Well, I'm finally in the club! As a proud owner of two Thermovape T1s, I cannot tell you how excited I was to finally be able to purchase a Cera. I don't think I have to say I have had dreams about this day coming.
Before I get really started, I have to say I hate the switch. It is hard to get depressed while holding it in what I consider to be a natural position. I am an automotive repair shop owner and work every day on vehicles, so it isn't like I have the strength of a 7 year old. But for me the switch is a pain in the ass. I think I shall follow OFs advice and put some foil at the switch end.
I wanted to start with my complaint because the rest of my review is glowing. From the minute I picked it up, I was impressed as hell. This thing is amazing! The heft is excellent, and the feel is very ritzy feeling. It was not a cheap vaporizer, and you can tell the minute you pick it up.
I put the stock battery on charge and pulled one of my other 18650s out and went to work. Since I have had it a year and a half and absolutely love my T1, I assumed this was going to be a 'pick it up and be a pro on the first hit' guy. Although the technique is similar, there are subtle differences. The first I notice was that the first couple of hits are very cool, I assume because of the ceramic mouthpiece absorbing the heat. I opted to not use the silicone cover on the first bowl, a mistake I will not make again. The cap gets pretty seriously hot!
The first couple of bowls were not that impressive, wispy hits and disappointment and a little fear that I had purchased a white elephant. $300 is a lot to spend on a disappointment. But I have extreme faith in Thermovape and knew that it had to be my technique, not the unit.
So last night I went bowling with my brother and a buddy of ours. I took Cera along, she loves going places and seeing new things. About halfway through the evening they went outside to do a couple of hitters, and I decided that it would be a great time to see if Cera raised any eyebrows. So while sitting at the scoring table I turned her on and she reciprocated. I was starting to get the hang of her and I was loving it. We enjoyed three really nice rips together and then I layed her down on the table next to my ecig mods. Not one person the entire evening had a clue. My brother sat down and I enjoyed a couple more rips from the old girl, and even he had no clue.
It has been a good 24 hours since she came into my life, and I have fallen head over heals in love. I am still using the same battery that I started with, and have run 7 or 8 bowls through her without a problem. It is tough for me to say if she hits better than the T1, I want to say yes, but it could just be the excitement of a new toy.
I am not a medical user, I use it to calm my nerves and keep me from killing lots of people every day. I also know this device was made for the medical community, not for the average guy like me. It is a lot of money, but I paid as much for another vaporizer that required constant cleaning and parts and switches were always sticking and causing problems. It does seem to be a lot easier to use than my T1, I like that it doesn't need shaking and stirring, another big plus. The flavor it produces is as good as if not better than the T1, which has always been my favorite for pure flavor.
I will give Cera a 9 out of 10. She is a little big and heavy for most pockets (not for mine) and the switch is a definite drawback IMO, but she drives like a Ferrari and with a little patience will reward you with great rips and a lifetime of service.
I have said this many times before, I hope I do not sound like a broken record, but the Thermovape team fucking rocks!