can you show us how to break down and re-assemble the Cera? i know there is not a lot to it, but it would still be nice to see.

can you show us how to break down and re-assemble the Cera? i know there is not a lot to it, but it would still be nice to see.
We will have time today to shoot, so anything else Loose-Leaf sepcific that you want to see soon, let us know.
I'd love to see the Illuminated switch in action?
So happy SM is getting a demo unit, reading about the cera is one thing but in this day in age we need videos and pics!
Thank you slightly medicated, for your videos are awesome and have helped me more than just descriptive writing!
,thanksYes, I fully agree. SM has a true flair for videos, he takes it real seriously, top flight gear to shoot with, good 'set', well thought through scripts. Some good stuff coming for sure.
Also, IIRC, he's a big cloud expert (?) which is a perspective asked for by many. While I'm no authority in the area by any means, this morning's session has confirmed for me he'll have something to work with. It was surprisingly easy to get thicker vapor than I really wanted. I kept instinctively backing off again......
Next time. I'll do better next time. Cera is doing just fine.
The Cera, if ran flat out can certainly get hot enough you would want it to cool down. We never have claimed to make a vaporizer that did not get hot. This is a ~15 Watt convection vaporizer. People should expect it to get [sic]
It was also getting impossible to hold onto. I was hanging on the last inch of the body and the metal end cap before I carefully pushed the button off and set it down.
Depending on the variable at play, running flat out with no air being drawn through it (Not how it is intended to be used), would be between 3.5 - 15 minutes.
Hot enough that you would want to let it sit for a 3-5 minutes to cool off. The Cera heats up steady, and cools down steady. It will not all of a sudden get too hot to touch, it would slowly continue to increase in temperature until at some point you would want to put it down.
I'll see what I can do. Shorter draws. What would your typical time of inhalation be?
Sorry you did not like the video. We made this video as a response to be asking for a demonstration of techniques to get more vapor production. If you would like a demo of lower temp vaping we can work on that as well. Our goal will be to produce videos that answer people questions or requests. We find it very difficult to shoot a good video that shows everything the device can do in one 10 minute span. We are going to chunk it down into more 1 topic videos.
You can certainly get low temperature tasty vapor. This is bread and butter Cera territory. This we can deliver all day. Much more so then a part-vape fog-machine this is the intended application of the technology. I also agree it is very hard to demo in a video.
You may be missing how the Cera works. You have total, absolute control over the temperature. The Cera can be easily run to produe no visible vapor, or dense visible vapor, and anywhere in between. From the absolute lowest limit of vaporization temperatures to near combustion. Temperature control is easily achevied by:
1. Warm-Up time: 5-10 seconds for a lower temperature start, and more flavor. 20-30 seconds for a warmer start and denser vapor.
2. Inhalation speed. This alone can be used to adjust the temperature, as this is a convection vaporizer you have a lot of control by how you choose/prefer to move air through the Cera.
3. The activation button. Like the T1 the Cera has some power to spare (we have to account that some people live in sub-zero temperatures, altitude, high humidity environments etc.). So once the desired type of vapor is acheived using steps 1 and 2 above. The device can easily be turned off/turned on i.e. "pulsed" if desired. This keeps the device cooler, and increases battery life, and is another way that temperature can be controlled.
No electronics means it will last a long time!Probably won't be able to get this done today. This will go on the list for the weekend or next week. Simple ring of blue light when the safety is deactivated and the switch is depressed. It does not provide any indication other then the circuit is complete and that there is power to the core. No changing colors or charge level indicator. There is no internal circuitry or PCB as we see these as a source of failure. Just a simply ring of LED illumination. Dead simple and reliable. We will get one put together and some video shot soon.
Trying to vape hash in my Ultra made me laugh, and made me worried I'd burn my lips... warm enough to evap a drop of water on the outside body of the atty, although I saw no steam. Have to remember to set it down and not touch from where the mouthpiece goes in, to where the switch housing ends. Then again the unit is pretty small and not really the best to use hash with... I probably wouldn't be too keen on throwing my Ultra in my pocket after something like that.Heat is a big issue for me. The T1 would turn into a hot iron after use, which made it very difficult to toss into ones pocket at a moments notice.
