UK LEGAL PRESCRIPTION CANNABIS PATIENTS - questions, advice, info, strains & experiences, gallery & chat :)


Increase the Peace
Company Rep
If you didn't already know, medical cannabis has been legal in the UK on prescription since November 2018 and while barriers certainly do still exist, more and more people are beginning to access legal cannabis, for a variety of conditions, through one of more than 40 prescribing clinics currently operating across the UK, Jersey, Guernsey and the Isle of Man.

Also, there are now even medical cannabis access schemes available. One such scheme (offered by Mamedica) is for patients who are either veterens or receiving benefits. The scheme charges a one-off, upfront fee of £200 which covers all initial consultations and follow-up clinic appointments, leaving only the cost of the actual medication to be paid for going forward - which could be a great help to those who are eligible.

Maybe this could be a place to share some information, pics and general chat, now that we don't just have to live it vicariously through our American cousins :D

I got my script quite recently, and I've gotta say, although I was optimistic this day would come eventually (it just HAD to, right?!), I was still scared it never would.

Tbf I'm still in shock.

It really is fucking monumental :rockon::love::leaf:

Anyway, here are a couple of (what I think are useful) links - the first, I think explains the current UK legal situation (and then some) quite well - just in case you want to brush up, or if you are not fully aware (as seems to be the case for the majority of the poeple in the country):

Next up is an essential for all things UK medical cannabis - a hive of up to date clinic, strain, price & product related info:

Blessings all!

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Increase the Peace
Company Rep
Great to hear that from you both :tup:
it still blows my mind every month that the postman brings legal weed to my door
I know exactly what you mean. It's an absolute game changer. For me the full impact is yet to be felt and it's exciting just thinking about the various aspects of my life it will touch.

No need to hide away! :wave:
My weedy-wear is gonna be in full effect this summer :cool:




Unfortunately, for myself at least, uk medical cannabis leaves much to be desired. I'm prescribed myself through Integro who have been excellent.

The trouble for me is the quality of the product available. I had to abandon my current batch due to headaches caused by microseeds. However, in researching this I found that uk med bud cannot be cured in the normal way and is instead just dried quickly. Maybe this has some bearing on things affecting me but I'm not sure. Even med bud without visible seeds left me feeling weird in the head or a full blown headache.

I didn't mind the dryness, lack of terps and taste, irradiation or any of that, I was also ecstatic to receive my first prescription deliveries - but sadly having a headache for weeks on end I gave in and stopped using it, then within a day or two the headaches cleared for me.

I wish others more luck with this than myself, medicine should make us better and not cause other problems. Non med bud still does never cause me any issue and I do not usually get headaches ever, it was all very odd and disappointing. Regulation appears to be the killer here, such a shame and I hope things change.


log wrangler
Hi mate. All may not be lost! I see a couple of possible workarouds here. Firstly, you could moisten the weed by putting it in a plastic bag with a piece of (say) orange peel and leave it for a few hour. Then put it through a proper curing process. Alternatively, QUISO it.

Shame to decline all that free (and legal) herb.
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Increase the Peace
Company Rep
I'm sorry to hear that, @Dabberhashery, but I'm pleased you posted your experience.
It would be interesting to know which strains you tried & who grew them if you could let us know?
The two strains I've had so far (Cheese & Bafokeng Choice), both from MG Health (grown in Lesotho, South Africa), are non-irradiated & have been pretty good for me. Admittedly, they are very dry & the terps are not what they should be but, it's not completely lacking & thankfully there's been no seeds. I will get around to posting some pics at some point.
Shame to decline all that free (and legal) herb.
I hear ya but, unfortunately, prescription cannabis isn't free :\

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The Aurora Pedanios ones are fine, I should have just stuck to those. Electric Honeydew, sourdough and farm gas have all been OK, so there are some good ones. Latest ones I can't deal with are from lot420, black cherry punch was terrible but orange cake was not too bad but I think the bcp was the cause of headaches, green karat are also very bad, Grow are terrible even at the £5.50 prices and novelty ones like big narstie are hit and miss.

I just can't keep double buying every month and this medical stuff is full price all the way... I was paying £8.50/g on average and the minimum order amount for 99% of the strains is 10 grams.

This month I treated myself to the black cherry punch as a expensive one to try at £10.50/g, and it's really bad compared to the Aurora Electric Honeydew at £8.50/g.

