If you could get that price down about $175-200, this would be an ideal piece. I get that SS is expensive, but glass in this price range is handmade bottom up. Yes, there should be a charge for it's durability... but honestly I don't see spending three hundred on any non-glass water tool with one perc/diffuser. Two I guess if you've now got the showerhead downstems (which I really liked as an upgrade BTW - I would prefer that over the open style even when combusting

That being said, congratulations on the successes so far. I'm also involved in a family business, and can definitely relate to the start up hardships. The stainless steel ice cubes are fairly ingenious, I may have to order a set of those and take a tip from your brother. Whiskey's one of my guilty pleasures as well.
Awesome to hear you are involved in a family business herb guy! Thanks for the kind words. Regarding the cubes if I'm going to pour some brown water in a glass I'm more of a bourbon or scotch type of guy but I can dig whiskey. Makers Mark is one of my favorites.
I have ran the numbers and it all comes down to economy of scale. $200 would be an ideal price and a real sweet target to ultimately shoot for. As stated much earlier in this thread $250 is realistic in a year or so (It's hard to say because the product just launched)
The hard part is making it so everyone makes a fair share of money and is happy. If it were just me selling them now perhaps it would be possible to do $250 but that would undercut my retailers and nobody would be happy. Without retailers my exposure would be limited and I would surely fail. So it's a delicate balancing act to be fair to everyone. That's you, me and the retailers.
My product is similar to the LSV in price point. The MSRP for both is $349.99. I remember I bought my LSV for $249.99 + Shipping (I paid a little extra for USPS shipping, because I know they are fast) As those guys started slinging more units they were able to lower the price for everyone. I think the LSV has been out since 2010 (correct me if I'm wrong). It doesn't bother me that I paid $249.99 + Shipping and the price is now $189.99, it's the way thing work and it's an awesome quality vape! I am happy.
As my economy of scale increases the price will also drop in a lock step fashion. I have already crunched the numbers and it will look like the following. Keep in mind these prices are what you would see in a store or from my internet store including shipping:
$299.99 - I would hope to hit this by early 2013
$249.99 - I would hope to hit this sometime in 2014
$199.99 - I would love to hit this target as my ultimate goal
Believe me, I'd love to sling these things for $199.99 all day. The lower price point means it is accessible to a larger audience and therefore has a greater chance for a sick cult following! I'd love for everyone to have a Steele Concept. At the end of the day it's sell less units for higher price or more units for a lower price. In time the price will drop, this I promise.