OF, could you check the ohms on your EO cart? I'm curious about the power levels and my earlier question to TV got missed...
Actually, no I can't. Nor am I sure it's even the final value (the one that will ship). And I have no fixture to measure it like I do with 510 and m601 stuff. Tim determines that; since my attempts to calculate Power were about 20% under his with my first Herb cart they would not be useful here I think.
I'm told the intent is to use the same values for Herb and Oil carts. As Tim measures it, I believe that is 14 Watts? At least it was. I seriously doubt you were missed or ignored as much as there was no answer to give?
In the end it's also good to remember it's going to be a window, with "good" values being say 13 to 15 Watts, not all 14.0.
Sorry I can't be more precise than "probably about 14 Watts".
I'm almost willing to pay extra to receive mine sooner if that's possible lol.
Almost willing"? Perhaps it's 'almost
Kidding aside, if you're looking for the Titanium version, I don't think those metal parts are even done yet? I'm sure they will ship them as soon as they possibly can. If, OTOH, you're offering to slip some cash to the maitre d to get an earlier table, I suspect those with reservations under the "first ordered, first shipped" deal might object?
Waiting is tough for sure, but I think we're safe in trusting TV to be as fast and fair as humanly possible. I expect them to keep the schedule and start shipping tomorrow and clear the back-orders as fast as possible. And I expect lost of pleased customers, not a crop of problems as sometimes happens.
That doesn't help the wait, of course. Good luck with that. IMO you'll be enjoying yours ASAP.