Discontinued ThermoVape Revolution for concentrates


in flavor country
I'm still holding out to get some decent BHO, maybe this weekend. I've only had the qwiso to work with right now. I really want to see how a cleaner extract behaves in this. Still getting mixed results with my more solid extracts, sometimes they vape well, sometimes they just seem to bog it down, even when I try to put small loads in there. Not sure what is going on with that.


The Vaped One
Yeah I'm not really feeling the more solid concentrates in this either. I kind of expected I wouldn't but I just needed to try, FOR SCIENCE. I'll be sticking with oils solely once I finish up my hash and shiva. They just make a mess, gunk everywhere, but when you get a good hit boy is it good. Hoping my dispensary will be able to start carrying pure gold as that's what I am most excited to try in this, probably the easiest to load in too with that squeeze tube its in. *swoon*

I'm thinking about long term use with non full melt concentrates and does anyone think there is a real concern for the plant material to get into the ceramic and kinda just get stuck as ash and stuff (affecting taste and heating), I'm assuming the boiling will get everything out but just wondering if maybe a prolonged run of fresh batteries in it to make sure everything is dust would be a good idea.


in flavor country
I notice when my oil is pretty much vaped away, I get an ashy/smokey burned taste off the next couple of puffs as if the left over gunk is cooking off the ceramic once it heats up enough to do that. I have boiled mine once, for just a few mins and did an alcohol soak, then hot water rinse and dry over night. I did not notice much change in the ceramic, maybe I didn't let it go long enough in the boil. How long is too long? I didn't want to over do it.


Staff member
I was planning on putting my regular hash in this thing, but the more I use it, the more I think that I'll just stick with the fullmelts.

I would still love to know how others feel about how many "hits" are capable from one set of batteries. As I posted a while back, I feel like the hits start declining after 20 or 30 hits, but it would still work..... just not as well.

Can anyone chime in here?


The Vaped One
Thanks for the info Jamba, with no electronics and the high heat tolerance I'm sure boiling for an hour or two really shouldn't be a problem. Least in theory so long as everything is well dried after each cleaning, ceramic included, I would just worry about mold really.

I'm at about the same as you Stu. Noticed it was taking a lot longer to get the bowl to get to where the oils were readily vaporizing. When my friend tried it that was actually one of the problems, I told she only had to wait a few seconds for it to warm and it was taking way to long for her and all her hits were whispy, we were running the same batteries testing different things out not paying attention.

It came down to technique though, as usual with this type of device. For me I like to let it warm a little longer than most have been reporting, I notice with full melts it results in much more satisfying and thick vapor. That's why I fell like I'm getting less his that the 40-50 mark anyway. At that rate though I only need three good hits so I'm still left with 17 or so good hits which is 5 more good doses through out the day(which is damn plenty) or a lot of really unsuspectingly high friends. :D


I've got a question for someone who has solid use with the thermo vape and solid oils. The oil I have access to is usually referred to as amber glass. At room temp, it is shattery but workable and can be broken into bits by hand.

I usually use a dome bong attachment but I would like to try something portable like this.

I am just concerned if my harder oils are gonna work well in this thing or not. I don't wanna risk wasting a gram of oil trying to get it to work.



Abysmal Vapor

Supersniffer 2000 - robot fart detection device
sessnet said:
Holy cow that looks amazing I think I see the Mother Mary in there
There Jesus half-born hanging between her legs too..
Abysmal Vapor,
I envy you.

But to answer your question. Just load a pea size ball in there. See how that works because I dont think you could load a gram at once..


Dab Trotter
I have a super malleable, taffy-like amber colored bho I've tried. It seems to get stuck on the walls a lot more than it should.

anyone else have trouble with their oil sticking so much to the walls of the unit that when they turn it it is like spreading itself around the outside of the inner part of the chamber? like when I turn the window it will be spreading bho all over the T1 leaf mark and it seems like im losing way more than I should to the sides where It is hardly melting down enough to get to the ceramic.

when I do a dab of this stuff though it melts away with really no visible residue.

it seems like its not getting hot enough or something but I really can't tell, need to do more testing obviously.