Edit: the black cherry punch is actually from 420Pharma and the orange cake that is OK (nice orange terps, not too strong effects) is from Lot420
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Well-Known Member
Glass Blower
Ive found the quality in general to be pretty meh. I wouldn't vape anything gamma or beta irradiated myself and that limits options.

I still use the black market as the quality is so much higher (if you know the right people)


Increase the Peace
Company Rep
The Aurora Pedanios ones are fine, I should have just stuck to those. Electric Honeydew, sourdough and farm gas have all been OK, so there are some good ones. Latest ones I can't deal with are from lot420, black cherry punch was terrible but orange cake was not too bad but I think the bcp was the cause of headaches, green karat are also very bad, Grow are terrible even at the £5.50 prices and novelty ones like big narstie are hit and miss.

I just can't keep double buying every month and this medical stuff is full price all the way... I was paying £8.50/g on average and the minimum order amount for 99% of the strains is 10 grams.

This month I treated myself to the black cherry punch as a expensive one to try at £10.50/g, and it's really bad compared to the Aurora Electric Honeydew at £8.50/g.

Edit: the black cherry punch is actually from 420Pharma and the orange cake that is OK (nice orange terps, not too strong effects) is from Lot420

Wow, some of those strains sound like they should be fire, which probably added to your disappointment upon arrival. I have seen 420Pharma products around & will probably avoid them for now so thanks for the heads-up. I can't afford to knowingly take that risk. Yeah, unfortunately, price-wise it's been fairly top-end for me, too, at £9/g for each of these two strains:

I guess my expectations were set relatively low as I already knew of patients who were feeling underwhelmed by their experience but, thankfully, I was quite pleasantly surprised.

@Dabberhashery I'm pleased to hear you've managed to find some which are acceptable but I totally understand your frustration & disappointment at what you've had to go through to get there, & of course, waste your money on.

Hey @davesmith, I tend to agree. I've been happy what I've had so far has been non-irradiated as I'm not sure how I feel about that process (although my gut says 'no') & online research hasn't helped me to reach a conclusion, yet.
Can you remember & share any particular strains or cultivators you've had experience with that you would definitely avoid in the future? Also, have you had anything which has not been sub-par?

Hope everyone is having a nice Easter bank-holiday!

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Increase the Peace
Company Rep
A few Bafokeng Choice pics for you. Happy to say I got some rather frosty buds. The lemoniness from the Super Lemon Haze genetics really comes through on this one, & I like the fact it's crossed with a local to the area, South African landrace strain.




Fairly pleased with this. Now if the price could just drop significantly . . . :love:

Blessings u lot!


log wrangler
Many thanks for starting this thread @VegNVape I haven't come across this info anywhere else.

You mentioned in your first post that Mamedica offer prescriptions to veterans. Do you happen to know if being a vet is enough on it's own or would I still need two previous prescriptions from a GP for a PTSD-type disorder? (You're perfectly entitled to say I should ask them!).

And a second, more general question. How does having a prescription for cannabis affect the legality of one's driving? Because, as I understand it, having almost any detectable level cannabis in one's system will result in a fine and a ban.



The two strains I've had so far (Cheese & Bafokeng Choice), both from MG Health (grown in Lesotho, South Africa), are non-irradiated

From what I've been told it's all irradiated, but to a lower level when it's labelled as non-irradiated 😬 I haven't had this verified though, so hopefully it's not true.


Increase the Peace
Company Rep
Many thanks for starting this thread @VegNVape I haven't come across this info anywhere else.

You mentioned in your first post that Mamedica offer prescriptions to veterans. Do you happen to know if being a vet is enough on it's own or would I still need two previous prescriptions from a GP for a PTSD-type disorder? (You're perfectly entitled to say I should ask them!).

And a second, more general question. How does having a prescription for cannabis affect the legality of one's driving? Because, as I understand it, having almost any detectable level cannabis in one's system will result in a fine and a ban.


Hey @brainiac, thanks for participating :)

I think, even as a veteran, you will still need to have tried two other forms of treatment before a prescription can be written for cannabis. As annoying as it may be, this seems to be standard practice across the board as far as I'm aware. I think it's still worth getting in touch & checking directly with Mamedica, though.

