Titanium is much more resistant to corrosion than Stainless steel.i love SS because i can put it in a dishwasher. if it is real SS there came no rust.
i did it with the complete Dynavap + Hopper Frontends too with no problems
thats why i prefer SS always
However, titanium usually becomes dull and thus damaged in the dishwasherTitanium is much more resistant to corrosion than Stainless steel.
I don't see any particular need for corrosion resistance beyond that of SS in our application though.
FWIW Dynavap uses Grade 316 Stainless steel, better corrosion resistance than Grade 304 commonly used for cookware and most things from stainless steel.
I am allergic to titanium so stainless for me.
The Mayo Clinic conducted a decade of patch testing and found no positive reactions to titanium
I am allergic to some crazy stuff (latex, banana, melon to name a few) so I was curious.My primary care doc and two dentists say its so not a self diagnosis.
Titanium is much more resistant to corrosion than Stainless steel.
I don't see any particular need for corrosion resistance beyond that of SS in our application though.
FWIW Dynavap uses Grade 316 Stainless steel, better corrosion resistance than Grade 304 commonly used for cookware and most things from stainless steel.
However, titanium usually becomes dull and thus damaged in the dishwasher
Here's a couple of papers if anyone is interested.So stainless depending on grade can cause nickel issues in people allergic to nickel which is a large % of the population apparently.
https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/02652039709374506 said:An extensive programme of cooking operations, using household recipes, has shown that, apart from aberrant values associated with new pans on first use, the contribution made by 19% Cr/9% Ni stainless steel cooking utensils to chromium and nickel in the diet is negligible.
No worries mate. FWIW I don't have any titanium, it failed my cost benefit analyses. YMMVI always prefer stainless steel
Pans don't glow or oxidize like coils do.Here's a couple of papers if anyone is interested.
The first is behind a paywall (fuckers) the abstract is available and states in part.
This paper from the U.S. National Library of Medicine is available in it's entirety.
The sidebar has links to a number of papers on related topics
No worries mate. FWIW I don't have any titanium, it failed my cost benefit analyses. YMMV