Having done that and had the ISO containing bottle tip into the water once, creating a serious mess in the sink, I use a bottle top with a small hole and leave the small vent open (if it tips, little or nothing passes through, so far). The clean up to be avoided can be significant.Being the lazy type, I don't cap it. Just be sure it's flat enough on the bottom not to want to tip over and keep the water level outside down enough so it doesn't want to float off. It will center itself on one of the 'nodes' of standing waves in the bowl, kind of fun to watch.
Yes, and it is even worse an issue if you use Everclear/enthanol instead of ISO. (a decade working as a chemist convinced me not to trust much of anything not intended to be consumed by humans - and even then I'm very careful).Be careful about capping it too tight, the energy in the ultrasonics can heat it enough to raise the pressure inside otherwise.
This I'll have to try. Makes sense (increased viscosity) and seems well worth the small effortAlso a bit of detergent in the water can help the coupling sometimes. A drop or two of dish soap, worth a try. Once you have one, you'll be surprised at how handy they can be. Put the wife's jewelery in and get a big hug (and maybe loose the unit....). Does a great job on cleaning the grunge out of the tight spots on my glasses, too, leave's 'em mighty clean as well. Just be sure not to leave them lens down, it can scratch them 'dancing' on the bottom. I just use the water and detergent, then rinse 'em off.