Cheerful Dub
Spaced Station
Wow, TET in full bore is quite the sight to behold 

So far we've got AC adapter, an offering of skins estimated in various color treatments, it's your best guess as to what else may be coming down the pipe, errr the highly engineered vaporizer pathway, as it were
The concentrate core is exactly what I was hoping for. I am also glad to see the non-stick tool will come to more uses than cleaning out the tips of my mouthpieces on my T1 line.
I am assuming that just like with the Revolution, the more solid your concentrate the easier for everything and everyone - loading, vaping and leaking concerns. To see you load such a significant amount of what I would consider to be highly viscous material and rail it so many times in such a short period illustrates not only your confidence in the design capacity but also the production capacity on demand.
Nothing short of amazing, as usual. Really looking forward to the second video with all the points you mentioned as well as the liquid cartridge video. I really feel as though this is yet another game changer.
On a personal level these two cores and material applications are what made my experience with the T1 line fundamentally transcendental. It is legitimately amazing to see the first truly portable version of a high quality convection style personal vape for loose leaf, but as far as my main concerns: warm up, draw duration, vapor production, medication delivery, load capacity (all of which contribute in their own ways to overall discreetness) the concentrate core is the dream come true

At this rate a "full kit" probably won't be out until at least next year, TET keeps dropping bombs on their modularity and accessory possibilities. I do understand your concerns completely, being a Canadian customer and basically requiring everything to be in one shipment for custom duties. Although with the rate at which they (don't) sleep, who knows...Perhaps whether you'll offer a 'whole enchilada kit' or not, you can consider offering a carrying/storage case to handle it all in a safe secure carrier to purchase ??

So far we've got AC adapter, an offering of skins estimated in various color treatments, it's your best guess as to what else may be coming down the pipe, errr the highly engineered vaporizer pathway, as it were

The concentrate core is exactly what I was hoping for. I am also glad to see the non-stick tool will come to more uses than cleaning out the tips of my mouthpieces on my T1 line.
I am assuming that just like with the Revolution, the more solid your concentrate the easier for everything and everyone - loading, vaping and leaking concerns. To see you load such a significant amount of what I would consider to be highly viscous material and rail it so many times in such a short period illustrates not only your confidence in the design capacity but also the production capacity on demand.
Nothing short of amazing, as usual. Really looking forward to the second video with all the points you mentioned as well as the liquid cartridge video. I really feel as though this is yet another game changer.
On a personal level these two cores and material applications are what made my experience with the T1 line fundamentally transcendental. It is legitimately amazing to see the first truly portable version of a high quality convection style personal vape for loose leaf, but as far as my main concerns: warm up, draw duration, vapor production, medication delivery, load capacity (all of which contribute in their own ways to overall discreetness) the concentrate core is the dream come true

Slightly off topic, but when I ordered my original AVA I requested information on a TET approved mfg/vendor for these liquids/flavorings and was left to my own resources - which simply pointed me back to querying the hive mind here at FC. I would be interested in seeing an "approved" mfg/vendor list that meets TET criteria for quality standards for your liquid cartridge application.Going to shoot some Liquid vaporizer shots. this is our roots, glycerol vaping. Our friends at the Pacifica Patient Resource Center provided us with some very nice glycerol to test out in the Cera Liquid vape for the video.