Titan vaporizer


Talk to the Beard
Epicherbreviews seems to have not only just discovered "the worlds first portable vape", but a re-packaged Titan 1:

Okay, after writing my last msg I just had to mess around with the temps on the T-2. I loaded a full oven (approx .3 g), with the temp at 370. Took a minute to get going, but it vaped fine (and tasted fine), not too harsh. After 5 mins the vape was getting thin and I went to 385. Full clouds, felt a bit hotter. Vape auto-turned off at 10 mins, but I turned it back on and went to 395 to see if there was anything left - and got another 4 good hits. Unit was hot, but nothing that would burn you, and the black "whip" stayed cool, the vape felt a bit hot, but that was expected. Done in less than 15 mins, but this time I felt like we sucked the herb dry :cool:

Still not quite as efficient as the NO2, or as tasty, or as mild, but perfectly fine. Checked the vaped weed and it was nice and dark and dry (zero combustion, of course).

Now I'm looking for a good desktop unit that is clean, efficient, and idiot-proof. The Herbalizer is my dream machine, but out of my price-range. Considering a Vapir Rise...


Unapproved commercial account.

Who is the original manufacturer of Titan 1 and 2 vaporizers, and where is it located? I've purchased one that is assembled in China, but cannot tell if it is a fake one or a real one. Thanks.


Well-Known Member
I think Smiss got mentioned, these vaporizers are originally from China and are made in a lot of factories so there's probably no way to tell what exactly is the 'original', buying from the first factory that produced these would also not guarantee that the quality is better, they might do less QC.

The vape performs quite well for the price but the smell and taste are real dealbreakers for me, it does get less overtime, but that if you have to use it several times to get rid of electronic/silicon smell it's not a decent vape imo.
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Talk to the Beard
Looking at "sources" listed in Chinese listings for the Titan 2 all designate the maker as "Hebe". My box says Hebe, but the side says "designed by VS". The vape itself has a "VS designed" logo embossed on one side. A bit of research gave me a Chinese company called "VaporSource" - and the "VS" company logo matches the logo on the T2 unit itself:


So at least the "Hebe Titan 2" is made there, at this factory - it bears their embossed logo, as I would bet appears on every T2, even those with additional printed markings.

The box also indicates that the unit has passed European safety standards (CE) as well as meeting ROHS (Restriction of Hazardous Substances, European 2003). (Take it for what it's worth...)

Had to go back to my trusty NO2 yesterday. So much smoother, and noticeably more effective with only half the dosage. I still stand by the Titan 2 as a convenient and inexpensive portable, and my wife actually prefers it cause it feels more like "smoking". Meh....


New Member
So, what's the summarized verdict on new TITAN II vaporizer ? is it worth the dime or should I go for another portable... I found one at my local dealer nonsmokers.dk which I can have BY tomorrow or the day after, shouldn't I go for it ? its about 80$ ...I have been looking at Pax and Ploom vaporizers for quite a while, but they say that titan v2 is just as good... ?



Talk to the Beard
I only paid around $50 (shipped free in the US), so it's really really cheap for a working portable vape.

- Good size oven (about .3-.4 g) - good for 1-4 ppl
- Fast heat-up (90 secs on battery)
- Exact digital temp display and settings (0-428 F)
- Easy maintenance - 1 easy to replace screen in cap
- Charges using standard mico-USB
- 3-4 Uses per charge
- Very compact size - easily fits in pocket

- Very short vapor path making it harsher and hotter than most
- Plastic taste until burned in and used
- 10 min auto-shutoff (sometimes need to restart mid-session)
- Top cap/mouth-piece snaps in place - not sure how secure it will be long term
- Battery is not user-replaceable
- Warranty? Support? Repairs? Nah...I see it as cheap and eventually disposable


New Member
I only paid around $50 (shipped free in the US), so it's really really cheap for a working portable vape.

- Good size oven (about .3-.4 g) - good for 1-4 ppl
- Fast heat-up (90 secs on battery)
- Exact digital temp display and settings (0-428 F)
- Easy maintenance - 1 easy to replace screen in cap
- Charges using standard mico-USB
- 3-4 Uses per charge
- Very compact size - easily fits in pocket

- Very short vapor path making it harsher and hotter than most
- Plastic taste until burned in and used
- 10 min auto-shutoff (sometimes need to restart mid-session)
- Top cap/mouth-piece snaps in place - not sure how secure it will be long term
- Battery is not user-replaceable
- Warranty? Support? Repairs? Nah...I see it as cheap and eventually disposable

Hey nice info Solomon! Thanks...

