I had to go to through the recycling in order to find the damn envelope.

It came from Carlsbad, Ca. which explains the fast delivery.
It makes sense that they have a distributor in the USA.
I am pretty sure they have a good market here.
I just tried some on my SIC dish.
Temp 600 at the Gimido.
I just barely touched a 5 inch dabber with a paddle end
(these tools are great and the price is right.I asked for some customization and he was fine with that, Highly recommended.)
into the top of the snow (some will get that) and attracted what is way less than .001 in weight. A very tiny bit of dust. It stuck to the paddle because there was a negligible amount of Dr. Jolly's Kosher Nug Run
http://www.jollybend.com/concentrates/ on the tip that acted as glue.
When I say negligible I mean just a bit of residue. Imagine how some make a Martini. They just wave the Vermouth bottle over the Gin.

I try not to touch my tool on the dish or the sides if possible. I let the heat melt it off. So just a very little bit of the concentrate was on the dabber.
Taste was neutral. Nothing good or bad. I did not taste the Nug Run as expected. The Nug Run by itself is really tasty.
Silat is my handle and Silat has been my game for many decades. You can google it.
My hips are sore from Silat, racquetball, hockey and my former business (retired) which was environmental engineer aka scrap dealer.

I had some big yards and in my younger days moved a lot of barrels of scrap that weighed 500 lbs. Being short meant I put a lot of strain on my hips.
I still move well but have some pain. Not horrible like some.
I felt some relief within about 15 minutes. There is a bit of a high but it is not the THC kind of high. Although I am not sure if the dancing girls were really there or not.

Relaxing but not so much that I cannot get up and dance.
I could definitely use this (small amount) during the day and function perfectly.
I can tell that this product would be a great sleep aid (sedative) with higher doses, if one desired to use it for that. But Melatonin is more cost efficient if it works for you or big pharma meds if you have good insurance.
I do not use everyday and use very small amounts of product.
But I will update after I have used it a bit more if there is anything to tell.
Thanks again Herb.