Member
well, welcome officially from crossing over from lurker to member! :)

what dog have you picked?

Daves new glass stems are nice, get some if you are wise :)

With a little bit of luck, looking like it will be the Blue Mahoe that posted a few days ago in Dave's post #2778. Just awaiting some final finishing and testing that he's doing to make sure it is all A-OK and then it'll be a done deal.

Definitely going to try a couple of these new glass stems too. How do people feel about the lengths of these new stems? Are they comfortable to use in direct draw?
Hagbard Celine,


Well-Known Member
Haha awesome SD.. I was wondering when someone was going to notice that about some of the stems. I have a couple that I use with my bubbler that makes a perfect seal.. cool eh?

Here's the last piece out of the shop today, I think, unless I go back in..

Lignum Vitae (a somewhat atypical non-green color oddly enough)

That one's beautiful Dave! Did Gonzo just snap that one up already? :lol:

Sorry if I missed the info somewhere---what's the cost going to be on those glass stems? :cool:


I like em for direct draw too!the length is a good legnth. 5 inches and 5 3/4 inch if you include the silicone connector on the end.

but i still prefer water filtration. it removes any particulate that makes it by. it's worth it imo :)

With a little bit of luck, looking like it will be the Blue Mahoe that posted a few days ago in Dave's post #2778.

That one looks like a beauty! very interesting grain on that one. :) I like how small it looks too, but maybe that's just because it's beside a monster in the pic :p


Slightly Stoopid
Sorry Placetime, but I have an addiction. Well...two if you include my medicine :doh: But seriously, I have been talking with Dave for a while about a Lignum Vitae piece because of it's ties to home. I am from the Bahamas and the Lignum Vitae is the National Tree. I always thought it would be awesome to have a UD made of a wood from back home and this along with Sycamore are the two I wanted to have made. I had no choice but to give it a good home. Luckily you guys have many gorgeous UD's to choose from so I think everyone will be OK :lol: Also if you are ever in New Orleans and want to come meet the pack you're more than welcome to :ko: That way some one else can see these beauties in person.

*Edited for typos*


shade-tree vapor engineer
That one's beautiful Dave! Did Gonzo just snap that one up already? :lol:

Sorry if I missed the info somewhere---what's the cost going to be on those glass stems? :cool:

Yeah, it looks like he did indeed snap it up.. lol. :lol:

The glass stems are a simpler design then the previous ones and are going to be $10/ea or 3 for $20. I'm also including one with each UD now. I'll be making an official announcement soon with pictures and whatnot, also adding them to the website.
Just when I get it running right my guys supply went from bright green and fruity to dirt weed. For the same fucking price! I have got to move to a medical state!


Well-Known Member
Hey there everyone!

After 1 week of training, I am super proud to introduce you to the... Dangerous Curves!:
(sorry for the shitty pictures, I only have my laptop and poor lighting ... + I'm kinda high right now : D)


It has a kind of nice scar in the middle of its back, I really love it!


Here with his LB friend. They're matching perfectly IMO: the UD tends to give me a lighter brown abv (EU style?) I can "finish" with the LB when I need to sleep :)



Here are some pictures of my UD's abv



Well I'm very happy of my pup so far ... I'm still keeping a close eye on OTA's journey to fatcloud land though as I may wish for hotter temps ... We'll see :D

Anyway, thank you Dave, great product!
And thanks to lacentralevapeur.com, great service




nice to have you with us okikir! the UD is a fantastic product no? :D

thx for the pics! it is a sexy unit! :) your dog should be a "girl" i think :p love those curves! haha


Well-Known Member
Yeah UD rocks, but I now want to experiment it at full capacity.

@OTA: where did you get your 13,8v PS ?
Hey there everyone!

After 1 week of training, I am super proud to introduce you to the... Dangerous Curves!:
(sorry for the shitty pictures, I only have my laptop and poor lighting ... + I'm kinda high right now : D)


It has a kind of nice scar in the middle of its back, I really love it!


Here with his LB friend. They're matching perfectly IMO: the UD tends to give me a lighter brown abv (EU style?) I can "finish" with the LB when I need to sleep :)



Here are some pictures of my UD's abv



Well I'm very happy of my pup so far ... I'm still keeping a close eye on OTA's journey to fatcloud land though as I may wish for hotter temps ... We'll see :D

Anyway, thank you Dave, great product!
And thanks to lacentralevapeur.com, great service


Are you also comparing the ABV from MFLB to the UD? Or are you just using light when taking the next picture? just wondering because I own a MFLB and didn't think ABV could get that dark from it...


Student of Vapor
just got confirmation that my UD is on it's way! im so excited :D it's suppose to get to my school on monday. i've got a 3-5 page paper to write that night so i'll have to hold off my temptation to use my new pup until i finish that up :tup:
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here for the chicks
Yeah UD rocks, but I now want to experiment it at full capacity.

