Dude the cera is not that big i dont see why anyone would want a mini? its a lot smaller than it looks in photos, heres a tip, it should be smaller than your dick, you carry that around everywhere with out wanting a mini version i assume?
I know i sound way evangelica about this device for someone with only a handful of posts here (im just a forum whore of 12 years experience so i just jump in) but honestly just buy the normal size one. The only thing they could make smaller is the battery size, which you dont exactly want in a portable vaporizer, or any portable device powered by batteries, you want as much battery as you can get in all areas of your life.
if your worried about the shape and think a mini would be a less dick shaped device, maybe, but honestly its never a problem,
Just put your phone or wallet over it in your pocket so it doesnt look like you have a dildo down your pants or something and its fine.
One thing i love about this, its design is so clean nobody would expect its for getting high with, like i was driving home from work vaping up and it was fine nobody batted an eyelid or even gave me a second look. And if anyone asks your just like ECIG then walk away

and if the police ask what it is you just say its a dildo and you like it in the backside, there aint no fucking way they are going to open it up or question you about it after that.
None of that is true with vapes like an mflb, a terrible portable, and not steath at all because its all hippy vibes.