Hey Jurassic, all good questions!
1. Polycarbonate is NOT acrylic. Acrylic is cheap and breaks easily. Polycarbonate is expensive and used where extreme strength is needed. The incredibowl and the Jet water pipe tubes are made of polycarb, that's why you can see the incredibowl run their unit over with a car and it's fine. Polycarbonate is what nalgene bottles are made of. Lol just try to break one of those bad boys, you'll hurt yourself! In my initial demos to retailers I would have a separate tube and stomp hard on it in the middle of the head shop so they knew it was no BS.
2. Polycarb is light and if a water pipe was made entirely of it, it would tip very easily. Nearly all my units weight is in the base. It's hard as hell to tip over due to the heavy center of gravity. Also I have my logo stamped in which looks very industrial and nice. Steel + Polycarb looks much better than Polycarb alone.
3. My last name is Steele, not Polycarbe. If I made it all out of Polycarbonate that just wouldn't be cool man
1. Polycarbonate is NOT acrylic. Acrylic is cheap and breaks easily. Polycarbonate is expensive and used where extreme strength is needed. The incredibowl and the Jet water pipe tubes are made of polycarb, that's why you can see the incredibowl run their unit over with a car and it's fine. Polycarbonate is what nalgene bottles are made of. Lol just try to break one of those bad boys, you'll hurt yourself! In my initial demos to retailers I would have a separate tube and stomp hard on it in the middle of the head shop so they knew it was no BS.
2. Polycarb is light and if a water pipe was made entirely of it, it would tip very easily. Nearly all my units weight is in the base. It's hard as hell to tip over due to the heavy center of gravity. Also I have my logo stamped in which looks very industrial and nice. Steel + Polycarb looks much better than Polycarb alone.
3. My last name is Steele, not Polycarbe. If I made it all out of Polycarbonate that just wouldn't be cool man