@OTA: where did you get your 13,8v PS ?

Looks good man :tup:

You're French right? This is the one I got.

I've been using it for only 2 evenings now, but so far I think it's best to not leave it on 13,8V over 4 hours at the time at most, and then give it a half hour break or so on 12V to let it cool down a bit. I've done an 8 hours session and a 6 hours session, and it does get really hot on 13,8V after a while. It needs about 20 minutes or so to get from 12V to supercloud temps on 13,8V btw. More practicing needs to be done but it might take me a while to do it properly. I'm off to Germany for a week tomorrow so I may not post a lot in the next few days.

Gonzo, you're nuts.

Awesome pick up though :tup:


Slightly Stoopid
Yeah you right OTA :ko: I am low on pups ever since The Queen went home with my sister and the Tupelo was retired to the UD Hall of Fame. That LV piece is gonna get a nice new home right next to my bed to take the place of the Queen.


shade-tree vapor engineer
... That LV piece is gonna get a nice new home right next to my bed to take the place of the Queen.

Hope that doesn't lead to a jealous Queen should she ever come back from her tropical vacation. :brow:
I haven't been active in this thread in a very long time and hadn't busted out my Underdog out for a bit, so I decided to take it out of the kennel. At 13v I'm now getting the nice medium brown ABV I want, and the silicone tubing allowed me to vaporize out of all my otherwise mostly useless combustion pieces. Several chillums made great mouthpieces as well, and of course there's the aquavape. The versatility of the silicone stems is one of the UD's unique strength, and of course its cloud pulling ability.

Abysmal Vapor

Supersniffer 2000 - robot fart detection device
I feeling just the same CDS :).. I have much fun with some worked heady chillum moded with a silicon bowl...
It has a real nasty eye and some colorful internal organs around ... just me feel so twisted and happy at the same time :).
Abysmal Vapor,


Well-Known Member
Are you also comparing the ABV from MFLB to the UD? Or are you just using light when taking the next picture? just wondering because I own a MFLB and didn't think ABV could get that dark from it...
What you see on those photos is UD's abv only.
It is lighter than what I can get with a LB.

Anyway I'm not sure I understood your point: basically I think you can get any kind of abv with the launch box, it is just a matter of technique... don't you think so?

@OTA: Thanks a lot for those precious info and advice! I'm in France indeed... I guess I will give this 13.8v PS a try soon, stay tuned :D
Until then, have a good trip :)


shade-tree vapor engineer
Thanks for the pictures and feedback okikir and glad you''re enjoying the Dog.

Thanks also to our European distributor in France: LaCentraleVapeur ! They have a nice selection of UDs and are a great resource to our European pack members, or prospective pack members.

What are the rest of you UDs doing today? Enjoying St Paddy's? I'm working on some pieces and pondering a repair to a PD that was mailed to me - heat damaged wood, melted solder, lose core.. this poor little guy is a mess! I think I can fix him though (cue 6 Million Dollar Man theme). :ninja:


Slightly Stoopid
Kicking back with a warm UD and my new Dirty Rico Bubbler. Watching recorded episodes of "Doomsday Preppers". This show makes me want to but more UD's, lol. Seriously though, if you've never watched the show watch at least one episode. Interesting to see how serious some people take planning for disasters. Makes me feel really unprepared. Oh well... better pack another bowl. Gotta say this new bubbler kicks..... Really impressed with the quality of the Dirty Rico glass.


shade-tree vapor engineer
Sounds like a pretty good evening to me there Gonzo. I've only seen a couple of the Doomsday Preppers episodes but it was kinda entertaining from what I saw.. some of the people more than others lol.

The Dirty Ricos are pretty fancy stuff right, high-end I mean? I'm woefully uninformed when it comes to glass, that's one subject (among many) I don't have time to master.

Alright back to staring at this PD for a bit. :suspicious:


Well-Known Member
UD is warming up for a quick wake&bake on this morning after st. p[atricksday, celebrated it yesterday with friends, we were planning on going to the irish pub but when we arrived in the city we got the message the irish pub was already full, so we just went to our regular bar
celebrated st. patrick with some beer and some green
only downside is I couldn't take my UD to the bar :p altough there are powersockets at one table in the smokersroom, so I may try it some time, but In wouldn't want anything to happe to it


Well-Known Member
A few noob questions for a perfect sunday:

-How much do you load your stems? (compared to LB trench maybe?)
-How many puffs do you get from it?
-Do you leave your stem on the ud while not using it?

I know these questions have already been asked, I'm just wondering if your techniques improved :)

Have a nice day :peace:
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