Well-Known Member
Nibbler T?So was this ever proven?
If so, Is there a better water tool to use?
I know the Cera has great flavor, but summers here and it's gettin' HOT
Nibbler T?So was this ever proven?
If so, Is there a better water tool to use?
I know the Cera has great flavor, but summers here and it's gettin' HOT
One of these fine days somebody should cobble up a test fixture so we can actually measure what we want from a battery. Perhaps two protocols? One for EO use where it's a series of say 15 second (?) 4 Amp runs with pauses and a LL version where it's a couple minutes at a shot? Just thinking out loud, but any thoughts? It should be pretty easy to build up and use, once one figures out what it's supposed to be.......
OK, so, having brought the topic up, I decided to have a lash at this myself. Since it can be programmable I hope to use it for other tests I want to do (at much lower power levels and continuously) for another (non vape) project.
Thus far I'm able to read the voltage, check it's above a set level (to not over discharge the battery), then put a selectable resistance load on it for a selected time (seconds) representing using the battery in the Cera followed by a delay to rest (again selectable) before checking the voltage again. It's logging only load cycles where it passes the voltage test.
My plan is for two 'standard Cera discharge profiles' and would like Members to help me decide what they should be. I'm suggesting starting with EO, but both recommendations are welcome.
To start the discussion, how about 15 seconds of heat for the hit followed by say 30 secnds between hits? 10 seconds on, 45 off?
Other thoughts?
Assuming said testing equipment could perform these actions, and someone had fresh batteries from all being tested (and lots of time on their hands) we could keep track of the data over many charges/discharges. It could then be determined which batteries began to age and fail first by keeping an eye on the battery sag and internal resistance. These values will get worse over time, but how much time vs the cost of the battery is important too.
Same day the epoxy? Around the metal ring did not hold up anymore and the ring begAn to wobble and come loose.
I hold it with one hand most of the time to vape, but this was not an issue when I first received it. It now comes off completely ,I can only speculate what caused it. I also noticed that the metal ring was different from the one that it originally came with.
May purchase one from the classifieds As a back up. There are some Nice looking ones out there. to anyone on the fence get the cera. It is a worthwhile investment. I can't wait to get it back
Hey OF I just came across this post from back in the day and was just wondering what are you and tweak are doing on TET's wall of fame (and just what is TET's wall of fame?ThermoCoreTim said: ↑
Well we didn't quite make the 50 for this shipment. But we are still here to get more ready for the AM pickup!
TimIf some one had hypothetically ordered on November 26th would their package be amongst those pictured, hypothetically?
J.D.......hypothetically it may be possible but I just thought I'd chime in and say that I ordered my unit on Nov. 20 and I did not receive a shipping notice. Congrats on your CERA purchase though!
Hey OF I just came across this post from back in the day and was just wondering what are you and tweak are doing on TET's wall of fame (and just what is TET's wall of fame?) just as the Cera was first being shipped? Just peaks my curiosity.
Sorry it took you 5 months to crack it, we would have been happy to help. It has been known that pollen and bubble hash are a treat in LL ever since Cera was just a test unit in OF's hands.After 5 months of hit (and mostly) miss, with the LL cera for pollen, I`ve finally cracked it ! The trick is to use a grinder for the hash. Lights up every time now and goes on forever ! Job done but I nearly gave up out of frustration at one stage. Without grinding first, it is difficult to get any kind of vapour, whatever technique is applied, so the three steps works with solids if you grind it fine enough to start with.
After 5 months of hit (and mostly) miss, with the LL cera for pollen, I`ve finally cracked it ! The trick is to use a grinder for the hash.
Ah, must be the overall texture of your material. I use the same method of warming with a lighter for a second and then crumbling with my fingers and this works perfectly for me because it crumbles to powder with my hash/pollen.I used to crumble the pollen after warming with a lighter, the same procedure as in making a joint. After acquiring a strong metal grinder, I experimented with breaking small bits off and grinding a bowlful into powder. This seems to have made all the difference. Game on !
Anyone using the Smooth Flow Moisture Conditioner mouthpiece?
Does it make that much of a difference in making the hit smoother?
I.personally like the ufo mouthpiece on the cera, not a big fan of getting crap from my pocket in the chamber thru the mouthpiece. Also keeps the concentrate from coming up into the mouthpiece.
Should I break out the old coffee grinder and pulverize my weed into powder for use in the Cera LL? Do you guys like to grind it that fine?
For herb i found it better to be coarse... grinded to fine works better with conductionstyle vapes... if my herb was to fine it clumped together and in the middle of the bowl there will be a empty hole... i got bigger clouds and longer sessions with coarse herb.... but what will work for me maybe must not work for you... maybe you have an other draw technic then mybe fine would work better for you...Not normally quite that fine, but IMO it doesn't hurt as long as you don't pack it in really tight. The UFO does a great job of keeping the herb where it belongs even if it's very fine.
Give it a try, see if you like it?
i got bigger clouds and longer sessions with coarse herb.... but what will work for me maybe must not work for you...
'if some's good, more's better' we used to say in the dynamite business.