Discontinued ThermoVape Revolution for concentrates


Addicted DIY Enthusiast
Accessory Maker
Hey TV, received my shipping information for my replacements, thank you so much.
I have refined that cleaning technique to further simplify it. This time I just used 1 piece of medical tubing and tied a knot to block the centre. Guess it could be clamped instead.

And here is the REV which I will be returning. (Nice and clean, but open element)


Just assemble, insuring the side load window is under the rubber as well. Add about 3" of tube worth of ISO Propanol. 99% of course. Squeeze some air out before attaching the last connection. This is to equalize the pressure a bit so when messaging the tube it does blow off so easy. Massage away having some air pass the device as well giving some good swishing and agitating. Don't get carried away, it can fly off and spray everywhere. But isn't really that much. Specially when it's kind of fun to swish it back and forth.
Found it worked great and was a fairly clean proceedure.
Dry as usual. Best to stand dry overnight. TV, can best recommend what's best there.

EDIT: just undoing he knot. Not too bad but recommend not too tight. LOL


Well-Known Member
^^^agreed, i pull it out as one piece, mouthpiece and metal

Yup, that's the way I do it as well. And pull it straight up (don't twist, that spreads oil all over the window...).



Addicted DIY Enthusiast
Accessory Maker
Thought I might get some people here going WTF?????????????


The double tank method. For eliquid but had to through it in here.


in flavor country
I have been trying to figure out a way to use one of the glass tanks for oil concentrates, can't quite get it to line up though... mostly due to airflow issues. I had thought about the Rev having the opening possibly working this way, but I am afraid it would just flood the chamber and block the air flow... would be cool though, to see your oil supply.
Just got my Low Voltage Rev, and as luck would have it I have nothing to load into it. Typical.

Is the door supposed to be so difficult to open? I find I really have to struggle to get it open and closed. My hands are pretty shitty and I've had problems with them ever since I was a teen. Do your guys' doors just flip open and closed easily when the unit is clean? Edit: eh, not so bad, just had to loosen it up.

I hope this ends up being the Omicron-killer I'd been hoping for.


Well-Known Member
Just got my Low Voltage Rev, and as luck would have it I have nothing to load into it. Typical.

Is the door supposed to be so difficult to open? I find I really have to struggle to get it open and closed. My hands are pretty shitty and I've had problems with them ever since I was a teen. Do your guys' doors just flip open and closed easily when the unit is clean? Edit: eh, not so bad, just had to loosen it up.

I hope this ends up being the Omicron-killer I'd been hoping for.

It has to be fairly tight, there's an o-ring in there, right? Some lube (VG being a good call) helps with that. When they get fouled and are cold they can stick, but warming them up cures that.

I don't look at it as replacing the Omicron cart as much as complementing it. I think both have their place, and with the new crop of adapters out now you can easily add either one to the system you're now using.

Once you get your new found friend some nice oil I'll bet you'll forgive it quickly.



Cloud Connoisseur
Just clarifying. I figured that would be the answer, but I wanted to be sure. Tried it out last night with a mini iso run. I threw a little ball of iso in the Rev and was absolutely amazed by how great it tasted and how easy this device was to use.


Addicted DIY Enthusiast
Accessory Maker
I was reading the trouble people are have with the window leaking air in and been messy in general.
Never had much chance to play yet but do have a bad unit here which is going to be shipped back but though I'd make a photo star out of it first.
Was thinking about it and with the short experience I did have I think this is a good platform to start some playing. You will find I try to keep the method as cheap as possible. Just like me.
I'm calling this the Penthouse View Mod. Used a cheap ecig external tank from HERE.

Filed out the holes a bit to let the REV fit through in place of the supplied cart.
Cut the plastic tube length down a bit. And viola, a proto type just aching for testing.
The tank is air tight thus the window can be left open.


I figure it can be used without the top section as well. Specially when you use a longer drip tip.



Loading can be done a few ways and some experimenting is needed to find the best way.
The good thing is that even if you do screw up it's OK as long as it's inside the tube and you can clean it up at a conventient time.

There is another piece for the ecig users which might be of interest if you use the Ultra RES system found HERE.

It is called an "ego charging adapter" Found HERE.

It is an extender which is the same length as the atomizer so you can add 510 gadgets without removing the whole RES.
I purchased it to use my ego atomizers on a standard 510 before I purchased the proper adapter.
Never thought it would come back for use in a big way.


With it, you can substitute it for the atomizer in the RES and add any 510 attachment to it. Whats cool is that if you use a small o-ring to block the air holes along the top it will siffin the e-juice as it were inside the RES.
Thus my previous post on WTF.....A double tank system.



Which of course makes for this option as well. Using the REV with the RES still attached.


Any ideas or reasons this might not work? As I said, it has not been tested in action but seems air tight.
This stuff is sure fun in deed.

EDIT: Note those analog cigs used as a prop are not mine....:puke:


Vaporizer Manufacturer

All I want to know is how we can help you... t:D hat is some fantastic mod work!!! It will work.