But i did get that similar "burned" taste after trying a couple different things. I still would have a lot of stuff stuck to the sides, inner and outer parts of the window, making it hard to turn. So i ended up soakin in iso, boiling it, drying it off as much as I can and that taste was definitely still there. could be some residue from the lesser quality reclaimed qwiso hash i tried.

I have had a lot of trouble getting those instant amazing hits Ive seen in a couple of videos, like that psychovape review that TV posted. Maybe its the stuff I was using? I Just don't understand why it wouldn't melt down enough and ends up sticking to the sides so much. I tried torching it a little bit but this thing gets hot fast with a torch and it still didnt seem to help all that much. Maybe need to heat up the oil in a vial (eclipse vial?) then pour it in, could work better...


I experience all those things with oil getting on the sides and the door being too hard to turn. From what I understand, its normal. I get the burning taste too, but I think it's just what the ceramic tastes like when heated without much on the ceramic. I find hitting it with a torch helps the oil on the inside of outer tube get down to near the ceramic at least. It seems to collect on that ridge and i just scrape it over the ridge onto the ceramic. Melting it down does;t give you more than 1-2 hits though anyway. I had some similar concerns like hey why is the oil going everywhere in the chamber besides the heater, but it sees that's normal.

I just wish it would;t get on the door. or outside. Makes it annoying to carry around because you either have to keep wiping it off or risk getting oil on everything. Should make a cap or something for travel to prevent the inevitable oil on the outside from ruining anything else.

when the door's hard to turn, just heat it a little.

If you put a drop of oil on the heater and take a pull or two, the first one or two should be like the video hits. After that, they become gradually thinner.

I think the oil on the sides of the chamber and fighting the buildup by melting and scraping is the nature of the beast.


Director of Vapor Research Labs™
Zipsort said:
I've got a question for someone who has solid use with the thermo vape and solid oils. The oil I have access to is usually referred to as amber glass. At room temp, it is shattery but workable and can be broken into bits by hand.

I usually use a dome bong attachment but I would like to try something portable like this.

I am just concerned if my harder oils are gonna work well in this thing or not. I don't wanna risk wasting a gram of oil trying to get it to work.



Yes, I have to agree with the others by saying that that sheet of Amber Glass is insanely delicious looking!!! :p I am wondering how they got it to be so uniform etc??? :o
Thanks for sharing and let us know how it is!!! :brow:

So my question today is: "Do you guys experience a lot of coughing (like from too huge a dab) with the Revolution?? I am gonna start testing this weekend, but I wanna know if I should be prepared for that eventuality.

Thanks in advance for any replies...:peace:


you control the size of the hit with the switch and your inhale. if you take a huge hit, you will cough. if you cut yourself off in time, you won't. be more cautious on the first few after you load it. you don't always notice how much you're getting at first and then bam. just sip a bit at first and then sip more as you get more comfortable with it.


Dab Trotter
I'm not as worried about the door being hard to turn cause of the oil, but rather wasting so much oil by it sticking to the door and upper area and never really getting unstuck until it gets cleaned. a lot was wasted on the sides of the door and I only got like 2 good hits from .12 and then it was just stuck to the insides and area between the two pieces of the chamber.

Maybe another oil will work better but with the one I used I would have gotten much more medicated had I just dabbed it.

any tips from people who've tried it more? i'm still experimenting myself.

note: the above is just my observations as a completely 100% new user using homemade oils. Just wanted to clarify that so people understand where I'm coming from.

as I get to know the device more I'm sure I'll have much better luck.


some concentrates get up on the sides and in between the pieces more than others. IIRC as Nate explained it, it's based on the viscosity of the oil and there is a physics principle that has to do with the displacement of the oil with one piece sliding into the other. that, just by design, will cause more viscous oils onto the sides.

but maybe someone else can explain.


