Discontinued ThermoVape


in flavor country
Thermovape got a quick glance spot at the end of the trailer (photos from above ^ ) looks like a neat show, let us know when your segment airs...


Previously Known as 'ThermoCoreTim'
We are constantly striving to make new products to cater to our customer's requests. In that spirit, we would like introduce the ThermoVape Tru-Flow UFO Mouthpieces. They will be offered in Standard Length and Extended Length Delrin, as well as Aluminium, and PTFE.
The Tru-Flow UFO is intended to remove large particulates from your vapor, and serve as a splash shield for E-liquids and concentrates. The Unidentified Filtering Object also redirects the air path, cooling your inhalations. This is ideal for use with a Windowed Revolution Kit, or E-Liquid Kit.
This filtered mouthpiece is NOT for use with T1 top caps, Evolution insulated bodies, or in combination with a DART Loading Tool.

They are available now at: ThermoVape.com


High Plains Drifter
We are constantly striving to make new products to cater to our customer's requests. In that spirit, we would like introduce the ThermoVape Tru-Flow UFO Mouthpieces. They will be offered in Standard Length and Extended Length Delrin, as well as Aluminium, and PTFE.
The Tru-Flow UFO is intended to remove large particulates from your vapor, and serve as a splash shield for E-liquids and concentrates. The Unidentified Filtering Object also redirects the air path, cooling your inhalations. This is ideal for use with a Windowed Revolution Kit, or E-Liquid Kit.
This filtered mouthpiece is NOT for use with T1 top caps, Evolution insulated bodies, or in combination with a DART Loading Tool.

They are available now at: ThermoVape.com
While I understand why it is not to be used with the T1 or Evolution, what is the reason for incompatibility with the DART? Is it truly unidentified, as in, not ceramic like your other filters? Some people I suspect, myself included, will be interested to know what exactly the vapor is passing through.
While I understand why it is not to be used with the T1 or Evolution, what is the reason for incompatibility with the DART? Is it truly unidentified, as in, not ceramic like your other filters? Some people I suspect, myself included, will be interested to know what exactly the vapor is passing through.

I doubt at this point they would make anything that wasn't 100% safe for the vapor to pass through :horse:


High Plains Drifter
I doubt at this point they would make anything that wasn't 100% safe for the vapor to pass through :horse:
I did not mean to imply it would not be safe. Rather, what subtle flavor the filter stands to impart on the vapor. It is my feeling that all materials impart an influence on the vapor. For example, the difference between the delrin, aluminum, and ceramic are all different. The all glass vapor path will be different still.


in flavor country
Funny, I made my own UFO mouth piece, and use it on my dart, I like the way it restricts the air flow. The only thing is it doesn't quite seat in all the way into the dart cap, it has about a mm or so that won't go down. Doesn't effect the performance in any way that I have experienced.


Vapes Hard


Addicted DIY Enthusiast
Accessory Maker
I noticed they do not have the Delrin sleeve option as yet?
Special order maybe.


Addicted DIY Enthusiast
Accessory Maker
I had to request, and purchase a delrin sleeve, through email.
Me too. Before they sold the RES. Same one that's on the T1. Odd it does'nt come with it as it makes a huge difference in appearance.


Well-Known Member
Went through 8 pairs of batteries in 1 night at a party the other night, everyone was using it tho, when it gets passed without your consent to some1 you don't know and then put up with it while they take a hit and then just place it on the table waiting to roll off.. some people do not know respect..( i just grabbed it as soon as it was in arms reach)

need to learn to be more covert with it.. and more precious to who i share it with, i figured its not the best group use tool as it gets really hot and the each hit is valuable, as batteries need changing ever 4 - 5 hits or so.

I find it hard letting combusters(smokers) just abusing my tools of vaporization, if they want to make the switch so much then why don't they save there pennies.. :) ( of course exception goes out to Gd friends - who were really impressed by this thing- i have managed to convince 2 people to look into the vapor world of wonders.

I also used it with the normal mouthpiece that comes with it and blimey guys on the 3rd hit it gets so hot that your teeth get really hot.. not good.. smooth flow from now on ! Saying that the hit was much more responsive and a bigger hit with better flavor was somehow achieved - so maybe let those more used to a pipe or w/e do it with the small mouthpiece


Previously Known as 'ThermoCoreTim'
Will you guys be selling the RES separately any time soon?
Yes we will offer the Res unit itself, that way if you already have an Evolution you can just take the interface apart and thread the RES unit right on top. It will be online mid week give or take
That is awesome news. I just got some of this award winning e juice from virgin vapor called kona velvet milkshake and its delicious in my AVA! Its gonna be great when i dont have to drip every other minute. Does anyone know if a drip shield fits on the AVA?


Vapes Hard
Does anyone know if a drip shield fits on the AVA?

Not sure, I've always just used the RES or sometimes I'll run the AVA or a Joye with the Evo interface when I want to sample something. I would be interested to find out also.


Addicted DIY Enthusiast
Accessory Maker
That is awesome news. I just got some of this award winning e juice from virgin vapor called kona velvet milkshake and its delicious in my AVA! Its gonna be great when i dont have to drip every other minute. Does anyone know if a drip shield fits on the AVA?
The AVA I recieved last January had a lip at the top and might get in the way of a drip shield, however a friend recieved one a couple weeks back and it had no lip and was the same as normal atomizers physically so should not be a problem.


Previously Known as 'ThermoCoreTim'
To help our AVA Atomizers be universal with mostly all e-cig bases we now use a smooth body design. The "shouldered" AVA's are now only for our RES system as it sometimes helps create a better seal to the RES body. We are also defaulting to the "bottom Feed" as its more universal and doesn't have any side effects.


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