Discontinued ThermoVape Revolution for concentrates


Well-Known Member
I guess im a natural...i do after some trial and error I landed on basically the same tek as OF. I also recommend micro hitting, like with the LB(a series ofshort quick puffs as opposed to a long steady draw). I load less than OF'S .05, and im able to pull lung busters if I want.

and for the record, any metally taste I experienced stopped quickly, and ivebeen in flavor country since.

So you got there without Tim having to give you a big old clue.... Same basic place. Cool. It also backs up the observation someone made 'this thing wants to teach you how to use it'.

I also agree about taste. It could no doubt be different for others, but I guess I was distracted enough with the rest of it not to notice until it was too late. I sure can't find it. I also couldn't find a taste problem with two of the prototypes TV sent me for Beta testing but I don't think those count since they were special built not routine production. I doubt they got special treatment but might for example have been 'run in' while being tested before being sent to me.

Thanks very much for the post. I'm on the right track, or we're both lost in the same place..... If it's the wrong place, sure is nice anyway isn't it?



Well-Known Member
Are there any large difference between this:

and this:

Besides the lack of window? Is the Apex Vapor one smaller?


in flavor country
I use the LR on my 3.7 ego battery, with oil, no problems... just don't over load it, you will block up the air way. I can't speak for the HR because I have not tried that one yet.


Staff member
Video On-Demand, no doubt. Well he's not going to get KONY2012 hit numbers unless he eases up a bit on the access, don't ya' think?


Well-Known Member
Video On-Demand, no doubt. Well he's not going to get KONY2012 hit numbers unless he eases up a bit on the access, don't ya' think?

You know, I hear Vitolo knows a couple of guys who like to hurt people....I wonder if we can get his home address? Could always just hack into it, but where's the fun in that.

What is it were not supposed to see you think? He's gotta have a reason for bringing it up.........



Staff member
Try logging in using 12345 as a password and hack the bastard!:cool:

I'm curious to find out about his aversion to The Hague..... :nope:


Well-Known Member
Try logging in using 12345 as a password and hack the bastard!:cool:

I'm curious to find out about his aversion to The Hague..... :nope:

I'm not sure Denial of Vape Viewing is an International crime, are you? It should be, of course, but there's a lot of narrow minded governments around these days......



War Criminal
Damn you technology!!! You're supposed to be my friend. i'll have that video working any minute...

EDIT: ok..think I got it


Staff member
Sweet, B. :cool:

I need to make a short whip like that. Was the draw severly restricted with that tube? I know it is with mine. Takes some getting used to.



War Criminal
ya, it's pretty restriced, but thats ok because it helps me to keep the draw speed appropriate for the rev. I've also just started a new move I like...after the 10 second preheat I take a bunch of small pulls with my mouth while breathing in thru my nose until the tubes just about full, then I exhale and take down my rip.

Edit: of inspired this move...thanks G.


Active Member
So you got there without Tim having to give you a big old clue.... Same basic place. Cool. It also backs up the observation someone made 'this thing wants to teach you how to use it'.

I also agree about taste. It could no doubt be different for others, but I guess I was distracted enough with the rest of it not to notice until it was too late. I sure can't find it. I also couldn't find a taste problem with two of the prototypes TV sent me for Beta testing but I don't think those count since they were special built not routine production. I doubt they got special treatment but might for example have been 'run in' while being tested before being sent to me.

Thanks very much for the post. I'm on the right track, or we're both lost in the same place..... If it's the wrong place, sure is nice anyway isn't it?