Got it - It looks good a little bit larger than expected but still - if it performs, unfortunately I'll have to wait until friday for the actual test of herbs.

They (manufacturer) promises a maxiumum temperatur of 37 degrees overall even at highest temperature setting, but i guess that vapor is not included here :)
Due to new law in DK about driving and "using" - and their latest measuring devices, they can spot "users" even 2-3 days after vaping/smoking.
It could cost me my drivers license if I'm unlucky.... well I can't wait will try some tobacco leaves until then.. ;)


Hey everyone! I am new weed and only started doing it like 3 weeks ago. I didn't like smoking so went straight into vaporizing. I bought a G Pro vaporizer which is, according to all my research, a portable convection vape similar to Pinnacle Pro. I usually vape like 0.1g which is the size of a tic tac mint(im not sure if thats exactly 0.1 cuz my scale is bad). Since this vape's chamber holds 0.5g, my weed takes up only like 1/4 of the chamber. I also shake it in between hits so the weed heats up better. I looked at a lot of threads where people say that you have to pack the chamber tight and it has to be full. I honestly cant imagine me doing it cuz this 0.1g gets me blasted for 4 hours minimum, and I don't even finish vaping it completely until theres no more vapor. What do u guys think about this? what happens if you load the chamber only like 1/4 full and its very loose?
Another issue is that I grind my weed very finely with small scissors and sometimes it ends up being powder like. Do you think it can fall through these little holes in the chamber? what should i do if it does fall through there?(I can't take the chamber out or disassemble the vape). Should I not grind it so finely anymore?
Here's a pic of G Pro chamber

Im sorry if I sound paranoid about little things lol. It happens to me with everything.
Thank you!


Is titan actually convection or conduction? Combination of both? I have G Pro(rebranded titan) from Grenco Science and they claim that its true convection lol


Talk to the Beard
Not sure about the convection/conduction thing, but I put a small screen in the bottom of mine so nothing would clog up the holes in the oven. It just stays there on it's own, I'd guess a bit of resin has stuck it there.


I pack it the same way I pack my NO2 - I just drop in the herb and don't pack it. I also don't super-grind it (like you might with the MFLB and it's fine grinder). Since it's a deep oven (as opposed to a shallow one), my theory is that air needs to move thru it to work well, so a loose pack and regular grind seems to work best for me. Just like the NO2, if it's too fine, it gets sucked up and clogs the top screen.

On the Titan, I think you can put in as much as suits you. A fuller oven makes for a thicker and longer session, but a little bit works fine for me. I am on many other meds which makes my tolerance very low - like you, I never do a full load alone. So for a solo session, I might do twice what you are doing, but it's still very little and probably less than a half full chamber.

Ifeejulah Vapor

Well-Known Member
Just wanted to put my 2 cents in...for 50$ this vape is awesome...ive used the pax and i dont see how the price dofference could be so large...id buy the pax for 100 maybe but for 50$ instead of 250$ ill take the hebe anyday

Only thing I dislike is mine powers down after like 7 minutes...no biggie i power it right back up and keep vaping..

I know this isnt the best porta vape out there and im hyped to soend some more cash and get an awesome one but i dont think ill be going for the pax.

Anyone know the best portable vape wth the temp display?
Ifeejulah Vapor,
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On the WET! Coast of Oregon
still consider myself a nob when it comes to vaping but i also tend to collect stuff just cuz. Be it PC's, tablets/iPads, hammocks, and now i can see vapes being in the mix.

My first vape was/is an Ascent and it is enjoyable (for my use with regular dry herbs, i'm not into mj these days mainly because my employer has a no-tolerance policy on the stuff)...but i was looking for something that i could put in a day pack when going down to the river and charge on one of my many USB based battery packs. The Titan II is nice for this. Since i was familiar with the idea of burn in (with the Ascent) i followed the same procedure; 5 x 10min empty burns at max temp. Then i went ahead and loaded about that many times with Peppermint, there is no chemical/plastic smell at this point. So now around the house, other than using the Underdog i got last week, i will grab the T-II before the Ascent as it is easier IMO to load/clean.

