A bunch of us have found the Maxpedition cases perfectly suited for carrying our TV stuff. The perfect kit case because it's so flexible in what it can carry. It all started with a message from QuantumTimeSpace here. He went for the smaller case, which I didn't find suitable for what I wanted to carry, and instead, like you, went for the Maxpedition "fatty" case. Rather than just repeat what I said in my long reply to QuantumTimeSpace, here is a link to that message.
Much has changed in the amount of TV equipment I have and what I carry since I posted that first picture, so here's a picture of my current setup:
I don't carry my AC stuff in the kit, but rather opted to carry lots of batteries. Here's a breakdown of the stuff you can see, and the stuff behind the flap on the left that you can't see.
On the left, visible, a dropper container with water to load the Sure-Flow, which I use with the T1 head. TV Stirrer/Poker, DART, Cleaning brush from a Volcano, two mouthpieces with UFOs, and a bottle of ISO. On the left, behind the main flap, is a bag of Q-Tips, a bag of toothpicks, and a T1 "head".
On the right is a T1 base with insulated adapter and Evo head (using a modified delrin heat sleeve), the 16 RCR123A batteries in PowerPax battery holders, and a great container that is airtight, waterproof, and floats. The container has two separate halves, so it can hold your botanicals and their ABV, or two different types of botanicals. I think the container is really the perfect choice:
Here are some links to the manufacturers web sites; note that I didn't buy the case from the mfg, but rather from Amazon, but I wanted to provide mfg links so everyone could see the different models available.
The Maxpedition cases.
The PowerPax battery holders.
The DEWC (Double Ended Waterproof Container) containers.
By the way, now is an excellent time to buy batteries and PowerPax battery holders directly from ThermoVape. They are offering a 25% discount on everything they sell for the month of August, (coupon code "SUMMERTIME") and with existing discount on the batteries, they come to less than $3 each, which is cheaper than I've seen them anywhere else, even in quantity, and the PowerPax holders are also cheaper with the discount than anywhere else I've seen them.
(Third time I had to redo this whole reply; either the forum software is misbehaving tonight or I'm overly medicated!)
That is an AWESOME kit!!!
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