Discontinued Thermovape Cera


Accessory Maker
Accessory Maker
Hmm... I'm sorry to hear that about the CGRs. Perhaps return the 2 that aren't working properly? I believe the site has like a 45 day return policy. Perhaps it has something to do with the fact that the CGRs are discontinued? I guess I just don't like the idea of going back to paying 25 a pair lol.

Please let me know how this story ends- I was most certainly hoping to get more CGRs from fasttech
Its was 11ish dollars per pair so I dont think its really worth it to return them. And im thnking it might have something to do with being discontinued and possibly how they were stored. I did notice when i charged them all up some would take 2-3 hours and other would take 1-2 hours on initial charge
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Well-Known Member
Hey Fuckers(LOL),

is this the same battery you're talking about?
I was just curious because it's rated at 2250mAh?

BTW, my Cera LL still works great(though I had to make some cart-/mouthpiece mods, to fit my needs), could'nt be happier:rofl:

I will post some pics in a few days to show you my newest original mouthpiece mod (now with direct draw,no UFO anymore:brow:).

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Over the falls, in a barrel
Hey Fuckers(LOL),

is this the same battery you're talking about?
I was just curious because it's rated at 2250mAh?
That would be the US18650V3, where the one we're looking at is the US18650VTC3 which is rated for 1600mah and doesn't seem to be available on the website you linked.

The V3 with higher mah probably has higher internal resistance and therefore wouldn't fit our needs as well. I don't know this for certain but I do know that Haywood came recommending the VTC3 and not the V3. I trust him on this one!

The nice thing about the VTC3 is that it keeps its delivered voltage above 3.3v for longer than usual, and so will actually operate for almost as long as a 2250 even though it's rated for fewer mah. It should heat the core to full glow a little quicker and also heat itself up less, hopefully leading to a longer useful life?
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Scratchin' Glass!
Accessory Maker
I just got a Cera from my buddy OG. I have one thing to say...

I fucking love this vape, it's performance, the flavor, the fact that it's so simple to attach to a water pipe, you name it - this shit is great!

The fact that it feels like a 2 pound dildo no longer bother's me! I am going to start reading the thread and look forward to chatting it up with y'all!



Well-Known Member
I fucking love this vape, it's performance, the flavor, the fact that it's so simple to attach to a water pipe, you name it - this shit is great!

Welcome to the club.

So now I guess you know what guys see in it. Unfortunately some guys have had problems with theirs (not uncommon in vapes really, and TV's service is great when needed in my experience), but I think most of the 'bad press' comes from guys with unusual needs (or techniques) or those who've never tried (there's always a 'sour grapes' factor in such things I think, we need to 'justify' (if only to ourselves) not getting on board?).

Far from perfect, of course, but a powerful tool for good in the right hands more often than not.

Next, we'll show you the secret hand sign......



Well-Known Member
You simply have a problem with knowing-it-all. I mean your posts dwarf everyone else's in size and number — continuous bla, bla, bla. You go on and on, excessively on every topic and it is sick. I feel sorry for you. I would hate to believe I had all the answers on any subject which seems to be the opposite of you.

And what makes it particularly galling for some folk is that he (OF) generally is always RIGHT! lol
When in the company of a docent it is a better strategy to ask questions and learn, rather than argue and sulk...


Well-Known Member
Hey OF, what's to say I don't already know the secret hand shake?

Only one way to find out......

Which is why I whimsically changed it to 'hand sign'??? Touching strangers has it's own costs and risks you know. And when it comes down to being strange, IMO at least one of us has clear title........



Well-Known Member
Your right - that's how I caught Parkinson's......

Love it.

But kidding aside (if only for the moment) Parkinson's is generally held to not be contagious as I understand it. No known virus involved, more a matter of family history, chemical exposure and getting old? We can do something about one of those at least....

No need to fear body contact here.

I have a personal theory that while there is no cure (as yet), Cera can be effective therapy until one comes along....... In a better world your doctor would write you a couple of prescriptions, one for a Cera and one for stuff to fill it with, and let Medicare sort the costs out?

Anyway, enjoy using your Cera, that's why they made it ya know?



Well-Known Member
Its so nice to see a post from a new owner who loves it rather than a laundry list of complaints and stating its the worst POS they bought :)

Excellent point. I think it might be a little like hanging around a cop station and basing your opinion of the average citizen on what you see?

IMO there's lots of wheels happily spinning while we focus on the ones needing grease?



Over the falls, in a barrel
I just got a Cera from my buddy OG. I have one thing to say...

I fucking love this vape, it's performance, the flavor, the fact that it's so simple to attach to a water pipe, you name it - this shit is great!

The fact that it feels like a 2 pound dildo no longer bother's me! I am going to start reading the thread and look forward to chatting it up with y'all!

mvapes I gotta ask, what's a DL cart?? Referring to your sig…
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Diagnosed with level 11 G.A.S.
I use a e-pen case I got with a Vaped kit. Fits great. You can get one similar many places. The small pelican is nice to, but a bit large.

OF - police stations work, I love sitting it traffic court and listening to what people say... The car was speeding, I wasn't - the speedo was broken. Not my fault...

As the ole saying goes the squeaky wheel needs the grease


Well-Known Member


Diagnosed with level 11 G.A.S.
My wife finds it funny when I use the Cera with a hydra-tube. The ole' male into the female - she is not going to let me be...:disgust:

On the other hand - that hasn't exactly stopped her from enjoying it!
The male into the female situation is been providing much benefit to mankind since the dawn of man. Its KISS and don't you just love it when it works!
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