Wrt driving, I believe legal cannabis patients are covered provided they have not exceeded their prescribed amount, and they are not seen doing anything to bring their ability to drive safely into question.

The following driving related guidance is provided on all of the product packaging I have received so far:
"Do not drive while taking this medicine until you know how it affects you. Do not drive if you feel sleepy, dizzy, unable to concentrate or make decisions, or if you have blurred or double vision"

Being sensible when it comes to medication & driving seems obvious but, it's good to see it printed there in black & white.

Basically, I think, as a legal cannabis patient, if you are driving & you are stopped & tested for cannabis by the police with no driving related cause (perhaps just a routine stop & they smell your medicine in the car), provided your THC levels are not beyond your prescribed amount, you should be covered.

Emphasis on 'should'. And tbh it's not something I would like to test as I'm not implying any of this would happen without a great deal of stress & potential upset. Legal cannabis patients have been known to be wrongly arrested initially, so the risk is certainly still there.
I hope everyone is having a wicked 420 weekend! :leaf:

Stay safe FC'ers!



log wrangler
This doesn't look like good news for medical cannabis users who drive in the UK:

Police powers at the roadside
Sadly true. And no one can tell you how long you have to wait, after consuming cannabis, to drive legally. The law is primarily designed to be punative rather that to be of benefit to public or individual safety. Twas ever thus with cannabis!

On a related topic...
Anyone tried the Cancard? No proof of medications needed. But is it a get-out-of-jail-free card?


Increase the Peace
Company Rep
This doesn't look like good news for medical cannabis users who drive in the UK:

Police powers at the roadside
I'm not so sure. The article doesn't even specifically mention cannabis let alone legal medical users. To me it sounds more like it's about punishing irresponsible & careless drink/drug drivers rather than registered patients who are legally medicating & going about their daily lives.

Anyone tried the Cancard? No proof of medications needed. But is it a get-out-of-jail-free card?
There are some quite polarised opinions regarding Cancard but it is not generally considered to be a get out of jail free card. It may, however, go some way to showing you are using cannabis for legitimate medicinal purposes, should the need arise. I have had one for a few years & now carry mine alongside my prescribed meds as an extra layer of cover/documentation in case anything is brought into question.

Btw, there is a short dedicated Cancard FC thread here if you are interested.

hopefully it's not true
Hopefully not!

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Increase the Peace
Company Rep
I've been meaning to drop by here with some updates for a while but I generally spend so long writing posts that I find it hard to make the time. So, here's a quick one just to let you know my past 2 deliveries of LA Sage from Grow Pharma have been, imo, absolutely lush! From big buds down to little nugs it's all been beautifully structured, crystal coated, super terpy, sweet & citrus'y, combustion-fucking-yum! :D



I had this strain yeeears ago & it's a distant memory now so I've really no idea how representative this particular grow is of the original. But what I will say is that for me, it delivers the goods & is hands-down the best UK medical I've had so far.


Hope you're havin fun out there . . .



Well-Known Member
I'm just dipping my toe into this rabbit hole, and trying to gather as much information prior to having my first appointment, which I'm aiming for in a couple of months time.

For the clinics, I've whittled it down to these two (at least for now):

Alternaleaf - this seems to be very popular, and broadly recommended.

cb1 - this seems like the cheapest option with positive feedback. The downside is lack of options on what you can purchase. I don't know if anyone here has experience with them, and if the lack of variety would be a major downside?

  1. I talked to my GP, and he has given me access to my NHS records, so they're available on request.
  2. I'm not really sure what else I should be doing and where else I should be researching. Any ideas?
  3. One thing I'm slightly worried about is the amount I'd be ordering. I have difficulty clearing 7g in a typical month, and I'm guessing I'll be bound to a 10g as the minimum. I hope the clinic of my choice would be able to allow me an off-month where I can catch up, so to speak.

Not sure how useful this is for anyone, but some notes I've taken down regarding strains whilst browsing various forums. Perhaps some of these are terrible though, so a warning would be greatly appreciated. :razz:


Pedianos: Sourdough.
Peace Naturals: GMO Cookies.
Pedianos: Farmgas
Aurora Pink Kush
Chapel of love

Cheap strains:

Lumir cookies kush.
Khiron Banana Ice Cake (I see this is often highly recommended).
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