Day 12 done.
I vape now.
Two nights ago, I had a girl over. We had some drinks, watched a movie, and hooked up. These are three of my four main triggers for wanting to smoke. (The other is I've had a bad day or I'm feeling bad about myself for something I did that day and just want to smoke to turn my brain off and end the day at least as me).
And I kind of felt like smoking might be fun, but I didn't seriously consider it. I even introduced her to my Plenty. And we even both got a a bit high, which was cool.
Last night was no problem at all.
I will still come to this thread to keep myself accountable, but I might not every day. I feel like i'm over the first hump. But I didn't want anyone starting on the same journey to read this thread and think that I'd given up.
@Churrucaman please feel free to threadjack or use this thread. Maybe millions of similar threads exist but I think it's nice to have something like this that people in the same boat as you or me can see, so that experienced posters aren't constantly repeating themselves. And so people know what to expect.
Your quote here "Been about a day without smoke when I just saw this topic and decided to jump in the conversation. At this moment I'm in the missing couch lock and head rush phase with some severe craving and wandering how will I get to sleep ever and pass the weekend" - wow, that's exactly where I was 12 days ago. There's some great advice in this thread.
I have a kid too.
Some other general observations on where my head is at on Day 12.
* If you told me the health effects from smoking were the same as vaping, I'd probably integrate both into my life. I'd vape when I needed to be discreet, or when I still wanted to be functional. So at least as of Day 12, I haven't replaced my love of smoking with a love for vaping. Yet. But back at day 5 or 6 or whatever, I was desperate to go back to smoking and drop vaping entirely. So this is progress.
* In addition to liking the head rush and a couple other aspects of combustion, a couple of the effects were masking other areas of my life. Like my need for a joint to get me to sleep. That became a crutch over the last 10 years. In the last 12 days, I've been re-learning how to get myself to sleep. Nothing earth-shattering here, just following basic advice on the internet for people who have trouble sleeping. It's working! (Though it was hard at first and I had some nights of very little sleep, but it's getting better).
* I haven't noticed (yet) any chance to performance at the gym
* I do feel more awake and alive in the mornings than I used to most mornings. I don't know if it's because I am consuming less weed before I go to sleep or another factor. But I like it.
Upcoming projects:
* Learn how to clean my Plenty (won't be hard, just haven't done it other than brushing)
* Figure out concentrates
* Experiment with different ways of vaping and their effects. I'm finding this hard still because of the time delay with vaping. Without the head rush, I don't "feel" high or feel anything right away.
* Do one good deed for a stranger every day for the next 12 days to restore the karma balance for all of the support and good deeds that strangers have done for me on this thread
I vape now.
Two nights ago, I had a girl over. We had some drinks, watched a movie, and hooked up. These are three of my four main triggers for wanting to smoke. (The other is I've had a bad day or I'm feeling bad about myself for something I did that day and just want to smoke to turn my brain off and end the day at least as me).
And I kind of felt like smoking might be fun, but I didn't seriously consider it. I even introduced her to my Plenty. And we even both got a a bit high, which was cool.
Last night was no problem at all.
I will still come to this thread to keep myself accountable, but I might not every day. I feel like i'm over the first hump. But I didn't want anyone starting on the same journey to read this thread and think that I'd given up.
@Churrucaman please feel free to threadjack or use this thread. Maybe millions of similar threads exist but I think it's nice to have something like this that people in the same boat as you or me can see, so that experienced posters aren't constantly repeating themselves. And so people know what to expect.
Your quote here "Been about a day without smoke when I just saw this topic and decided to jump in the conversation. At this moment I'm in the missing couch lock and head rush phase with some severe craving and wandering how will I get to sleep ever and pass the weekend" - wow, that's exactly where I was 12 days ago. There's some great advice in this thread.
I have a kid too.
Some other general observations on where my head is at on Day 12.
* If you told me the health effects from smoking were the same as vaping, I'd probably integrate both into my life. I'd vape when I needed to be discreet, or when I still wanted to be functional. So at least as of Day 12, I haven't replaced my love of smoking with a love for vaping. Yet. But back at day 5 or 6 or whatever, I was desperate to go back to smoking and drop vaping entirely. So this is progress.
* In addition to liking the head rush and a couple other aspects of combustion, a couple of the effects were masking other areas of my life. Like my need for a joint to get me to sleep. That became a crutch over the last 10 years. In the last 12 days, I've been re-learning how to get myself to sleep. Nothing earth-shattering here, just following basic advice on the internet for people who have trouble sleeping. It's working! (Though it was hard at first and I had some nights of very little sleep, but it's getting better).
* I haven't noticed (yet) any chance to performance at the gym
* I do feel more awake and alive in the mornings than I used to most mornings. I don't know if it's because I am consuming less weed before I go to sleep or another factor. But I like it.
Upcoming projects:
* Learn how to clean my Plenty (won't be hard, just haven't done it other than brushing)
* Figure out concentrates
* Experiment with different ways of vaping and their effects. I'm finding this hard still because of the time delay with vaping. Without the head rush, I don't "feel" high or feel anything right away.
* Do one good deed for a stranger every day for the next 12 days to restore the karma balance for all of the support and good deeds that strangers have done for me on this thread