I do taste a little off-ness but it is very minimal and only noticeable when having a side by side comparison to my oil rig. Somehow I am getting a lot better of the taste from my oil with the Ti nail but that could also be do to it being water filtered (not sure). The Rev is great but it makes my oil have a generic-ish taste rather than a noticeable specific strain. [perhaps I have not fully broken in the rev]


Glass Blower
It's a good question, one I'd not given a lot of thought to. It should be very similar I'd think, easy to do a back of the envelope calculation on it....if I can find a blank envelope back. Let's see, I don't know the final value used, but let's use 1.5 Ohms like the HO Omicron cart (within the range I was given to test). Say 2.5 Amps (2500 mA), 9 and a bit Watts. The battery is 900 mAh so 900 (mAh available) divided by 2500 (mA drawn) gives us .36 hours, about 21 minutes of 'key down' time. Say 60 twenty second hits? Not a huge number, but 'a great plenty' for most uses? Those 60 hits might take ten loadings at six hits each from 50 mg 'dabs' (what I figure I run in Revolution). That's half a gram which seems good or at least reasonable.

What do you think?

very impressive OF, for one person yeah the rev can deliver a high tolerance user like myself some very medicating sesh's and given the way i use my rev, its pretty damn convenient device. But when you medicate often with more than 1 or 2 people this can be quite a diff perspective. just when i think i have the be end all perfect vape (impossibru!) throw in a few more lungs and you can see how well a device holds up to repetitive use. the LV looks like its a good mix between the omi cart and rev, yea?


Well-Known Member
very impressive OF, for one person yeah the rev can deliver a high tolerance user like myself some very medicating sesh's and given the way i use my rev, its pretty damn convenient device. But when you medicate often with more than 1 or 2 people this can be quite a diff perspective. just when i think i have the be end all perfect vape (impossibru!) throw in a few more lungs and you can see how well a device holds up to repetitive use. the LV looks like its a good mix between the omi cart and rev, yea?


Yes, I think it 'will do' for all but the most demanding needs. Perhaps the best in class for that right now.

I fully agree, if you're going to do more than one at a time, their demands had better be lower so the total throughput doesn't get past the machine. I guess a stopgap could go in with another cart or two to rotate through so the one in service could be set aside to cool, like they do with machine gun barrels. Do it too much and the battery is going to burn up too, or run dry first. Then again, a few batteries in the other pocket and you could vape on at a reasonable pace I'd think? And there's always gloves...... The unit itself should be able to take more than you or I?

Interesting 'look' at the LV. I'd seen it as a (slightly) lower power Revolution. Based on the numbers I was surprised how little difference there seemed to be until Tim put me wise to giving it time to cook if it wanted to do it that way. The heat needed, and how it happens, seems to vary a lot, but adding still more is usually the solution. So I see the Omicron cart as a different class, 'auto feeding' if you will with more modest performance and inability to be cleaned and change concentrates easily. The Revolutions are another class, different goals, soon to be joined by 'the Nail' I think? Neat thing about the LV (aside from being available and working well, both useful traits) is it will work well on existing Omicrons (even if it will take a few 'chain hits' to get to temperature due to the Omicron's cut out) and always will. Kind of a 'mini Nail' if you will?



Director of Vapor Research Labs™
So a quick question: "is the Pure Gold stuff or whatever it's called kind of like a concentrate in e-cig juice form?" Where I am from the birds sing a pretty song, but a variety of good concentrates are NOT easy to find. :ugh: So far, I am certainly happy with the BHO and wax type, but a liquid seems much more convenient to use! :brow:

If this has already been discussed somewhere, please feel free to hit me with a link, and thanks in advance!!


Well-Known Member
So a quick question: "is the Pure Gold stuff or whatever it's called kind of like a concentrate in e-cig juice form?" Where I am from the birds sing a pretty song, but a variety of good concentrates are NOT easy to find. :ugh: So far, I am certainly happy with the BHO and wax type, but a liquid seems much more convenient to use! :brow:

If this has already been discussed somewhere, please feel free to hit me with a link, and thanks in advance!!

Here ya go: http://www.tetralabs.com/puregold.php

There are two types although currently they must be out of the other as they only list one in the product section. Medical patients are supposedly allowed to sign up with their collective and order the pure gold by the box (25 .5 g ampules) if you can get a local dispensary owner to receive the shipment but I have tried contacting them with no response.

