Discontinued ThermoVape Revolution for concentrates


Well-Known Member
he revolution works so much better with something that melts easily into the ceramic. I rate the Revolution a 10/10 on my scale

I think you've hit on a major cause of troubles with Revolution/DART/Cera. The goods have to melt into the ceramic well to vape well. Most guys fall short of that with the stuff that's difficult to melt like shatter.

In a funny way, who can blame them? Getting loaded is much more fun than loading I think?

Some of us have a true treat in being able to select from the lovely concentrates in the Dispensary case, others have to use what they can get. The world, I'm told, is not always fair?

Agreed my man, wax and CO2 oil, as well as anything oily in consistency, works the best for me. Shatter works as well but the oils melt in so much faster and vape faster. Just an overall better experience for me. I don't have a problem throwing the shatter on my nail, though. Rev can handle it, sure, but it can handle other consistencies better. It's pretty close to perfect I'd say.

BeardedCrow, I have to agree, my Ultra kit (DART, AVA, EVO) are just so beautiful. I can't help but just look at them in between hits. It's incredible to think a company made something this small and this well-built and it works so well for concentrates.

Fully agreed. Neat gear for sure. Smart, dedicated users made TV products what they are IMO. Commitment to performance, purity, best possible materials and part quality and exclusive US sourcing make for the complete package. True pride of ownership is possible here.

BTW, if you like the old product line yer goona go nuts over Cera....... Same guys you know.



New Member
Greetings after many frustrating web searches and countless youtube videos I have finally found the revelation that is FC forum and have spent the last few days reading the holy scriptures contained within this web domain. what an education this has been especially because i dont know much about vaporizing and am relieved at the abundance of unbiased information here. i am really wanting to jump on this band wagon and have found the most strengths to be within the Thermovape Revolution. Congratulations on the new product launch with the Cera but it seems to be a little much for me at this time. Are the previous generations of thermovape discontinued indefinitely or will production resume once the chaos of hurricane Cera has died down a little? Or is there a reputable place that sells the Thermovape revolution/dart. Thank you in advance.


Well-Known Member
Greetings after many frustrating web searches and countless youtube videos I have finally found the revelation that is FC forum and have spent the last few days reading the holy scriptures contained within this web domain.

Howdy, welcome. Glad you found us, by all means come on in and sit a while. Lots of good stuff going on for sure.

While TV will continue to provide excellent Customer Support for the original product lines, they have evolved a lot. They have moved, they no longer have the three leased state of the art screw machines that made all the parts for those products. Now they contract all that out as most makers do. This means they have no more advantage to make the old products than anyone else. There's been some 'loose talk' of someone else buying the 'Intellectual Property', the rights to produce them again. At one point Noah didn't see them in direct competition to the Cera when I asked him, I've no idea if that attitude has changed any.

There are a few places that still sell the residual Revolution/DART products they may have in stock. I'd have no fear of TV not supporting anything you buy in good faith. That is, if you have it, they made it and it's broken, they'll fix it for you. Free if in warranty or for a nominal fee ($15 currently) if it's not. Yes, for $15 they will rebuild your cart if you manage to burn it out. Or rebuild it to a different power if you'd like.

My advice is if the product appeals to you, go for it. Otherwise there's a lot of excellent vapes out there (more turkeys, of course). What exactly do you want? There's a lot of excellent advice on this Forum as you've seen.

Once again, welcome to the fun. Vaping beats blazing every day. You use less goods and live longer.....a pretty good combination if you asked me. Smell better, too.

Howdy, welcome. Glad you found us, by all means come on in and sit a while. Lots of good stuff going on for sure.

While TV will continue to provide excellent Customer Support for the original product lines, they have evolved a lot. They have moved, they no longer have the three leased state of the art screw machines that made all the parts for those products. Now they contract all that out as most makers do. This means they have no more advantage to make the old products than anyone else. There's been some 'loose talk' of someone else buying the 'Intellectual Property', the rights to produce them again. At one point Noah didn't see them in direct competition to the Cera when I asked him, I've no idea if that attitude has changed any.

There are a few places that still sell the residual Revolution/DART products they may have in stock. I'd have no fear of TV not supporting anything you buy in good faith. That is, if you have it, they made it and it's broken, they'll fix it for you. Free if in warranty or for a nominal fee ($15 currently) if it's not. Yes, for $15 they will rebuild your cart if you manage to burn it out. Or rebuild it to a different power if you'd like.

My advice is if the product appeals to you, go for it. Otherwise there's a lot of excellent vapes out there (more turkeys, of course). What exactly do you want? There's a lot of excellent advice on this Forum as you've seen.

