How important is it to leave the cap off for cooling? Is this just to prevent resin accumulation from the mouth piece and o-rings, meaning I would I just need more cleaning around the mouthpiece?
Not important. Just an option. It will cool faster, not by much.
I like the clouds in the vid but i produced clouds that big with my t1, with the help of the official power adapter ofcourse. Still may add cera to my collection eventually. But i have a question for TET are there any plans to make a black delrin shell that maybe snap together may be just over the main body i rather a black and white cera than an all white one.
No, not delrin. The cost would be high, we think we can do one better. We will offer low cost, American made, silicon skin/bumper. This will give an additional layer of insulation, and drop protection to the external ceramic. This will also allow for many color options. Black, Red, and likely many more. FDA approved material and sterilizable. We think this is the right material for the job in this application. It also allows us to test various thickness of silicon tubing to use, light (thin walled tubing) and extreme options (thicker walled tubing). This looks like the option we will be able to offer right away for those that:
1. Want color options.
2. Want some additional impact protection.
3. Want some additional thermal protection.
If you don't like it don't buy it!
Cheers Darb, could not agree with you more. We are not making any attempt to be all things to everyone. We do not spend any money on marketing. We have no intention, or desire, to convince people that they MUST have one of our devices (except OF, we did have to convince/torture him). We do not need to sell a lot of loose-leaf vaporizers (we also make e-cigs, oil vapes) this is not a volume game for us. We could scale down and sell 1/10 of the vaporizers we currently do and still be in business. We are just doing are best to find and support people who do like the value, and performance we offer in our devices. Not to convince everyone that they must own and love our devices.
If anyone reading is not interested in the device and value proposition we are offering. No problem, please do not purchase our products, and we do sincerely hope you find another device that better meets your needs and expectations.
Ultra clean, portable, pocket friendly Convection vaporization is the primary value proposition we are offering. Many people, we know (because they tell us) do not care about the method (conduction, convection, etc.) their vaporizer uses, nor do they care where it is made, or really what it is made from. They may just want a device that meets their needs for vapor production, form factor, color, or any number of feature offerings that have varying levels of importance to different people.
The compressed-time part in the middle bothered me because we got no clue how long it actually was. Actually it's more than that, the fact it was necessary also bothered me. I could be wrong, but I got the impression it was necessary to cool the Cera down.
The Cera, if ran flat out can certainly get hot enough you would want it to cool down. We never have claimed to make a vaporizer that did not get hot. This is a ~15 Watt convection vaporizer. People should expect it to get
If that's the case, that's a pretty short operating window.
OF has posted that his got almost too hot to hold at one point. How long does it take before you have to put it down?
Depending on the variable at play, running flat out with no air being drawn through it (
Not how it is intended to be used), would be between 3.5 - 15 minutes.
How hot does it get anyway?
Hot enough that you would want to let it sit for a 3-5 minutes to cool off. The Cera heats up steady, and cools down steady. It will not all of a sudden get too hot to touch, it would slowly continue to increase in temperature until at some point you would want to put it down.
Also, I think you need to either use a more typical draw pattern or get someone else to do the videos. That last hit, aside from a slight puff at around 20-25 second mark, was almost a minute long. You like 25-30 second hits, which is fine, but it's easy to get the impression that's what you have to do.
I'll see what I can do. Shorter draws. What would your typical time of inhalation be?
I don't much like this kind of video demonstration. They're heavily biased towards that big money shot where you show you got a huge cloud. Lots of us don't care if you can pull clouds, we want to know whether we can get low temperature tasty vapour.
Sorry you did not like the video. We made this video as a response to be asking for a demonstration of techniques to get more vapor production. If you would like a demo of lower temp vaping we can work on that as well. Our goal will be to produce videos that answer people questions or requests. We find it very difficult to shoot a good video that shows everything the device can do in one 10 minute span. We are going to chunk it down into more 1 topic videos.
We want to know whether we can get low temperature tasty vapour. Of course that's hard to show in a video...
You can certainly get low temperature tasty vapor. This is bread and butter Cera territory. This we can deliver all day. Much more so then a part-vape fog-machine this is the intended application of the technology. I also agree it is very hard to demo in a video.[/quote]
and maybe the Cera isn't good at that anyway. Thinking about how it heats up and the limited control you have over the vapourizing temperature, I don't see how it could excel in that area.
You may be missing how the Cera works. You have total, absolute control over the temperature. The Cera can be easily run to produe no visible vapor, or dense visible vapor, and anywhere in between. From the absolute lowest limit of vaporization temperatures to near combustion. Temperature control is easily achevied by:
1. Warm-Up time: 5-10 seconds for a lower temperature start, and more flavor. 20-30 seconds for a warmer start and denser vapor.
2. Inhalation speed. This alone can be used to adjust the temperature, as this is a convection vaporizer you have a lot of control by how you choose/prefer to move air through the Cera.
3. The activation button. Like the T1 the Cera has some power to spare (we have to account that some people live in sub-zero temperatures, altitude, high humidity environments etc.). So once the desired type of vapor is acheived using steps 1 and 2 above. The device can easily be turned off/turned on i.e. "pulsed" if desired. This keeps the device cooler, and increases battery life, and is another way that temperature can be controlled.
You have him working hard!... I hope you bought him lunch for his troubles

Can you do a vid with it used with a water utensil?
Water utensil video, now on the to do list.