Trying to switch to vaping...

Day 12 done.

I vape now.

Two nights ago, I had a girl over. We had some drinks, watched a movie, and hooked up. These are three of my four main triggers for wanting to smoke. (The other is I've had a bad day or I'm feeling bad about myself for something I did that day and just want to smoke to turn my brain off and end the day at least as me).

And I kind of felt like smoking might be fun, but I didn't seriously consider it. I even introduced her to my Plenty. And we even both got a a bit high, which was cool.

Last night was no problem at all.

I will still come to this thread to keep myself accountable, but I might not every day. I feel like i'm over the first hump. But I didn't want anyone starting on the same journey to read this thread and think that I'd given up.

@Churrucaman please feel free to threadjack or use this thread. Maybe millions of similar threads exist but I think it's nice to have something like this that people in the same boat as you or me can see, so that experienced posters aren't constantly repeating themselves. And so people know what to expect.

Your quote here "Been about a day without smoke when I just saw this topic and decided to jump in the conversation. At this moment I'm in the missing couch lock and head rush phase with some severe craving and wandering how will I get to sleep ever and pass the weekend" - wow, that's exactly where I was 12 days ago. There's some great advice in this thread.

I have a kid too.

Some other general observations on where my head is at on Day 12.

* If you told me the health effects from smoking were the same as vaping, I'd probably integrate both into my life. I'd vape when I needed to be discreet, or when I still wanted to be functional. So at least as of Day 12, I haven't replaced my love of smoking with a love for vaping. Yet. But back at day 5 or 6 or whatever, I was desperate to go back to smoking and drop vaping entirely. So this is progress.

* In addition to liking the head rush and a couple other aspects of combustion, a couple of the effects were masking other areas of my life. Like my need for a joint to get me to sleep. That became a crutch over the last 10 years. In the last 12 days, I've been re-learning how to get myself to sleep. Nothing earth-shattering here, just following basic advice on the internet for people who have trouble sleeping. It's working! (Though it was hard at first and I had some nights of very little sleep, but it's getting better).

* I haven't noticed (yet) any chance to performance at the gym

* I do feel more awake and alive in the mornings than I used to most mornings. I don't know if it's because I am consuming less weed before I go to sleep or another factor. But I like it.


Upcoming projects:

* Learn how to clean my Plenty (won't be hard, just haven't done it other than brushing)
* Figure out concentrates
* Experiment with different ways of vaping and their effects. I'm finding this hard still because of the time delay with vaping. Without the head rush, I don't "feel" high or feel anything right away.
* Do one good deed for a stranger every day for the next 12 days to restore the karma balance for all of the support and good deeds that strangers have done for me on this thread


Oil Painter
RE: edibles. Start with a dosage of around 10 mg. Don't plan on doing anything important. Give it at least TWO hours to kick in. Be patient. Eat a good meal with some protein & fat in it right before, or a half hour after eating the edible.

It can be a very different sort of high, the first couple of times, but for me, it settles into a lovely medication level that is subtle, but very helpful for the chronic pain. As an underlayer, it works like a proper foundation... if you vape on top, it will hold it up a bit! my vaping lasts longer, and stays in my head longer, if I have an edible in my system.

First time was uncomfortable for me. This is not uncommon. I love edibles now. :)


Well-Known Member
^^^^^^ this!!!

Oh man, I'll never forget the time I had some fruitypebble rice krispies treats made with ABV by a friend. I felt that, as a seasoned user, I would be fine eating one, but I had no clue about dosage. I know i've written about this experience here before but man, I flew to the moon and conversed with the essence of stars thanks to that damn treat, it was incredible!

But a friend who never partakes ate one, and she was curled up in a ball and terrified :(


Oil Painter
I do believe, however, that the lauded effects of "psychedelics" on mental processes is also available to us who hit that magical level with cannabis, too.

I've experienced MAJOR progress in therapy... and my health has taken a very positive direction.
On Sunday, my hubby got a bit "over-dabbed", to a point he had not been before! and since, he is experiencing LESS depressive episodes, and a significantly improved mood.

While the first edible disaster hits us all, I'm sure, one way or the other, I've found that planned "trips" beyond the comfort point yields amazing benefits later.

It is self-limiting, though, with tolerance. Not a bad thing for a medical user, either! :)


Well-Known Member
Sorry @BongoBongo didn't mean to hijack the thread. As I said been lurking this forum for long but not too much on this sub, saw the title by pure chance and being in my first day off I jumped in. Being in the verge of regret again read the post from start to end and specially your story.

