Im on my 7'th different strain from moonrocks so every time i come on to post im just so medicated from this device.... its been a few days, i havent touched any other vape, pipe, bong or herb at all since ive bought my omi. Portable concentrates is the way to go

since everyone i know besides close friends HATES WEED, discrepancy is most important to me sometimes, this allows my house to appear "stoner free" while being medicated off my ass ALL THE TIME

its nice not having to either be paranoid that my house isnt clean, or that my house smells a certian way, and if my house IS clean im usually not medicated, or able to be :/ because i cant leave the ssv or EQ on the table and the required vaped weed jar, the crumbs everywhere, the smell, the tools, grinders ect laying around. Lets just say the revolution has revolutionized and totally portabalized my life haha i can stash things and be discreet, yet be medicated as much as an average loser pothead, but while still maintaining a nice life

for me MMJ just means if im not medicated, im nervous and anxious as hell and cant integrate into society, in order for me to just be a laid back relaxed normal guy, thats when mmj saves me! long story short REVOLUTION=DISCREET+PORTABLE+POWERFUL+INDESTRUCTIBLE+INDESCRIBABLE!