Once again, welcome to the fun. Vaping beats blazing every day. You use less goods and live longer.....a pretty good combination if you asked me. Smell better, too.

Do you mind linking me places with the Dart? It seems that gotvape is the only site with the rev and it is the first generation one. Thank you.


Well-Known Member
Do you mind linking me places with the Dart? It seems that gotvape is the only site with the rev and it is the first generation one. Thank you.

I'd be happy to if I knew any. You might get lucky with the odd one in a LHS or something but they've been out of production for six months or so. They no longer have the shop (they've moved) or the equipment (was leased), so that's not likely to change.

If you can get a Revolution and want something like that I'd suggest you jump on it. Revolution and DART are the same except the loading and soon they too will be 'used only'.

I'd be happy to if I knew any. You might get lucky with the odd one in a LHS or something but they've been out of production for six months or so. They no longer have the shop (they've moved) or the equipment (was leased), so that's not likely to change.

If you can get a Revolution and want something like that I'd suggest you jump on it. Revolution and DART are the same except the loading and soon they too will be 'used only'.


Yup I am well aware of that after owning both. I just love the convenience and the abilitiy to pin point how much you want to load with the dart. I lost the dart and the first generation one gets messy quick from my experience. Have been suggesting the Rev to many friends interested in buying a g-pen and such.
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We're here to fuck shit up.
Alpha Ultra + Dart + me = pure bliss

I absolutely love this setup. The only reason I'm keeping my T1 and Revolution is because I finally ordered some low voltage batteries to go with the Dart.

So, if any one knows what size silicone tubing one would need to slide over the Rev cart to cover the window, I would be most appreciative. The Dart loader fits perfectly into the Rev cart, but I just need to cover that window. I just have no idea of what size inner diameter tubing to purchase.

2clicker, if you read this please let me know what size tubing you use? Your posting about this has me wanting to do the same thing.


Hey DS, any reason as to why you want to cover the Rev cart up? Heat shield? I'd get a high-temp silicone obviously, but other than that I'm not seeing the purpose.

Gotta agree, though, DART/Rev is fantastic in all areas for me. I've got a nice tolly from the nail and I've still got my DART in rotation. The AVA is the cleanest taste I've ever had in an e-cig atty, and the taste of the DART rivals that of my rig if not better (due to no water filtration.) It's way too convenient. Took mine on a hike earlier and it was perfect. People walking by think it's an e-cig, sits in my pocket comfortably, gets me to the point where my pain is significantly dulled.

I really wish I had bought another one lol. Damn hospital bills :mad:


We're here to fuck shit up.
Cover up that window and use the Dart loader instead of loading through the window. Cover up that window and you basically have a Dart core. The Dart loader is just way more convenient than loading with a seperate tool.
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Well-Known Member
Alpha Ultra + Dart + me = pure bliss

I absolutely love this setup. The only reason I'm keeping my T1 and Revolution is because I finally ordered some low voltage batteries to go with the Dart.

So, if any one knows what size silicone tubing one would need to slide over the Rev cart to cover the window, I would be most appreciative. The Dart loader fits perfectly into the Rev cart, but I just need to cover that window. I just have no idea of what size inner diameter tubing to purchase.

2clicker, if you read this please let me know what size tubing you use? Your posting about this has me wanting to do the same thing.


I think what you are looking for (re:size/product) is located in the following (by 2clicker):

Post#3044 of this thread

Sorry, I don't know how to put up a direct link for you. Lots of luck. Love the Dart!




I think what you are looking for (re:size/product) is located in the following (by 2clicker):

Post#3044 of this thread

Sorry, I don't know how to put up a direct link for you. Lots of luck. Love the Dart!

Next to the like button is the post number button, clicking it brings up a link to the post in question.


So I decided to give my AVA and DART a cleaning tonight after I cleared what I could from the DART. Hard not to appreciate this kind of precision. I'll wipe this with an alcohol prep pad to get the fuzzies off :tup:



As Above ∞ So Below
Hey guys, this thread has been great for research before purchasing my Revolution. I was wondering if anyone has experimented with higher mAh batteries, or different configurations to extend the usage length..

The Rev kit comes with (4) 750 mAh 3v

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Hey guys, this thread has been great for research before purchasing my Revolution. I was wondering if anyone has experimented with higher mAh batteries, or different configurations to extend the usage length..

The Rev kit comes with (4) 750 mAh 3v

Higher mAh does not translate to more power/better performance. Remember it's not just mAh, but resistances, laws of ohms, and other fancy shit I'm too stoned to explain. The batteries that ship with the kits are the best for the application.
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