Some info for you from the site: PureGold, the core active ingredient in all TetraLabs products, offers rapid relief for appetite loss, nausea, inflammation, pain and other symptoms. PureGold is not an extract or hash oil. Rather, it consists of the pure cannabinoids that are refined from hash oil. PureGold contains 95% pure natural cannabinoids, including 75% Δ9-THC, along with CBD, CBN, CBC and CBG.


Director of Vapor Research Labs™
Good stuff! Thanks for the info! It looks like it is made in a lab (sounds powerful too! :p ) So you would use this by dropping the contents of one of those bubbles into a LR atomizer? Still unsure of how it might be used with the Revolution...


Well-Known Member
So a quick question: "is the Pure Gold stuff or whatever it's called kind of like a concentrate in e-cig juice form?" Where I am from the birds sing a pretty song, but a variety of good concentrates are NOT easy to find. :ugh: So far, I am certainly happy with the BHO and wax type, but a liquid seems much more convenient to use! :brow:

If this has already been discussed somewhere, please feel free to hit me with a link, and thanks in advance!!

It's a highly refined oil, up to 90% active chemicals total, THC over 70%. I understand it's basically distilled out (like vaporizing in a vacuum), not solvent refined like hashes. It's quite thin (like honey sort of), feeds real well, hits like a truck with bad brakes. Only one maker, south SF bay area. Expensive, usually $40 for a half gram soft capsule that looks like a vitamin E pill with a tit on one end. It's a sole source, dispensary only deal AFAIK although there is a 'clone'.

Shows the package doing 'nail hits'

Makers site

One of the many places selling it.



Well-Known Member
Good stuff! Thanks for the info! It looks like it is made in a lab (sounds powerful too! :p ) So you would use this by dropping the contents of one of those bubbles into a LR atomizer? Still unsure of how it might be used with the Revolution...

For the revolution I guess you would just top load it and place a few drops directly onto the ceramic. I am really not sure how those atomizers work but if others have used them with hash oil I am sure the Pure Gold would work just as well.


Well-Known Member
Good stuff! So you would use this by dropping the contents of one of those bubbles into a LR atomizer? Still unsure of how it might be used with the Revolution...

I'm not sure about atomizers, I suspect it's pretty much the same deal? But I can comment on how to use PG in the Revolution, having done it a fair bit. My advice is to use it in the Revolution with EXTREME CAUTION. Yep, that's how to use it. A guy could get hurt real easy that way and I'm not sure you'll recover fully.....

Snip the tip off, drip 5 drops for a 'dry start', 3 for a reload (no more), melt it in a bit and put the top on. Put your money in a safe place, sit down, fire it up and hang on. IMO the 'best hit' out there. Smooth, sweet and more powerful than anything else you can get (literally, although I'm sure there's a few 'my oil is stronger' guys out there, I don't know any). It will spoil you for sure.

Here's a clue, vape guys use it for cloud shots in advertising.......

If you can get it, try it, you'll no doubt want a little more from time to time. Don't get me wrong, there's a lot of nice oils out there (and I use several), but PG is there for 'special times'.



Director of Vapor Research Labs™
I'm not sure about atomizers, I suspect it's pretty much the same deal? But I can comment on how to use PG in the Revolution, having done it a fair bit. My advice is to use it in the Revolution with EXTREME CAUTION. Yep, that's how to use it. A guy could get hurt real easy that way and I'm not sure you'll recover fully.....

Snip the tip off, drip 5 drops for a 'dry start', 3 for a reload (no more), melt it in a bit and put the top on. Put your money in a safe place, sit down, fire it up and hang on. IMO the 'best hit' out there. Smooth, sweet and more powerful than anything else you can get (literally, although I'm sure there's a few 'my oil is stronger' guys out there, I don't know any). It will spoil you for sure.

Here's a clue, vape guys use it for cloud shots in advertising.......

If you can get it, try it, you'll no doubt want a little more from time to time. Don't get me wrong, there's a lot of nice oils out there (and I use several), but PG is there for 'special times'.

Thanks for confirming my suspicions about this stuff...it sounds quite deluxe. Not sure if I'll ever have a chance to run into any, but if I do I will proceed with caution as you suggested...
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