Tried to stop smoking many embarrassing times, so many I finally desisted till vapes and ecigs crossed in my way. Also tried with them with moderate success, at least got a noticeable improvement, but still didn't find the way to quit combustion once and for all. Have to say I've enjoyed smoking for so many years and in all its forms, pipe and cigars as well, so the idea of leaving it forever is something I have a hard time conceiving yet.

When I first tried to turning to vapor I didn't have any knowledge, reference or company in it. Did miss the turning my brain off and the couch lock and some other details you mentioned, tried to talk about it in other forum before and was laughed off for it. I have just two vaporists friends and both are for medical obligation so not exactly the same case and as I said most of the people I know haven't even smoked weed for years, even cig smokers are rare here nowadays. What I mean to say is I couldn't have been much more alone on this subject unless I tried to.

This changed last night when saw your case and the support of the folks around, as lots of them obviously lived through that themselves. At least now I know my feelings are normal and my carving and frustration are a real nag which to be true has already served me. During dinner had a stupid argument with my wife, probably my biggest trigger. Also the after dinner one has been my unskippable one for sooo many years, specially after one of those stressful working days...

Still standing though.

The only thing that stopped me was your story, the advice of the other folks around, which for the first time weren't just saying quit everything or that still have weed and have nothing to complain about, and the commitment I made with about half a gram vaped in the hour kicking my cortex walker texas ranger style. I really thought another story may help others or you as yours helped me at that moment and today, and saying it aloud (figuratively) helped me as well.

I still have a lot of effort to do, the path is long and full of spines don't they say?. But this night is on you folks, and specially on you @BongoBongo, and on you too walker texas ranger.

P.D. Don't know if I may sound too awful, in case it's not obv I'm not native (woha batman is bruce wayne?), need a lot more practice and come from an awlful english speaking country. Be easy on me it takes me like ages to write a post this long and even more with so many bags in, may not always be as wrecked as I look :freak:



Arizer Air Aficionado
Sorry @BongoBongo didn't mean to hijack the thread. As I said been lurking this forum for long but not too much on this sub, saw the title by pure chance and being in my first day off I jumped in. Being in the verge of regret again read the post from start to end and specially your story.

Tried to stop smoking many embarrassing times, so many I finally desisted till vapes and ecigs crossed in my way. Also tried with them with moderate success, at least got a noticeable improvement, but still didn't find the way to quit combustion once and for all. Have to say I've enjoyed smoking for so many years and in all its forms, pipe and cigars as well, so the idea of leaving it forever is something I have a hard time conceiving yet.

When I first tried to turning to vapor I didn't have any knowledge, reference or company in it. Did miss the turning my brain off and the couch lock and some other details you mentioned, tried to talk about it in other forum before and was laughed off for it. I have just two vaporists friends and both are for medical obligation so not exactly the same case and as I said most of the people I know haven't even smoked weed for years, even cig smokers are rare here nowadays. What I mean to say is I couldn't have been much more alone on this subject unless I tried to.

This changed last night when saw your case and the support of the folks around, as lots of them obviously lived through that themselves. At least now I know my feelings are normal and my carving and frustration are a real nag which to be true has already served me. During dinner had a stupid argument with my wife, probably my biggest trigger. Also the after dinner one has been my unskippable one for sooo many years, specially after one of those stressful working days...

Still standing though.

The only thing that stopped me was your story, the advice of the other folks around, which for the first time weren't just saying quit everything or that still have weed and have nothing to complain about, and the commitment I made with about half a gram vaped in the hour kicking my cortex walker texas ranger style. I really thought another story may help others or you as yours helped me at that moment and today, and saying it aloud (figuratively) helped me as well.

I still have a lot of effort to do, the path is long and full of spines don't they say?. But this night is on you folks, and specially on you @BongoBongo, and on you too walker texas ranger.

P.D. Don't know if I may sound too awful, in case it's not obv I'm not native (woha batman is bruce wayne?), need a lot more practice and come from an awlful english speaking country. Be easy on me it takes me like ages to write a post this long and even more with so many bags in, may not always be as wrecked as I look :freak:


Glad to hear the community has given you the willpower.

I feel very fortunate to have stumbled across the FC community when I was researching what first vape I should buy.

Anyway stay strong, the benefits and easier times are near.

And also I didn't know you were not a native English speaker till you said so...


Arizer Air Aficionado
You know you are solidly into vaping when you notice that smoking tastes ashy and burnt but vaping is full of tasty, complex flavors.

Close to 4 months combustion free, and haven't really been tempted to go back luckily for me. My vape has satisfied me completely.

What you said is interesting though, should I try a few puffs on a friends joint just to prove to my self how discusting it is? :p


Close to 4 months combustion free, and haven't really been tempted to go back luckily for me. My vape has satisfied me completely.

