Yeah, I like to mod my units to better suit my needs whenever possible. I really like the oven on this pup. The rest can be massaged somewhat. That hole you see is left from the previous mod. Guess some additional air might get throw but doubt if changes anything.
I received that glass 510 drip tip I mentioned previously and, sure enough, is too big to fit the oven. Too bad as length would have been dead on. Anyway, it made me more determined to somehow make the mouthpiece 510 compatible. What I came up with was to use a
510 to CE4 adapter which I shortened by about 4 mm. Butt ended with the OEM metal mouthpiece part, and used a piece of shrink wrap to hold together and cover the seem of the butt ending.
I mixed up a little JB Kwik Weld and secured much more tight. Made sure all was squared away and centered while this was setting. Mixed up a second layer of JB and applied to make kind of a vase type belly around the mouthpiece to really firm up and give a spot to hold it. While the glue was hardening I kept turning it to keep the glue in the proper shape. This stuff will start to stiffen up in 3 minutes or so. Wait until it's like a stiff putty which is touchable, then can kneaded and roll by fingers to get a very uniform shape.
After a bowl I realized it was too hot to grab easily so ended up putting a small piece of
heat resistance silicon tubing. This is working great and is 18mm glass friendly....

The glue is not in the vapor path as the end goes through the gourmet in the top of the bowl, so any off gassing should not be any problem. As the glue is an un-known in this regard.
Here is the result. (Hopefully the last for a while...)
It fits quite tight and can actually be picked up by the mouthpiece with no problem. Take the drip tip off and will stay together in your pocket. For tighter pockets the lower screen portion can be unscrewed and detached from the rest to stay with the bowl keeping a load ready to go.
Now this particular drip tip does change the feel of the unit with the wide mouthpiece. Have to regulate the flow yourself as can drop the heater temp very fast if draw quickly. Kind of good and bad....? It does taste somewhat cooler with the added flow though. Really noticeable through water, have too slow the draw right down, but can get whooper clouds if done right.
Fun unit.