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To further inquire about the Orig. TVR running at 7.4v: I've been wondering for a short while if protected 18350 batteries, similar to the ones linked below, would fit in the ThermoVape body, as it seems their dimensions are very close to the RCR-123a's. Would there be any downside or negative impact in doing so, assuming they do fit? I wouldn't want to do anything to damage my TVR.

Also, I'd like to reiterate my view that simply making another piece to block the window probably wouldn't do much to stop the capillary action of the heated extracts flowing up between the walls to eventually exit the window area. I've been wrong before tho :D

Thanks Team ThermoVape for keeping so dedicated in responding here and providing stellar customer support in all regards.




Vaporizer Manufacturer
To further inquire about the Orig. TVR running at 7.4v: I've been wondering for a short while if protected 18350 batteries, similar to the ones linked below, would fit in the ThermoVape body, as it seems their dimensions are very close to the RCR-123a's. Would there be any downside or negative impact in doing so, assuming they do fit? I wouldn't want to do anything to damage my TVR.

Also, I'd like to reiterate my view that simply making another piece to block the window probably wouldn't do much to stop the capillary action of the heated extracts flowing up between the walls to eventually exit the window area. I've been wrong before tho :D

Thanks Team ThermoVape for keeping so dedicated in responding here and providing stellar customer support in all regards.

Using the protected batteries is a gamble. The internal PCB may trigger because the discharge draw is too high. We do not recommend any other battery other then the configuration we have it running on for now. We like the LiFePO4 battery technology because it discharges rapidly and is a very stable chemistry.

I agree, blocking the intact port would have little effect onto capillary action.

Sorry for the delayed response, I mussed the post.


Just realizing now that I must of dropped my Omicron + adapter + LS-Revolution when at a shitty dance club last night. Some piece of shit Dubsteb DJ is probably wondering what the hell it is right now.

So due to my own stupidity, I might never try a Rev, as I don't have close to the fun money right now to replace it, let alone another battery for it work with.

I'm a sad, stupid panda.


Addicted DIY Enthusiast
Accessory Maker
Just realizing now that I must of dropped my Omicron + adapter + LS-Revolution when at a shitty dance club last night. Some piece of shit Dubsteb DJ is probably wondering what the hell it is right now.

So due to my own stupidity, I might never try a Rev, as I don't have close to the fun money right now to replace it, let alone another battery for it work with.

I'm a sad, stupid panda.
Might at least be worth a call stating you lost your e-cig there. Can't hurt.
Might at least be worth a call stating you lost your e-cig there. Can't hurt.

Excellent idea, but in this case, no luck. I left my name and number but I doubt I'll ever see it again. Thanks for the good suggestion though.

I've just had bad luck as of late.


Staff member
Sorry to hear about that CDS. I just got my LV today and I'm about to give it a test run, so you can live vicariously through me if you like. :smug:

Eh, knowing everyone else is enjoying theirs just makes me feel worse. I'm not exactly flush right now and it's just a waste of money, as the whole night was.

I had my MFLB on me too, wish I'd lost that instead, but fortune favors... Someone else, anyway.

Sorry to sour a thread otherwise populated almost entirely by good vibes.


Staff member
Well, I'm very satisfied with the LV so far. Although I expected no less.

It is just like the the regular Rev in every way outside of the lower voltage. In other words, very well built, obviously a quality product meant to last. This diferentiates it from disposable carts. You can use your e-cig bat now for a load-as-you-go oil vaporizer. How cool is that? :cool:

Is there a voltage range that I need to keep in mind with this little guy? I'm using 3.7v now, but I can crank it up a bit to 4.2 if I want. Is this ok to do?

I also got the adapter, although haven't had a need for it (yet) as I'm using a standard 510 threaded device for now. That will soon change and I'll be able to make good use of the adapter.

Excellent work guys! The main feeling I get when using all of TV's products are that they're quality-built and made to last. :tup:

3.7 only and the instructions actually warn against using with variable voltage devices. You've been warned, beware the ides of March, etc.. :)



that is some fantastic mod work!!!

agreed! nice work Pipes.

ive got a couple of tanks... when i get my rev im def going to check it out!

i was going to wait until the no window top loading rev was avialable, but this looks great.

TV, any idea of when the new Revs will be available? sorry if this has been covered already.


in flavor country
I was reading the trouble people are have with the window leaking air in and been messy in general.
Never had much chance to play yet but do have a bad unit here which is going to be shipped back but though I'd make a photo star out of it first.
Was thinking about it and with the short experience I did have I think this is a good platform to start some playing. You will find I try to keep the method as cheap as possible. Just like me.
I'm calling this the Penthouse View Mod. Used a cheap ecig external tank from HERE.

Filed out the holes a bit to let the REV fit through in place of the supplied cart.
Cut the plastic tube length down a bit. And viola, a proto type just aching for testing.
The tank is air tight thus the window can be left open.


I figure it can be used without the top section as well. Specially when you use a longer drip tip.
This is exactly what I am talking about...with the glass tank system... how much can you load in there and still get it to work properly? Funny I have been brainstorming this idea for a couple of weeks now. Glad to see others on the same wave length...


