Alright... got all the parts and batteries for the Ultra Res set up for my hunny in the mail today. The Res part from Dragonfly Ecigs is JUST the top part, the ceramic Res and the part that lets you screw it into the battery chamber, but does not come with battery chamber or atomizer.
I went ahead and ordered another Ultra body so he could have his own (hands off mine!!) and I had also acquired another LR AVA atty, but he did not like how slow it was to produce vapor, so we popped a standard SS 510 atty in there, and it's running great so far. He is actually using it!
I was worried at first when he didn't like the AVA, though, he did not at all give it time to warm up and get going, he just tried hitting it a couple of times and said, it's not working. A bit impatient, maybe it was just not the right time to present it to him. None the less, he's liking it now so we shall see if it sticks.