Sorry TV if you alreaddy covered this but can the 900 MaH 3.0v Tenergy batteries be used or only the 750 MaH. I found both very inexpensively but wonder if I met get better usage times upgrading.
I also wanted to share with everyone some of my findings with the TV. It is so different than the MFLB, under no circumstance will MF style pulls works on this. First of all, if your in colder conditions it GREATLY effects the heating of the TV. Instead of the 5 second lead its almost always 7 - 9 seconds in my opinion when I medicate in my garage which is not heated. When I start my inhale the first 5 seconds or so are almost like pulling on my Iolite. At the 5 second marker yo need to pull, not a sissy pull like the LB but a pull similar to an LSV or an No2 and continue that for about 10 seconds and then for the last couple seconds I pull like its my job and I wouldn't say I get clouds but I do get nice size hits. If your looking for clouds, this probably is not the vape for you however, I will say that as far as a true portable offering a stealth session then by far this is the best device IMO for my on the go. It does take some practice to perfect but once you get it down pact its a super sweet device.
***few pointers***
The battery compartment - keep the inner piece (not the cylinder that comes out for the batteries but the actual housing area pushed down. The lower portion should line up at the bottom where it sits lined up with the opening in the black or white shaft. If you give the battery (button)more room to slide up and down it drastically reduces the heat emmited to the steel. It also gives more room for air and its key to inhalation of better hits.
The batteries - IMO, there is plenty room for improvement. If your looking for bigger pulls then 10 hits aint happening. But, if used right 5 to 7 good hits get me right. Again, this device was obviously designed for the medical user so it performs EXACTLY as promised. If your looking to get f*cked up than look elsewhere. But for me, I love this thing! I think its design is wonderful, I assume some attachments like a PA and possibly a WPA wouldnt be hard to do. I would also like to see a case for it, something that will help keep it elevated to avoid the power from activating.
It also needs to be cleaned often, when using more potent meds especially if sticky you will get golden goo in the upper airway/exit to stem. A qick wipe with some ISO clears it right up.
I really believe the reason that there is so much back and forth in this forum with the reviews is there are to many people buying this piece for different reasons. Some are buying looking for portable cloudmaker vs others who are looking to medicate with a port that doesn't hiss, is easy to use, and easily concealed. If your the latter of the two than the TV is going to make you happy. If your looking to blow your friends away with astonishment, get ripped, blow giant clouds - than you might be dissapointed.
Good luck, looking forward to battery help.