I'm excited to get a portable vape that actually works well for oils. The persei is ok and it does the job, but its design doesn't even compare to the cera. I'm excited for the longer battery life, the ceramic zerconia body (drooool), and the raw functionality. From what I can see from the videos, it looks like it just plain works exceptionally well without flaw. It feels like a vape from the future almost. I am still very curious as to how the EO heater works...but it sounds ideal. A porous material for the oil to soak into which acts as a container...but how does the oil actually vaporize? Iron alloy wrapped around ceramic? It looks almost instant vapor production from those videos. I hope my order gets shipped out before xmas, I ordered on the 10th 
Looking forward to the first reviews!
What's the word on the colored o-rings?

Looking forward to the first reviews!
What's the word on the colored o-rings?