bcleez said:I am not sure you got what I am saying, unless you have a vastly different batch of wax. BTW like I said I have made organic wax & lotion so I am speaking from experience. It is too WAXY - Rather than a butter. Application is not the problem, its the film it leaves. Other log vapes have a more buttery mix that is more oily and absorbs rather than sits on top.
Regardless nice unit.
I get what you are saying perfectly; PD has "buzz BUTTER" and the WZ had "Woodeez WAX". In order to make the WZ Wax more applicable, I take off the top cover to my wax, I then take the side that has the wax facing up and I set it upside down on top of my heat exchanger to kinda melt the wax. Once that is done I can now easily and evenly apply the wax to the piece. I understand you would rather use your oil, but just encase you run out and need to use the wax you can try my method.
Oh and thank you