I have really grown to enjoy using this Tvape... I was put off a bit at first, expecting it to be more of an automatic vape that you set the temp and go, but now that I've gotten used to how it behaves, I am getting excellent results. Sorry grokit, it seems as if you got a bad heat chamber. Glad you can return it.
I've been using this through out the day, trying to get used to it, now I find it a pleasure to use. I have also found it works quite well for one-two quick hits, once you get it warm, you can heat it up to desired temp, grab a nice hit, and let it go back to idle temp and wait a bit, or keep heating for another hit. Over all, I am happy to have this one in my collection. It's super easy to empty/clean/reload, the coconut oil tamed the rubber taste of the mouthpiece, and I am able to get pretty even and dark abv. I still have not really tested battery life per load ratio. Maybe I'll get that today. I need to charge it and start with a fresh load, and try to pay attention.

This little vape gets me blasted!
So I decided to try to count out how many full rips I can get from a load, stuffing it to the top and giving it a gentle pack down, so it's a full chamber (short tube). Again, once it gets to green light, I hold the button for about 10-15 seconds aprox. then start to hit, continuing to press the button until I am finished with the inhale. So far I have pulled 10 full lung hits with very visible vapor, and it's starting to taste on the toasted side. Puff #11 still cloudy, tasting pretty close to done. #12 still visible vapor, making me cough a bit and tasting pretty done. #13 still getting visible vapor, but more coughing than I like... so I think I'll call it done. ABV is dark brown, and very evenly toasted with the exception of the very bottom where the silicone nipple is. There is a small bit that stays green.
To sum up: that was load #1 on a fresh charge, with 13 full hits from a full chamber, gently packed. I'll keep testing this charge to see how many full loads I can pull before I get the blinky blinky...
Load #2 ready and waiting...
9 solid hits from pack #2.
Packing #3 now...
13 solid hits from pack #3.
Packing #4...
3 hits into the 4th load, I noticed vapor was getting lighter, then on the 3rd hit, I got the low battery blinking/power off. So I would say 3 fully packed loads per charge is a reasonable expectation.