U.K. FC meet up 2016?


Herb gardener...
Aleays wanted to grow Lavender from soma

Yeah I looked at this before. Maybe it's my next indica grow. Maybe a good one for summer as it like the hot temps. 70 British quid for 5 seeds.

@Pyr0 I never accumulated more herb than I could use while buying it. Only since cultivation can i say that.

You are 3 hours away from me. And @1DMF lives in Brighton.
@harmless healing, where are you.?


Old School Cheesy Quaver
a blood thirsty, mass murdering, cannabis hating psychopath doesn't turn up.
Shit you're on to me!

Though that still sounds better than being a narc!

Seems @kellya86 is the grass ^^^ tell everyone where I live why don't you :p

Seriously though, what we gonna have on us a vape (no such thing as paraphernalia laws in this country [unless it's works]) and a bit of percy weed, enough for a caution, whoopdy doo!

I'm cool either way, just name the date and location and I'll be the one arguing with the bar staff that they don't know what Kentucky Straight Bourbon is because they just offered me JD when I asked!

@Melting Pot nice pic :) , you know we now have a challenge when it comes to our pic ;)

@kellya86 -> I still am loving this Black Widow, if you aint grown it before, do it!

harmless healing

Well-Known Member
Well were in a no mmj country, so I don't know how were all gonna feel after vaping in a hotel room, with the windows open and a towel under the door with some scented candles. Not sure how this will work.

Hope no one is from Edinburgh.

I am interested as to why this might be :lol: I'm up in Scotland.

Just want to say. I admire anyone who just straight comes out and says they cultivate. That is normalising our culture, my hat goes off. I'm just not ready to discuss specifics on such matters on a public forum, another reason a meet up would be great. Truth is easier in person in a prohibited region I feel.

With regards to vaping in hotels, I have never had a problem. I travel often for work and take my EVO with me now. If there is one vape that is gonna cause you problems in a hotel it's probably that one. Usual hotel fanfair that Kelly mention tends to do the trick, showercap ninja style :ninja::tinfoil:

Today was a tough day, was glad to come home to activity on this thread and a new video from the bubbleman

Marcel Braun talking about interesting currency ideas. have been a few videos before on this so isn't what I would call concise but it blew my vaked mind :o

Goodnight my friends and good vibes to all the UK vapers on FC, I hope to see more of you here soon

Namaste :peace:


Herb gardener...
@1DMF sorry for revealing your location, was just trying to figure out where this is gonna end up.

I am interested as to why this might be :lol: I'm up in Scotland.

I was just trying to figure out where this will end up. I dont have a random hatred of Scots or anything. Now I know we have a Scottish person, someone on south coast. And someone on west coast.

We are all pretty far apart.

I'm glad there is an evo kicking about, be looking forward to trying that .

harmless healing

Well-Known Member
I am willing to travel a little further than others to accommodate if necessary, I have several musician buddy's that stay in London that I could crash with before hand if needs be.

We have two EVOs. Pyro has one also I believe...can any one say claisen double EVO :science::zzz:


Old School Cheesy Quaver
Well I've never been to Scotland, and I don't mind flying, but if any one fancies a day at the sea side ;)

It's cool @kellya86 , Brighton is a big place and well, my DMO site reveals all to the MIB, so fuck them, as well as the combustion!

I've got the Arizer Solo & Da Vinci Ascent covered ;) (plus WT & bubblers of course :rockon::leaf::rockon:)


Herb gardener...
2 evo's eh, and I have 2 modded eq's and a flowermate v5.0s. And we have a few portables between us with @1DMF 's contribution.

The evo deals with the concentrates right?

I wonder if anyone has a lotus or another torch vape, they intrigue me.
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harmless healing

Well-Known Member
I have a vap man for the torch option. Yeah, the EVO does concentrates wonderfully.

I will be buying a d-nail/sic dish combo in March also. So happy vapefiend upped their game again.

Have we any heady or different glass out there? That's an avenue I have not really went anywhere near yet. Would love to try some options before I buy when it comes to that, there is just too much choice to refine without trying first


Old School Cheesy Quaver
It's weird, I want to avoid torch vapes, it's still a form of combusting, and still involves combustion.

When I gave up combusting, I had to throw every lighter I had away, all we have left is a box of kitchen matches in the draw. You know those stupidly long safety matches.

To me a butane lighter is combustion paraphernalia and the thought of my dyspraxic clumsy ass having to control the heat manually between 'no vapour' and 'on fire'... I think I'll stick to a digital temp controlled electronic vape!

When I combusted, it didn't matter if it caught fire that was the end goal, but manually controlled 'real fire' vaping... I'll leave that to the glass blowing, craftsperson among us!

I can barely sign my name! :lol:


Herb gardener...
I didn't realise it was combusting.
I don't want to own one, I just want to experience one, I want to know what this cult following they seem to have is all about. Same with mflb, and volcano. I have to try one, but don't think I wanna own one.

Vapes I wanna try in order


Also I have never vaped through water so that would be nice to try before shelling out on glass. I don't want my vapour too tame.
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Old School Cheesy Quaver
Yeah, this bag thing has me intrigued, but especially want to try a whip, so much wanted to try the hookah when in Brussels, and it makes me think it will be the next best thing, or even better as it will be weed and not tobacco :)

Oh, it's only combusting if you flame for too long I believe, I was being a little facetious as the butane you are using is on fire to heat the metal or glass component .