Addicted DIY Enthusiast
Accessory Maker
This is exactly what I am talking about...with the glass tank system... how much can you load in there and still get it to work properly? Funny I have been brainstorming this idea for a couple of weeks now. Glad to see others on the same wave length...
The idea here is a view window and keeping the mess under some control. Also solving air leaking troubles. I really don't think I'd load up the lube in there. Maybe but if one little slip or over spillage into the chamber, I would suspect one hell of a mess. I too have been thinking about an auto delivery system but will have to wait for my REV to come in. Also, a more doable technique I've been kinda tossing around in my brain would be to settle for a storage area on the back porch (vacant real-estate). Along with the dripping tool storage so you don't have to keep cleaning it. Might have to go with a wider tank. One the same diameter as the REV and RES would be cool.
Maybe an assisted self contained delivery system.
Now you got me thinking again, need to reload.......sorry Chimay....I feel for you.


Addicted DIY Enthusiast
Accessory Maker

All I want to know is how we can help you... t:D hat is some fantastic mod work!!! It will work.


Why thank you, and the others with kind words.
Well what can you do for me....hmmmmmm
Be happy, just wish these types of gizmos were around like 30 years ago.
This is a hobbie for me and just enjoy working with my hands and test my trouble shooting skills. I see something that could be better, well there is ALWAYS a way. Feasible or not is another story.
Have always been a perfectionist to the point it drives people nuts. But once it is the way it should be, I feel it's worth it. At least to me....
I have a thirst for learning new things and a knack for putting different items together from different industries to make something never intended for that use. Like making a radio from a coconut. (which can be done btw)
My technical back ground in scientific equipment, consumer electronics and the broadcasting industry has toned me for these fun and games.
And from the short time in this forum I feel these folks here are very classy and wasn't expecting that from the name of the forum. Hehe, from work I have to use the actual IP address as the firewall there blocks it.
Anyway, again thanks and if I can help anyone out feel free to ask.
Now I might have to ask OF as he sure seems to be full of knowledge as with you too of course TV.


Well-Known Member
3.7 only and the instructions actually warn against using with variable voltage devices. You've been warned, beware the ides of March, etc.. :)

Are you sure about that? There's a warning to avoid 4.2 Volts? This seems to conflict with what 'da Man' said yesterday:

"what voltage does the revolution need? errr.... how much voltage is too much?

For the ThermoVape Revolution - LV: 3.7V standard Li-ion, or LiMn batteries are fine. These can actually read ~4.2V but they are commonly referred to as 3.7V batteries. This is the standard nominal voltage for lithium ion rechargeable batteries. The Revolution - LV will fail if ran at higher voltage.

For the Original ThemoVape Revolution you can run this up to 7.4V, it is optimized to run at 6.0-6.4V. More then 7.4V is too much."

I could be wrong (often am) but I take that to mean 'run them at a nominal 3.7 Volts, which can actually be 4.2 Volts', that is 'a voltage no higher than 4.2 is OK'???



Vaporizer Manufacturer
Are you sure about that? There's a warning to avoid 4.2 Volts? This seems to conflict with what 'da Man' said yesterday:

"what voltage does the revolution need? errr.... how much voltage is too much?

For the ThermoVape Revolution - LV: 3.7V standard Li-ion, or LiMn batteries are fine. These can actually read ~4.2V but they are commonly referred to as 3.7V batteries. This is the standard nominal voltage for lithium ion rechargeable batteries. The Revolution - LV will fail if ran at higher voltage.

For the Original ThemoVape Revolution you can run this up to 7.4V, it is optimized to run at 6.0-6.4V. More then 7.4V is too much."

I could be wrong (often am) but I take that to mean 'run them at a nominal 3.7 Volts, which can actually be 4.2 Volts', that is 'a voltage no higher than 4.2 is OK'???


OF, yep, you are correct. Take a good battery, such as an AW LiMn High Drain (sometime called IMR) 3.7V cell. Fully charged it reads in the 4.2V range, decreasing with discharge. This would be considered the upper limit of the voltage range that the Revolution - LV (or any of our other low voltage products, like the AVA LR) is designed to be run at.




Vaporizer Manufacturer
agreed! nice work Pipes.

ive got a couple of tanks... when i get my rev im def going to check it out!

i was going to wait until the no window top loading rev was avialable, but this looks great.

TV, any idea of when the new Revs will be available? sorry if this has been covered already.

Unibody Revolution in both Standard and LV Revolution are coming soon. I usually avoid announcing new products before we have them (mainly because I am inpatient and don't like waiting for something I want but is not amiable yet). The exception is when it is a direct request from the forum/medical community.

So once announced, it is an all push for full production. We had been running unibody Revolutions for months as we made a bunch for some patients with hand problems that made twisting the Revolution loading window open impractical. So we kno they work well. Now it is just cutting the production run, debarring, hand finishing, cleaning, electroless nickel plating, assembly, QC and testing, and getting the product on the website.

We are working on it as fast as we can, our turnaround is pretty fast. Measured in days, not weeks or months :D.


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