$300 isn't wild. Pax and Inh are 250, Plenty is almost assuredly more... And you can't look at the price and not consider the fact that the body is medical grade ceramic, it uses stainless steel/Ti, all parts are sourced in America, and assembly is also in America. Our brothers and sisters are getting paid to hand-wire your cores, the skins for it are being produced within 30 miles of the factory... It just doesn't make any sense to look at a price without any facts.
I would not consider this piece if it were made in China with unknown materials.
The price tag could easily be cut if they used lesser-quality materials and had a very questionable factory putting it together paying some 12year old less than a dollar a day.
Like I said in the other thread, you don't have to pay for it if you don't like the pricetag. There are other units available right now for fifty or so bucks less. Will you get ThermoVape quality with it? Probably not.