To me it's a "I'm a clumsy git , going to burn myself" and old habit paraphernalia that I try to avoid to help with fucking combustion.

If I don't have fire, I can't combust - same reason I have no skins anywhere, not even emergencies!


Stoned Roses
@kellya86 I have a Mighty I can bring :) (also an EVO and an Air for those who can't see my sig)

I wouldn't mind trying anything I don't own :lol:
Vapes I'd like to try that come to mind in no order whatsoever :freak:
Lotus, Vapman, Volcano, EQ, Grasshopper, Errlectric, Sublimat.. erm, it might be easier for me to list the vapes I wouldn't like to try. Umm, none come to mind :D see I knew that'd be easier :p

I still have lighters around, I use a torch lighter to clean the nails for my EVO now.
I think I might even have papers somewhere. I'm past even considering combustion any more. :)

I've just re-upped and been handed some nice looking Nicole Kush and Northern Lights x Haze :cool::leaf:


Well-Known Member
A meet could be a fun thing I think :science:

I do have one or two vapes ;), the hard part for me is I'm way up north, a single dad and run a small business so getting out the area is a challenge, not impossible but things can get hectic at times which makes planning ahead hard, but maybe the planets will align just right and I can make some free time.

It's weird, I want to avoid torch vapes, it's still a form of combusting, and still involves combustion.

It really doesn't when done right, there is a chance but it's always user error, I know the few times it's happened to me it was because I was pushing it to get every last bit I could and I like high temps.


Herb gardener...
@Pyr0 you have my perfect combo. I hope the evo and mighty live up to my expectations, I'm expecting a different league to my eq and flowermate.

Never heard of Nicole kush.

@UnshavenFish be good to see you there, I'm self employed own business too so any time off to do this is gonna cost me, I didn't even get a holiday this year iv been so busy, kids and missus went while I stayed at he to work.


Stoned Roses
@kellya86 I would imagine the Mighty would be much better than the flowermate, but I wonder how well a modded EQ works.

I'd not heard of Nicole Kush before either.

I'm 39 years young... for now :myday:
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Well-Known Member
Yeah my last real holiday was 3 year ago now, took my daughter to Florida and did the whole Disney thing and that only happened because my little sister was studying over there (well in Wisconsin but she flew down) We do go to Scotland a few times a year to visit family but I always end up working there so not really a holiday.

What age are we all?

29 here


That's a hard one, technically I'm 31 but often get told I look 20 and act 80 :lol:
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Well-Known Member
someone should page H3rbalist, we talked about this before

I am in the garden of england but travel is fine, mucker and me would bring underdog, mighty, eq, solo, lsv and whatever else is acquired by then. also my chinese glass selection.

deffo up for this next summer guys vapefest 2016


Herb gardener...
I have paged @h3rbalist at the beggining, I'm sure he will turn up....

The birth date in my name gives my age away.
I'm 29 but look 17, don't let this put you off, I may look young but Iv got an old head on me.

I started smoking pot very young. I think this has kept me looking and feeling younger. I have never really had a break either. So iv had thc and other cannabinoids saturating into my fat cells, solidly for 17-18 years.
I don't feel this has stunted my growth as such, as my brain has constantly improved as I gain knowledge and skills along the way.

Maybe @ataxian is right, maybe cannabis is the holy grail and the key to immortality...

@ragnorak71 didn't realise you was uk. Would love to try a dog.

@Pyr0 I'm sure the mighty will blow my flowermate out of the water, although I was expecting the solo to do that, and it didn't.

The evo vs eq(modded) is what interests me, my eq has been fiddled with for hours to achieve the optimal setup, this with my @DDave kit and ssv bits, really improved my eq. I struggle to see how it gets much better. But we will see....
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Well-Known Member
I'm 29 but look 17, don't let this put you off, I may look young but Iv got an old head on me.

I started smoking pot very young. I think this has kept me looking and feeling younger. I have never really had a break either. So iv had thc and other cannabinoids saturating into my fat cells, solidly for 17-18 years.
I don't feel this has stunted my growth as such, as my brain has constantly improved as I gain knowledge and skills along the way.

I'm a little worried now if we meet...we might just be the same person and we don't wanna break that space time continu-thingy :lol:

My last break was 14 year ago and that was not by choice, and I'm 6'1" so if I am stunted I'm fine with that, people often say when they find out my age "whatever your doing you need to bottle it" I just smile to myself and think it's better to keep it in jars ;)

And the knowledge thing I'm with you, I used to struggle at school just couldn't keep my mind on one thing long enough to get anywhere then I 'got in with the wrong crowd' and started smoking and it was like my brain finally clicked into place :bowdown: :leaf:.

I remember the drug talks at school were funny, the teachers would tell us it's called dope for a reason yet also tell me how much better I was doing :hmm:

Anywho...hope everyone has a good blackeye friday :tup:


Herb gardener...
I'm a little worried now if we meet...we might just be the same person and we don't wanna break that space time continu-thingy :lol:

Ha my missus is from London, she thinks it's the fresh county air that's kept me young. I know better.

I'm 6'1 too, so I wouldn't say I'm stunted either, just well preserved.

Ok I smoked my first bit of hash in a pipe at the age of 11, now I have kids of my own ( one 13 ), I realise this was way too young. Maybe I grew up quicker than my kids, but I couldnt imagine them doing the same. They are still innocent children, which is what I wanted for them.
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