I make tincture using watercured ABV, and I make it using not watercured. I only watercure if I am wanting to blend with something else, such as make a cocktail using some tincture as an ingredient . For me personally, I find tincture whether it be from bud, trim, ABV or washed ABV to be unpleasant tasting because I find the alcohol unpleasant tasting. I still happily make and use it by either adding it to something else, but most usually by putting a few drops under my tongue. I leave it a few seconds, and don't drop my tongue. The tincture absorbs and I avoid most of the flavor. It also works quickly this way.
For me, it's no more difficult to dump ABV in a jar than the trash. It's easy to pour alcohol over the top, and put in the freezer or cabinet. I shake when I am getting ingredients to cook with. It can sit there happily for weeks until I can strain it. I use a mesh coffee filter and strain into a jar or measuring cup, then either pop on a lid, or transfer to dropper bottles and label if I want it to look cute. This doesn't take long .
So save, cover, freezer, shake, wait, strain, jar, label, done.
I live in California, so Everclear and other high proof alcohol isn't available, and it works fine with regular vodka, or whatever spirit I choose. If my tincture isn't strong enough, I will blend with a stronger batch of tincture or elixer, or I just add more ABV, put it back in the freezer, and wait again.