Ok my two cents on video requests. I want to see as kushcabbage does, a 30 second warm up, a 5 second hit and a 10 second hit. No repeated hits like Noah was doing hit let some out hit nooooooooooo in case I wasn't clear lol.
Ok so you vape then smoke ciggs wtf. You must be an athlete minus the ciggs cause I can't believe how much you can inhale. I disagree with paka but I can't tell time. I had that last inhale at a minute five seconds. I also had the "SHORT" inhale at 13 seconds still a long one for some of us.
No he was smoking during the time lapse. You can see the smoke he was blowing out unless he was using another vape after he said he was done and needed a break.
I assume you meant "to get hot." People expect parts of their vapourizer to get hot. They don't expect the whole unit to get too hot to hold onto. I asked because OF posted these comments:
Heat is a big issue for me. The T1 would turn into a hot iron after use, which made it very difficult to toss into ones pocket at a moments notice.
I'm in the process of finally putting my order together and have a couple questions left.
If I order the illuminated switch,would that take the place of the stock one,or would I have a spare?
This will happen. Not before Christmass. High priority for us.I may have been hallucinating (happens a lot), but did Tim mention an AC. adapter on the way,if so could ya give us a time frame?
Well, historically we like to have you guys get you hands on them, and then tell us what you would like us to make. We evealuate teh requests and if we can do it, we will.I know you folks have more accessories in the works....any chance of a few "previews".....please?
I would never meet in person, what if he tried something? I have been accused of holding his family captive, despite the complete lack of any evidence of my direct involvement...Hey could you settle a bet I made? Is it true Of wears diapers in public,or does he only do that while testing?
Also is he paid by the word,or do you just beat the shit out of him until he posts exactly what you tell him?
This wouldn't happen to be you, Tim, would it? (lowering the Cera down to Of of course)
Here is what you can count on:
1. A silicon insulating bumper, in at least black. So for maximum thermal insulation, maximum impact resisitance, and for those that want black for stealth, this accesory will be the ticket. We should have these ready to ship with the first group of preorder Cera's.
2. The option of having the safety being a selectable switch, or a removable safety pin. The latter option would allow people to completely remove the safety in, and use it only for storage o travel. Aesthetically the look will not change much. The safety switch option is not removable, the safety pin would be. We will show a video of the difference. Pre-order folks will be able to decide whcih option they would prefer. expect a video demo of that option in the next few days (its on the list). This will be available with the first shipment fo Cera's. No price difference.
3. AC Power Supply. Early 2013.
4. Us being excited, and eager to hear what else you envision as being valuable accessories.
Actually I only made one of those comments (which is why they might be confusing?). Running it too long, IIRC about 20 minutes (like half the total battery charge), gets you down to the last inch or two of ceramic and the metal and it starts getting awkward. Later I reported that was a kind of self regulating that forced shorter, more intense, sessions. Or shutting it down between hits should work to the total on time stayed under 20 (or what ever). Actually, at five on and five off you could probably go through entire batteries, perhaps even 'forever'.....like in flight fueling your bombers. Sorta. The last few tests have been more like five minutes, much different. You can pull the cap off directly at that point without worry.
It's not painted orange and labeled anywhere, but it gets warm in normal use. Others can weigh in on how hot warm is, but IMO it's not a glaring safety issue. Then again, there's McDonald's coffee for a precedent.
While I obviously can hold it (I haven't dropped it yet) it gets uncomfortable to hold progressively as you run it. Heat works down from the core so hitting it makes no difference, I left it running with no load and it still got as hot in the same time frame. The MP heat depends on draw. The cap, more than the MP, gets too hot first. However I've stuck an inch long piece of tube on mine and that moves the hot part far enough away so it's not an issue.