I will say that i have my eye on the Lotus for my outside camping use...maybe another for the "collection".


On the WET! Coast of Oregon
So i wondered about the USB external phone battery packs and how they would work with the T2.
I did an experiment this afternoon utilizing a pocket sized (think galaxy 3 phone size but 1/2 the thickness) and 4400mah. I did 10 x 10 minute time outs with temp at 347F and had nice vape each session with various herbs from Peppermint, Ginko, Chamomile, Clove etc...and some green tea. I've never dorked around for two hours vaping before, it was enjoyable. After this time there was no appreciable difference in the bars on either of the battery indicators. Here is a shot of the setup that i was using:


In my battery arsenal i also have a 10,000mah battery about twice the size of an iPhone 6+...that would keep anyone vaping down at the river all day!



Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
Hi, I am new member. First - sorry for my language, is not perfect ;)

I bought 3 vapors titan2 from 3 different sellers on aliexpress, 34-38$. This is very good vapo for ths price. One had a better performance than the other two and also had both celsius and fahrenheit scales. The other 2 had only fahrenheit.
Vaporizer is a little too hot at the top, and the battery lasts for 4-5 times, this is only and general defects of this model. I have photos with differences therebetween -> http://postimg.org/gallery/2jairjkpm/
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in flavor country
@badgrass do you have a link to the "better" titan you bought? Thanks for the photos/review.

Haha! Am I the only one that finds it amusing when the rebranded Titans pop up in vids or just get high praises in vid reviews? I saw the T2 show up in a Bubbleman video the other day, aparently trippy stix is now selling it as their dry herb model. LOL amused me to see the hype :rofl: makes me wonder if they realize that its rebranded or not when they get them for review... I realize companies want to make their money so it doesn't surprise me to see it, like with past models. I have been tempted to pick up a T2 when I get some free cash to throw at it, but still have the rebranded T1 version that I rarely use so it's practically in new condition still. I agree, Titan works ok, but the taste is not as good as other portables I've used, and it does seem to toast the load pretty fast like the pax did in my experience. Smaller loads work better for avoiding that issue.

just for grins...:lol:
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Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
What to taste then you have a point, but the taste of titan2 is not bad. I also have a small bongo + vaporstar and as we know, wood + glass is better than plastic;) and actually tastes better with vaporstar. Only it is inconvenient to use, I prefer something a little more portable as titan2. But as I remember the taste of smoke when traditionally smoked a bong or blunt, now the taste of Titan 2 is much better... ;)

ps. I ordered a flowermate for $ 57 from aliexpress, and will share when I get it, and while try.
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Active Member
I've had a Titan I for about 3 months and I've been quite pleased with the unit. I paid $35 free ship. I didn't have a problem with plastic smells or any foul odor from the unit. I pretty much kept the unit on highest setting with nice vapor and taste.

The one problem I did have was the USB charge plug. The unit failed to charge one day and after examination I found that the plug was detached and floating inside the unit. Long story short was the unit was dead. I will be soldering the plug if possible.

Overall I was very happy and satisfied with the price and performance of the Titan I. Until it broke that is...

Here's a pic of the bottom of the unit with the loose USB connector.


Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
If you have a friend with a soldering iron, or you yourself, you can do things like replacing the port should not be so difficult. Only need to somehow get the electronics from the center of vaporizer. It seems to me that at the top where the vents are latches and have to push and try to pull it out. Just titan2 is different because it is made open downwards, so it can be easier to open, if necessary.


On the WET! Coast of Oregon
My T2 has been working fine and it is still the first thing i go to for a quick session even over the simplicity/availability of my UnderDog (on while awake and ready to vape) or even my Ascent (which my wife has pretty much taken over - no complaints - and actually grateful she has finally got the vape-bug.)

If something were to go haywire with the T2 i think i'd try all in my powers to get it up and running, or find the closest thing to replace it with. Since i'm so new to vaping herbs my taste in all these devices might not be what others' might be. On all our units i went through the suggested burn-ins before ever attempting a vape and have yet to _taste_ anything really beyond the herbs.

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