What you said is interesting though, should I try a few puffs on a friends joint just to prove to my self how discusting it is? :p

Just thinking about my old pipes is enough to keep me away, lol. As a matter of fact, I think I just tossed them in a drawer, half smoked the second my E-nano arrived - that's both embarrassing and grody. :puke:

I didn't even think of weed having flavor when I was combusting. It had aftertastes and harshness. If it had "flavor" it was only the nasty swampy taste of craptastic beggar's herb.

I put that same stuff in my vape and it's like I'm suddenly a wine or coffee taster - "Mmm, piney with notes of apple and earthy undertones..." :mmmm:
Day 13 done. Tonight will officially be two weeks.

@Churrucaman you're not hijacking. I'm thrilled you're finding the thread useful. It's not my thread. Post all you want here. Keep your own day to day journal if it helps. (I work in self-help - it's a proven useful technique for some people).

I don't really have anything interesting to report today. Just checking in and keeping myself accountable.


Well-Known Member
4th day, still smoke free.

Last night was a difficult one. When I'm with the computer or focused with something it's like my brain keeps defaulting to my usual spliff brake and have a difficult time reminding myself it's not an available treat anymore... A full volcano load was enough to knock me out though :D

First weekend coming, we'll see how it goes.
4th day, still smoke free.

Last night was a difficult one. When I'm with the computer or focused with something it's like my brain keeps defaulting to my usual spliff brake and have a difficult time reminding myself it's not an available treat anymore... A full volcano load was enough to knock me out though :D

First weekend coming, we'll see how it goes.

Yup. Feel this too. Good luck!

Today is Day 15. I've lost most of the craving. Now it's more like "damn, it would be fun to smoke." But it would also be fun to order pizza and cheesecake, but I know I would regret it later.

You can do it man. Every day gets easier, at least for me.


Well-Known Member
Last night and this saturday morning have been the worst moment so far. Went out for dinner with some friends, big temptation but still managed to hold my ground.

The hardest moment was this morning. Been a wake and bake combuster type for veeery long and this last years I managed to just do this on weekends while enjoying the morning coffee or a cold beverage.

A few ecig pulls and a small load bag or two seems to have removed my craving so far. I'd say it's more about nicotine this time but hard to say. Weekends have always been my wall so this is my biggest battle so far, only managed to do this brake in vacation or out of my usual routine but never at home.

I feel optimistic about the next days but not so much about the long run, decided to take this a step at a time so it doesn't overwhelm me too much.

I'll keep coming back to here often, as this has topic has become a big helping hand for me.

Thinking in throwing in some ABV capsules in the mix so I can get a bit more stoned feeling tonight, tried making my own but not too potent imo (14 size 1 in the last try, didn't seem to feel much). Any tips or hints about this guys?



They say it takes about a month to get over the physical withdrawal from nicotine. After that it's just the mental triggers, although those shouldn't be underestimated.

I'd agree with that. Especially since now they've got to break the mental connections between smoking joints as well as the connection between the effects of tobacco and the effects of MJ. It's got to be like the connection with smoking and drinking - when you quit the cigarettes, the drinking just doesn't seem as satisfying. Even if you don't really want a smoke and it's been years, there's almost this subconscious emotional connection to want one because there's a sort of nostalgia for those bygone days.

I was lucky, I never smoked joints and didn't start using MJ until the same time as I was quitting cigarettes, so I don't know exactly where you're coming from, @Churrucaman but I can relate. Hold out, it'll be worth it. You'll be amazed how crappy you used to feel and didn't even realize it! :clap:


Green goes to brown, n that's what I stand for.
Not saying that it was the #1 reason for me quitting cigarettes, but here's some facts:

Started vaping August 2012

Quit cigarettes in December 2012 (smoked since 2006).

Quitting cigarettes is about deciding to be a healthier person overall. That's not just in your choice to not smoke cigarettes, but also in your choices of food, substances, and physical activity.


I make things from wood
Accessory Maker
My brother invited me for a session with his pipe yesterday and I almost puked. The taste was so gross! I instantly started coughing and couldn't stand more than two hits.

Vaping has spoiled my taste for weed I doubt I could go back to combusting at this point.


Well-Known Member
Weekend passed, still hangin

Can't say it was easy but could've been worse. Still getting some nicotine from the eCig for those wandering about the tobacco issue. Helps but in my case the biggest demon is routine. Will keep my schedule for some weeks before starting to cut out nicotine, still I would say that in commercial cigs there's more to it besides nicotine since I'm still craving for it, could be just psychological though.

May the force be with us =)
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