I got my cera back recently and they really did tuned this baby back to working condition. I don't know why it stopped working all of a sudden but it's fine I guess that's what happens when you are an early adopter. LL cart works better than before if not the same as usual. I got better at my inhaling technique by practicing and remastering the whip on my Arizer Extreme Q while it was being sent in for repair. I realized that I actually learned how to master the cera's full potential now.
Fill cart wit herbs. Don't pack firm. Slightly is okay but you are the master at creating the airflow so do use your noggin not just your eyes on this. This thing has no restricted airflow, you basically just gotta know that you're gonna have to pack a series of bowls to get potentially dense vapors once you can allow yourself to manage your inhale right. I start slow as hell and then gradually speed it up and repeating that kinda like sipping from a straw. I've got a 510 drip tip connected with a 3/4' in. clear tube (from my arizer bag) connected on the cera mouthpiece with some force. It looks natural and actually better than how the cera looks without it. Gives the vapor some time to cool down through the passage.
Definitely needs no LCD screen. You have the momentary switch and you don't need to depress it all the way in to get the cera activated. Plus it doesn't auto shut-off on you (kind of a flaw because you can definitely get the cera to combust the herbs or even be hot to touch and dangerous if not properly handled.) I never really use the battery pin stopper, it just looks useless and doesn't really justify the video TET puts on their youtube page. I hope they actually come up with a better result from the mini version because I sure would like a new and improved cera especially if it's lighter as well.
The cera gets hotter than before when it first arrived. I think I might burn myself if I don't take breaks in between. You can't share this vaporizer to a group. They'll drop it for sure if you don't instruct them to hold it from the bottom. I never dropped mine yet so I plan to just keep this as my personal vape. I really do hope TET does develop a casing that can cool heat instantly. For the most part, I'm just happy it came back. Thanks Zeki and TET team! Keep up the great job.