Dab Trotter
That makes a lot of sense when you use the viscosity theory. this oil was very viscous, like I said it was very malleable at room temperature i could basically form a shape with it if i wanted and it wouldn't stick to my hands much if at all.

going to me making some more soon enough so I'll be giving it another go around soon. (maybe tonight)


Vaporizer Manufacturer
igot5onit said:
some concentrates get up on the sides and in between the pieces more than others. IIRC as Nate explained it, it's based on the viscosity of the oil and there is a physics principle that has to do with the displacement of the oil with one piece sliding into the other. that, just by design, will cause more viscous oils onto the sides.

but maybe someone else can explain.

Yes, capillary action between the inner and outer walls of the Revolution.


Glass Blower
come on people, use ya heads! heat up the cart with something gently and slowly and all the nice bho will melt and run down to the bottom, daily routine :brow: i load mine up with .5-1g at a time and just rip it for a while :brow: of course if you think this idea sounds stupid, by all means go back to constantly twisting, opening, loading, wasting product, and getting sticky bho on the outer door and in your f'n pockets! :/


in flavor country
Yeah, I try not to open and close mine by twisting any more than I have to. Sometimes I will turn it open to take a peek, to see if anything is left in there once I stop getting good vapor, but usually I just pull the cap out completely and wipe it clean while it is still warm to minimize waste from twisting. I also notice some of my oil gets stuck on the lip of the metal just around the ceramic disk, but I am also loading really small amounts in at a time. My qwiso is just solid enough at room temp I can gently roll it into a little ball if I don't hold onto it for long causing it to soften. Then I just toss it in, and warm up the ceramic enough to make it stay put and the I put the cap back on with the window closed so I don't have to twist it once its on. Seems to work better and I don't get oil all over the outside. I stopped trying with the more solid stuff, it just seems to make a mess in there. Might be making oil in the next day or so, then I can give it a proper run with BHO.
First time report! (I expect to have a very different view soon, you know how it is when you first get a vape)

Ok, I got this puppy in the mail, charged the batteries , and loaded it up with a carbon-filtered-vacuum-purged BHO.. LIGHT highly transparent amber fruit rollup but hard at night/cold temperatures.

I held the button down for 5 seconds... began to draw... felt some heat on my throat and blew out a decent rip - what a taste - warm honey. Tried again, bigger rip, hotter on my throat ... but flavor getting metalic/weird... Again, Bigger rip, I pulled faster, less heat still a GIANT rip, still off flavor. I probably put about .3 in it, a nice little ball, and opening revealed nothing. It liquifies really fast and well so I assume it dropped down into the bottom out of site. I took one more giant rip, still tasting strange.

So, now I am higher then fuck, my Omicron (which always tastes like this) never got me this high, though don't get me wrong, I still love it. But this really packs a hell of a punch!

So, I seem to remember reading something about a first time taste that will pass quickly and permanently?

I will report on progress as the flavor improves, but I am way too stoned to have anymore now.. hahahahah! With the Omi, I was never stopped in my tracks like this. Though sipping on a Omi all day is pretty Irie too.
Ok round 2, I'm only going back into the ring for science...

Hmmm, looks like I did vape that whole glob.. hahahaha no wonder im ripped!

Ok, so I changed the batteries and reloaded. Flavor improving... Smaller glob and smaller rips but I'm hanging onto the edge of my magic carpet again... hahahahah


Well-Known Member
my batteries are definitely taking significantly longer to charge, from 30-35 minutes for the first prolly 10 charges now i am guessing that i have charged them maybe 20 times and its taking 45-50 minutes...
Round 3. Yeah man. Flavor is stabilizing, thank God.

So, here is the trick... Hold for 3 seconds, then hit and puff until you see vapor... then let go of the switch... keep suckin until you are done.

That is the size of an extreme omicron hit.

Hold longer at your own risk/cost.

I really like the control you get with this!
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