in flavor country
it's 4:20a y'all!! 

WOW!! That oil chamber is insane!! That was a huge load, huge amount of vapor coming off that thing, and looks like the consistency of the oils I make... Good to know it can handle such a large amount, but how does it do with smaller loads?
Any problems with leakage or oil moving into places it shouldn't after such a big load??
Keep up the great vids guys... BTW I am over here enjoying that Ultra/HP LV EVO combo, short battery life, but packs a punch for such a small package, getting about a 5 hit load per charge w/the HP Evo which is not bad for the size battery... thanks again y'all!!Now I just need to get santa to bring me a full Cera kit.
You got a deal!! HoHoHo!
Thanks for the fast reply on the questions. Working overtime.heya!
Bluntcrush, these oil vids should be putting a huge smile on your face.![]()
Don't think that it going to happen. I have tried, as hard as I can to get the Cera LL to combust... not once.any combusting with the loose leaf yet??
Hey Noah,
You mentioned in the oil cart video that the insides of the essential oil Cera are tuned differently than the insides of the ecig Cera.
Are the insides of the essential oil and loose leaf Cera also different?
If so, how?
I think I mispoke or we got our wires crossed somewhere. You can use the Cera Cartridge for Essential oil or the Cera Cartridge for Glyceral WHITHOUT the top cap and moupiece by using a 510 compatible mouthpiece (not included) in the filling well of the cartridge.You also mentioned the the top piece of the Cera is now stainless or titanium rather than ceramic.
Are all models like this or is it an option?
I understand that the carts are different.
I must have misunderstood you. I thought you had said that there were different Cera models for ecig and essential oil. (The power unit itself, not the cart)
Sweet Jebus !!!! That EO cart demo vid has me squirming in my seatI tell ya, you must be an aqualung for sure because if I hit dabs with that vapor volume I'd surely have pulled a whitey, coughed my brains out, or just passed out
and I'm no spring chicken to oils
1) Can the EO cart accept and produce well with any stability of oils ? such as shatter, taffy, and/or goop ?
2) I'd love to see that EO producing through a water device
Already shot as well, but behind the Cero EO Video 2.3) Still anxiously awaiting the e-liquid demo
4) I mentioned this earlier but didn't get any response with my thoughts: Will there be an option to order the 'Whole Enchilada Kit' ?? I ask because it will make selecting the needs and wants of EVERYTHING with a simple selection, as well as (since I'm in Canada and hate the shipping/duty/customs dealings) would like to order all at once and ensure receiving such.
Perhaps whether you'll offer a 'whole enchilada kit' or not, you can consider offering a carrying/storage case to handle it all in a safe secure carrier to purchase ??
Keep up the great work !! Even though I must say...... I can hardly wait to see some vid demo's from a 'NORMAL' human being![]()
Thank you for your support Jam. You Convince tim to dress up like Santa for the T.E.T. holiday party and we start talking.... (this s what he gets for taking a break from the forum..)
Looks amazing !! Glad I have one on pre-order.
Quick question though. With the Always-On switch, is there any way to control the oil for quick hits, without it streaming off too much excess vapor?
The Cera easily accommodates 0.2g as well. So I would not let that be the deal breaker.It does look nice ... I was initially ruling this one out due to chamber size (I thought I had read it was <.1g / load), but noticed that you can put in as much as .25g? I would say my avg load to be satisfied is between .15-.2 depending on strain and delivery. I find the INH004 chamber size very nice ... easily accommodates .2g..
Would "normal" density, with "normal" grind, and "normal" moisture content herb fit .15-.2g easily in the chamber and deliver nice clouds? Vaped to completion quickly in a few minutes? If so ... then this might be a better option for me than I thought ....
I'm also going out of country in March, but will be somewhere where cannabis is accepted so I will be able to get meds when there, but have been dreading having to resort to joints or buying a glass pipe for the week I'm there. Would I be able to bring this with me then just have to boil the stuff clean before packing to come back? I've been thinking my INH might work too ... just dispose of the capsules? The device itself would still have an odor though I imagine and could have some particles lodged down near the heating core so I'm not sure that's a good option either ...Hmmm ...
All kidding aside I need to empty my piggy bank out.
Cheers, density, not temperature is the key on that one. One dab always make me hack... The Cera EO is designed to delivery density, an intensity of density, however our goal is to do it without having the vapor be irritating. It is a serious delivery system IMO. I would strongly caution against underestimating the Cera in this application.
I agree in for the normal person, however density in general (and definitely heat), in my case is my enemy with compromised lungs. I am however very impressed and look forward to trying this thru a bub in short rips.
Yes, yes, yes. If it transitions to a liquid when heated, the Cera EO WLL transition it to vapor, all day, every day. The lower purity stuff should go very well in the Cera LL.
Very good to know.... well not with regards to lower purity because I don't play that game 'myself' since my qwiso's and BHO's are top notch, just not as pliable as the extract you we're showing in the vid.
That has been shot. Cera EO video 2 is already being edited. I'm pretty sure you have not seen anything like it.
Already shot as well, but behind the Cero EO Video 2.
Looks forward to watching them..... the e-liquid is the one I'm waiting on to prove the 'all in one' true benefit (even though in truth I'm sure from your companies rep in the past and moving forward I really have nothing to doubt).
You already can. As soon as you get to any of the Cera product pages, just select the accesories avialble on the right. Get the additional cartridges, extra batteriers, anything we are currently offering with the Cera is available right on the Cera produt page. We have made every effort to allow folks to build their kit just how they want. The whole enchilada is there for you! At least for the moment. Pre-sale is picking up... if it is for sale ont he site then that means we paln onshipping it out in advance of the holiday.
Agreed, your site is set up very well.... my ambition for mentioning was in hopes that you'd offer a single one selector button to 'get it all' at a slight (however minute) discount as a grouping single purchase.
ps: I have brain injuries on top of physical injuries and have difficulties deciphering TOO MUCH information or TOO MANY options.
Many very nice cigar cases fit this bill very well. We currently do not have a case in the works. We would want to do something with some type of local/American craftsmen/women maybe in a renewable wood like bamboo. Slick little clamshell case, Neodymium closure... just thinking out loud. that would be the way we would be interested in approaching the storage case/ otherwise we would argue the people here do a better job then we do finding innovative storage and carry solutions.
Was just a thought to offer your customers...... and I like the way you think
Well, how much confidence would we inspire if the guy running the vape factory cannot blow a cloud?
I take my work seriously, seriously.
True, but like I said...... there's no way your human![]()
Best way to load / How much can be loaded (oils, wax). When loaded and we take like 1-2 hits then want to save the rest for later is there a cool down process / can we put it in the pocket and have it side ways / upside down (thinking rides at amusement parks). Is it a good load (like .3g) and go vape or do we have to take care of not spilling or leaking what is inside? How much different is it from the loose leaf vape. Just general things that a new person to oils would want to know.
(The forum never sleeps. I'm glad TV doesn't sleep either)
Any time Jam.
Here is the requested Cera Loose Leaf Video - So this is not my technique, but my experience was a very nice, potent, tasty blue vapor. I am of course, totally biased.