So the chinese ninja the thermovape ultraMax battery mod..hehehe. But chinese make their to fit 18650 imr and can stack 2x18350 imr for voltage of 7.4v full charge 8.4v which both have more power life then 17670 imr batteries. The shitty thing is it stainless steel housing and posts...which will offer more resistance and unwanted voltage drops unlike thermovape which use alum housing and brass posts for best conduction. I have seen them by 2 names: The Slider and The Cylon. The UltraMax mechanical mod his a voltage lost underload with revolution/Dart 1.5ohz dry core of .2 volts which is amazing! with a wet coil it is .10 with my setup. The Slider his a voltage lost underload dry core of .46 volts they is kind of bad lol and wet core of .3 which is ok. Both was tested with full charge AW IMR 3.7(4.2)volts. I'll sandpaper all the plating of the contacts and post tosee if i get better volt underload.
I just find these funny...
Very intresting, do you have any more picture of it? maybe of the inside and how the cart connects?
Where did you get this one?